Ok so I bought a new computer the other day, old one was working fine just time for a new one. Anyways, unplugged old puter and put up new one. Wanted to get KVM switch to use both and be set since all the files are on the old computer. Old computer sat off to side for a few days. Bought cables today and was about to plug in both computers thought i would blow the dust off the old computer. Went outside and blew the dust off with a hair dryer. NEVER thouched any part of computer with dryer, everything looked better came inside and began hooking it all up and NADA, the only thing it does is the light on the PSU is blinking and I can hear a faint click on and off with the light. Almost light a turning light on a car. but very faint. Anyways, I tried to unplug everything and just test the PSU and that works fine. the light comes on solid and stays on but fans dont kick on. If it is the motherboard that is busted, what would cause it to go bust? other than the air from the dryer ? I have tried to give as mush info as possible but if someone has a question I will try to answer tonight after work. Please someone help.

Static electricity from your hair dryer. That might cause your motherboard to fry.

"The fans don't kick on"? is that all the fans including the CPU fan?
Sounds like a psu problem if you are lucky and a mobo if you are not.
Try your new PSU on the old unit and see how that goes. ( you may be able to connect the wires from one to the other without removing anything other than the wires.) I would suggest that you don't try the old PSU in the new machine, it could do damage. If you don't want to use your new PSU or it is incompatible, try to borrow a friends.

"The fans don't kick on"? is that all the fans including the CPU fan?
Sounds like a psu problem if you are lucky and a mobo if you are not.
Try your new PSU on the old unit and see how that goes. ( you may be able to connect the wires from one to the other without removing anything other than the wires.) I would suggest that you don't try the old PSU in the new machine, it could do damage. If you don't want to use your new PSU or it is incompatible, try to borrow a friends.

Yup, None of the fans come on. When I unplugged everything from the PSU the light went on and stayed on but No fan. I thought possibly the mobo sends a signal to the PSU for the fan to kick on so I thought it shouldnt be of any problem. but U might be right... i hope its just the PSU gonna have to wait till fri and go down do FRY's and look for one. Will try that and then if that dont work, I have seen some mobos on Fleabay. I dont wanna take my chances with the New Computer, tearing into that. Just in case I mess shyt up again, then I will be stuck with nothing... Im already having TPB.org withdrawals. the old cmputer was gonna be my TPB mule.

Yes, well we will not talk about that mule here.
Good luck but if you still need assistance after you try the new PSU, post back if not use your old machine to close this thread.
Edit: When you want to access any site that could be hiding malware , look at using "sandboxie" http://www.sandboxie.com/ it could save you hours of formatting and reinstalling because of infection.

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