
When I try to open up a *.wmv file i get the following error.

Error: Windows Media Player has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

I have tried codecs which usually help to fix this type of problem.

I have also tried installing WMP v11, which installed fine however I still got the same message.

I have also registered a wmpui.dll file however I still get the error as listed below.

Here is a screen shot of the error:


If anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards


corrupt file maybe ,have you tried copying it and opening it on another computer

Hi caperjack

Thanks for your reply.

I have tried the file on another PC and it works fine.

This error is happening with many different *.wmv files that I try to open with WMP v10.

Any other thoughts?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Corrupt windows media player perhaps.

Try opening the same file with winamp, it's free to download.


Hi iamthwee

Winamp works a treat! I think it may be a good alternative to WMP.

However I would still like to find out how to fix WMP as I would like to know what has caused the problem.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

My guess is one of you windows media files is corrupt. When you're installing WMP version two you're prolly just overwriting some of the files.

But the corrupt file might still be there causing you pain. Normally I'd say go to control panel and uninstall it. But windows media player is different because it is part of microsoft xp?

Other than that all I would suggest is doing a system restore to a much earlier time. Maybe that might roll back WMP to its original state.

Hi iamthwee

Thanks for your assistance.

I think that you are right about having a corrupt file in WMP.

As I cannot uninstall it from the Control Panel do you or any one else for that matter know where the program folder is in Windows XP Pro for WMP?

I think that I'll rename this folder, once I find out what it is, and then reinstall WMP to see if that helps to replace the corrupt file.

BTW thanks for the Winamp plugin links.

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