I have windows98 plus. My computer has 2 usb ports but I can't find the drivers on my 98 disc or by going on line. I bought a Labtec web cam and when I try to install it I get can not find usb. Can someone tell me in simple terms how to find and download the drivers on my computer for my usb ports. I am not very good with computers so I need it to be explained very simply. I am learning but am still computer illiterate. If anyone can help I would most greatful. I have a web cam but can't use it. Thank you. :)

Pigkisser, can you give a more detailed specs of your computer. Is it an old computer? is the USB port an expansion or is it built into the motherboard. Models and brands can be of great help too. Maybe we can help you look for the driver online.

oalee: Thank you for trying to help me. I am not very smart about my puter so please be patient.
Ok, I have a rebuilt puter. It has 160MB of Ram, System Resources 54% free, File System 32 bit, Virtual Mem. 32 bit. I have 2 hard drives. My usb's are built in to the mother board.I have windows98SE and 98plus. I don't know what else you need to know so ask me questions and tell me where to find the answers and I will do my best to tell you all you need to know. I just want to be able to use my web cam. I have 2 usb ports.


I'm just going to take a stab at this. Since there is no generic USB driver for motherboard controllers (at least for older OSes) that I know of, I would suggest taking a look at the markings on the board and looking for a model number (another way would be to look at the startup and check out the make and model of the board). A quick trip to the manufacturers website should yield the driver set for either the whole board or just the USB (different manufacturers approach things differently). At that point, it's an installation away from done.


startup and check out the make and model of the board).
Thank you for your help. I am not very good with computers. How would I go about finding the make and model of my board using my computer? If you can give me the steps to follow I would really be greatfull. I am trying to learn how to do all these things myself. Thanks

Well...there are a few ways...but let me give you what I think is possibly the easiest...(though others may have easier ways)

While your PC is starting up, annoyingly push either F2 or DEL repeatedly. If it goes into BIOS, score! Some board manufacturers specify right in BIOS startup screens what the board type is [such as some Intels, Acers, and SOYOs]. If not...I guess get back to me.

The other possiblity is as the PC is starting (provided there is no graphical blockade on it) the system will quickly flash the board specs.

Thanks for your help. I went to microsoft and downloaded 240075up.exe which is a program for windows98SE for usb driver trouble, Well it didn't work. So I will look for what you said on my puter. I did find a spot that said
Authentic AMD
AMD-K6(tm)3D processer Thanks Nancy e-mail: PKsforSue@aol.com (might be easier) to talk.

Tryed that didn't work. But I have now found out that my usb's are not enabled. I went to device manager and they are not even listed. I read that they may be there but are disabled. I just don't know how or where to go to enable them. Thanks.

Tryed that didn't work. But I have now found out that my usb's are not enabled. I went to device manager and they are not even listed. I read that they may be there but are disabled. I just don't know how or where to go to enable them. Thanks.

hi, so in device manager there wasn't ont that read like this ,
+universial serial bus devices

I should be the last one in the list ,if it is then hit the plus and when it opens see whats inside ,if something there you can deleted them and reboot widows and let it reinstall them ,we use to do this when i worked phone tech for problems with usb devices used with a Palm handheld

thanks for your help but I have no universial serial bus devices in my device manager.
I went to the website of my motherboard and downloaded the drivers for my windows98 program. Tried to download it on my puter and it told me: Registry key error. So I am ready to give up. I have been trying to get this thing working for a month and had my puter apart 4 times today and now I am having trouble with my sound blaster. I broke a little wire and now have to fix that. Thank you for writing. Nancy

They should have loaded with windows !that explaines why its not working but not where they went !!

This is a new motherboard for me and an upgrade in a puter. I didn't have any usb's in my other puter. Now that I have them I can't get them to work. I guess my win. 98 doesn't have drivers for usb's. I found web site but couldn't get download to install on my puter. said Registry key error so have no clue what to do now. Buy a new puter I guess.LOL Thanks for trying.

This is a new motherboard for me and an upgrade in a puter.

Nancy, this new motherboard should have come with a CD (or floppy disk) containing all the drivers needed, did you install the drivers from that disk? They may not be the most up-to-date drivers, but they should allow it to work. You could also try the website for the motherboard manufaturer to get updated drivers for it.

Do I dare ask why you call yourself 'Pigkisser'? :eek:

A friend put the new motherboard in for me so I have no disc. He built my puter for me. My other one didn't have usb's. That is why I am having trouble getting my usb's to work. I went to the web site of the motherboard and downloaded the driver for my windows. I then tryed to install it on my puter and it told me Registry key error. So am stuck for now.
I call myself pigkisser cause I had a potbellie pig named piggysue and she loved to give me kisses. I also loved to kiss her. She was so cute. Thus Pigkisser

Can you get in touch with your friend and see if he has the drivers that came with the motherboard? I think that would be the easiest way to get it working.

As a second option, if you could give us the make & model number of the mobo, perhaps someone here can locate the drivers you need.

("Piggysue," that's cute!)

I have a VIA and someone got the web site for me and I went and downloaded the drivers for my windows 98. I downloaded the driver and then when I went to install it on my computer in said Registry key error. So I am stuck now. I will see about talking the guy that did my puter and see what I can do there. Thanks

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