My computer has gone nuts on me here is what I get when I boot my computer.....

We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware or software change might have caused this.

If your computer stopped responding, restarted unexpectedly, or was automatically shut down to protect your files and folders, choose Last Known Good Configuration to revert to the most recent settings that worked.

If a previous startup attempt was interrupted due to a power failure or because the Power or Reset button was pressed, or if you aren't sure what caused the problem, choose Start Windows Normally.

Safe Mode
Safe Mode with Networking
Safe Mode with Command Prompt

Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked)

Start Windows Normally

Use the up and down arrow keys to move the highlight to your choice.
Seconds until Windows starts: 30

The first time I came across this message, the seconds counted down, I tried Start Windows Normally, and it looked as if windows was booting up for a second or two (the black and white progress indicator bar came up), then a blue screen flashed up really quickly (I think it may have been the scandisk message). Then the computer rebooted to the above message again. This time, the seconds did not count down, it remained on 30. I am able to arrow up and down.

I tried Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking, Safe Mode with Command Prompt and Last Known Configuration but windows reboots each time. (After listing scrolls of windows system paths?)

I've put the HD in another computer and it starts up fine.
I've even reinstalled XP (with my E-machines recovery disk) through that computer on a blank HD and instead of rebooting it gives me the blue screen of death, buts its saying that there is an error and to run scan disc but, but it feezes there......I put the HD into another computer and it runs fine.....please Help! It's no longer under warranty so I cant call E-Machines.

Hmm....did you per chance install Service Pack 2. This error sounds all too familiar to me.

Also, is the performance on that hard drive sluggish.

Get back to me. If so, I think my knowledgebase has a solution for you. :cheesy:

Hmm....did you per chance install Service Pack 2. This error sounds all too familiar to me.

Also, is the performance on that hard drive sluggish.

Get back to me. If so, I think my knowledgebase has a solution for you. :cheesy:

Service pack 2 is not installed on this doesnt seem sluggish because I cant even get it into windows lol.


Now is this 'Blue Screen of Death' an exception error that beings a memory dump prodecure?


Now is this 'Blue Screen of Death' an exception error that beings a memory dump prodecure?

It doesnt state that just that I need to run scan disk, but I cant even get into a command prompt...what funny though is I switch the HD to another computer and it boots up fine.

Oops...reply didn't suit the situtation. Neglected something.

I'll get back to you.

Hey PcPalCT,

What you described is exactly what has happened to me on my main computer. I have a Dell 2400 Series and I just installed the Service Pack 2 for Windows XP on it a week ago. The software downloaded and started the installation and right in the middle of installing, my computer rebooted on its own. I thought this was part of the installation process, but I got a blue screen saying exactly what Willow's said about installation being interrupted and Windows trying to restore the computer to its last configuration. It was taking a while so I left it on and went to bed. When I woke up the next morning, the blue screen was still there and nothing had changed, so I rebooted and now all I get when I reboot is a black screen with a flashing cursor.

My computer was running fine before that, except I had a few too many mp3 files on it, which was causing memory issues at times.

Do you have any advice? I have no idea what to do and I'm in pharmacy school so I really need the use of my computer. If you can help or if anyone else can help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks,


Hmm....did you per chance install Service Pack 2. This error sounds all too familiar to me.

Also, is the performance on that hard drive sluggish.

Get back to me. If so, I think my knowledgebase has a solution for you. :cheesy:

Hey Brian:

Sure. I'll get the KB article and put it up ON THIS POST. So don't look below...look for an edit. :cheesy:

When you get the Blue Screens, do they give any Stop error codes? If so, post the full and exact code.

Thank you so much. I really really really appreciate your help. :D


Hey Brian:

Sure. I'll get the KB article and put it up ON THIS POST. So don't look below...look for an edit. :cheesy:

My question is ...

How does the hard drive when removed and put into another machine boot up and work?

XP dosent do that... It sees the Mobo change...

I would suggest you use that other PC to change the partition configuration slightly,
Format the partition but do not install an OS on it...
Put it back into your Emachine and see if it will accept your Emachine recovery disc..

Found nothing, but continuing to look. Somehow I get the feeling it'll turn up eventually.

Not sure if this will work, but what you can try doing if you have the OS disk is:
1) put the OS disk in the cd drive
2) restart the computer, and immediatly start tapping the F12 key, until you see the boot device menu pop up
3) your going to choose the cd rom option (IDE Cd rom, or usb etc) and hit enter, and then hit the spacebar when you see the "press any key to continue" screen
4) Windows should then start loading files
5)You should then get the windows start up screen, where you have the option of hitting enter to reinstal windows or hitting R to open recovery console, hit r, choose the corresponding number for your OS if applicable. Now it might also give you the option to chose a user, you need to choose administrator, if it asks for a password either put it in, or just hit enter if you never created on
6) now, type in chkdsk /p (there is a space there) Takes about 5 min to scan
7) now, type chkdsk /r (this will take anywhere from an hour, to an hour and a half, you'll see the progression bar go up and down as it's fixing errors)
8) when chkdsk is complete, type FIXBOOT, and select yes for rewriting the boot
9) Finally, type FIXMBR, again choose yes

Non of this will delete files, or anything of the sort, your just correcting windows errors, and creating new boot files. Once all this is done, take out cd and restart computer.

My computer has gone nuts on me here is what I get when I boot my computer.....

We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware or software change might have caused this.

If your computer stopped responding, restarted unexpectedly, or was automatically shut down to protect your files and folders, choose Last Known Good Configuration to revert to the most recent settings that worked.

If a previous startup attempt was interrupted due to a power failure or because the Power or Reset button was pressed, or if you aren't sure what caused the problem, choose Start Windows Normally.

Safe Mode
Safe Mode with Networking
Safe Mode with Command Prompt

Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked)

Start Windows Normally

Use the up and down arrow keys to move the highlight to your choice.
Seconds until Windows starts: 30

The first time I came across this message, the seconds counted down, I tried Start Windows Normally, and it looked as if windows was booting up for a second or two (the black and white progress indicator bar came up), then a blue screen flashed up really quickly (I think it may have been the scandisk message). Then the computer rebooted to the above message again. This time, the seconds did not count down, it remained on 30. I am able to arrow up and down.

I tried Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking, Safe Mode with Command Prompt and Last Known Configuration but windows reboots each time. (After listing scrolls of windows system paths?)

I've put the HD in another computer and it starts up fine.
I've even reinstalled XP (with my E-machines recovery disk) through that computer on a blank HD and instead of rebooting it gives me the blue screen of death, buts its saying that there is an error and to run scan disc but, but it feezes there......I put the HD into another computer and it runs fine.....please Help! It's no longer under warranty so I cant call E-Machines.

what did you have to do ive got exactly the same problem please help me...

oxf789e524 erorr help

upload the minidump file of the bsod located at c:\windows\minidump, i will take a look at it.

i have this problem please help

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