Hi all,

I hope you can help... I've made a big mistake and let my brother try and fix my laptop becasue I didnt have the time to do it myself... Now its even worse...

The original problem was whenever I opened a website that played a video using WMP, I would get a error and IE would close.

Now my problem is WMP is uninstalled and I cant get it back I keep getting this message when I try to install it:

"This version of Windows Media Technologies is incompatible with this version of Windows. For more information, view the information at the Microsoft web site."

"Issue Description:

This version of Windows Media Technologies is incompatible with this version of Windows. For more information, view the information at the Microsoft Web Site here: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=28004. "

Except the website offers no information in repairing the error.

Please help... I am out of ideas..

Thanks in advance,


By the way I am running XP Home SP2

Yes Its a legal copy, cam with the laptop


First of all, Thanks for helping....

First link was interesting.. but unhelpful

Second is more what i am facing only System Restore is not as option... as it is turned off.

Got any other ideas that might help?

Thanks in advance, again :-)

Do you have WMP 9 Installed? If not try to install that first, then upgrade to 10.

Good thought

I tried that allready... and same problem....

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