Actually, I have two problems. The title pretty much explains the first one. I installed scanner software from the disc itself instead of using the new hardware wizard (Windows xp home edition, if it matters) on my new HP. Now every time I start the computer, I get the 'found new hardware wizard' -- and I can't seem to shut it off!! Could this have to do with xp preferring (more like insisting on) 'authentic Microsoft signed software' to 'assure compatability'?(howd: howls of derisive laughter)
'Cause that's part of my second problem. I've got a printer, and now this computer won't even load the old driver, even when I've shut off the 'don't-bug-me-if-it's-not-signed-software' feature. Just loggin' on and getting an updated driver isn't possible 'cause I don't have an internet connection at home. Any way around these? :confused: