I was browsing the internet today (I was trying to download iTunes, I do not know if it had started to download) on my Dell Inspirion E1505 today and a blue screen came up saying "A problem has been detected and windows has been shutdown to prevent damage to your computer..."
It had the following codes:
STOP 0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0806E694F, 0xF78E4C30, 0xF78E492C)
Then when I restarted the computer it said it had just recovered from a serious error and had the following codes:
BCCode: 1000007e BCP1: C0000005 BCP2: 806E694F BCP3: F78E4C30 BCP4:F78E492C OSVer: 5_1_2600 SP:3_0 Product:256_1
and it said there was a problem in the following locations:
I would greatly appreciate any help.
Thank You