14,380 Topics

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Member Avatar for dcteddybear40

a friend of mine was given a comp with windows xp on it and then they installed windows xp upgrade. how do I remove the upgrade or do I need to wipe the whole C drive clean as it is taking up a lot of memory and a lot of …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for nowitsgone

A couple days ago I lost all my programs that are listed on my start menu. I can find them in Explore, but when I bring up Word or Excel ALL of my old documents are gone. I went to Help and Support Center, then to system restore, but the …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for rooster44uk

Hi, I recentley upgrades to WinXP and Office 2000. Since then certain Graphics programmes such as Publisher and Photoed won't recognise JPEGs. I've tried changing file types etc but nothing works. Any one have any ideas. feel free to email me direct. Cheers Dave <<email deleted>>

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for mr parr

:cry: please haelp, just had the good old service pack 2 installed and a majority of the time "the document contains no data" box comes up? also i have been trying to download macromedia flash and it wont let me do that? any ideas please. :confused:

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for ThunderSoul

Hello, I am getting a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) error when I try to copy files within a Hard Driver or from a Hard Drive to another Drive. I have been buying Maxtor drives only, and for each one I get, a CRC error occurs in the next few months …

Member Avatar for ThunderSoul
Member Avatar for jozepi1

cpu usage is typically 2 to 6% except exactly every 2 min it spikes to 50% for 5 or 6 sec. This has severe effects on my aces high on line flying game such as i hit the ground or overshoot a target before it unfreezes. system gigabyte ga-81915p-duo pro …

Member Avatar for jozepi1
Member Avatar for Jimmy79

Hi People, I have installed a new 2003 RIS server but i'm having a problem with a HP 510 which has an Intel Pro 100 adapter in it. It finds the server and you can select the image but when it starts to install just before it formats the disk …

Member Avatar for Jimmy79
Member Avatar for jam440

so what are the main things that make graphics run smoothly and look amazing? i mean i know a lot of it is down to the the graphics card so i bought the radeon 9800 pro and i have to say its does make a difference. however my games do …

Member Avatar for jam440
Member Avatar for RoyU

I have a Radeon 9550 with latest drivers on an XP SP2 computer. Recently, though I don't know exactly when, a system dialog box that pops up allowing me to change settings for my sound card went awry. The box size is too small to fit all the text and …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for gomez318

Trying to install HP Photosmart 8450 and have been on the phone for 2 days with HP trying to resolve the following. Been to MS Website and mention error but resolution listed does not work. Getting a Blue Screen with White font indicating: No_More_IRP_Stack_Locations Running Windows XP Pro with all …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for JANINE

HI there. im doing a home study course in pc repair and upgrading and i am stuck on one particular part of my course, entitled 'hard drive theory and practice. :sad: i have looked in the text book and i cant find the answers in there. i've even tried looking …

Member Avatar for JANINE
Member Avatar for Peter
Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for SarahH

Hello, Whenever I play movies in WMP, or Quick Time, or Real Player, after a few minutes, the screen that the movie is playing in starts flashing green very fast. Then the programs starts running slow and I have to turn it off, then open it back up to stop …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for rios

Well, my Photoshop 7 is acting up, like whenever i load it to start, it loads fine, but then when it is about to open, it just shuts down. This has been going on for about 3 days, and ive tried every thing. Ive restarted\reinstalled like 5 times and stuff …

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to view the binary code of a .exe file. Thanks, C++

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for itek4u

Any and all buttons, OK and Cancel among others, will do a weird rapid switching like something is clicking them really fast. It even happens in Safe Mode. Other weird things like windows opening and shutting, or not wanting to shut are happening also. I scanned with AdAware SE, Spybot …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for goodtaste

Hi! I'm trying to help someone who has a peculiar problem. They received a bad email which was shut out by their firewall. Now they cannot send out any email only receive it. I think the problem is that somehow, their Sygate Personal Firewall needs resetting. We don't know how …

Member Avatar for Thong_Ispector

A friend just brought me their pc. It has XP home and they wanted XP pro. They tried to do the upgrade and it bombed. They bought a new copy of XP Pro... It just hangs at the setup screen... I put in a fresh drive with a single partition, …

Member Avatar for Thong_Ispector
Member Avatar for Killer_Typo

My grandfather was using his computer and he said it restarted on him, and when it came up it was in a different language, almost like Wingdings, and is not sure how to get it back, i tried going through the regional language settings to see if that was it, …

Member Avatar for dlh6213
Member Avatar for dlh6213

I am running Windows XP Home on this computer, and using the default CD burning software that came with it (I think it's Roxio?) I wanted to back up some files from the 'F' drive; about 900 MB, so I was going to use two CD's. Before I started, there …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for code

So i have a personal computer that sits behind a NAT that my apartment complex manages. Is there any way i can remote into that computer from work. I dont care how its done really, just so i can get to it. Any one have any ideas? Oh and running …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for AntoineBracy

[COLOR=Purple]I have recently purchased a program called Registry Repair. I ran the program and there was a list of tasks. The task that I was interested in was "scan registry for problems." Yep...............I scanned. There was a list of 367 problems in my registry! SO.................I deleted them and thought that …

Member Avatar for MichaelV
Member Avatar for Lewis butcher

hello every one here at dani web, i have a bit of a problem last week i had my playstation modchipped and ive been trying extremely hard to burn games and i just cant do it...is there any one out there who can help me please i would really like …

Member Avatar for kc0arf
Member Avatar for Peter

There are two Programs on my xp computer ad-aware SE Personal and Microsoft antispyware, do you think it is a good to have a third like spybot. Thank-you.

Member Avatar for MichaelV
Member Avatar for gigiluv

i have tried everything short of formatting. i can not run any of my programs nor can i run regedit or msconfig. repair and reinstalling did not help. upon reinstalling i received a message that windows could not open rundll32.exe search web for appropriate program with no luck. is there …

Member Avatar for MichaelV
Member Avatar for kyroshi

OK, i am trying to run a program for WEST at home and every time i try to download the viewer a security warning pops up. it say -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Windows has found a problem with this file.[/B] Name: hostexpress.cab Publisher: Unknown Publisher This file was blocked because it does not …

Member Avatar for dlh6213
Member Avatar for WnJ

Im not sure if this has been asked before and there is a hell of a lot of threads tosearch through so im just making new thread, if this has been asked then maybe the link can be added so i can find it quicker. I have just purchased a …

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for vegeoku

I messed up my harddrive suing partiton magic just recently, I went in and put in a new harddrive as my master and installed windows xp home on it. Now i have it running, but it doesnt see my harddrive that was messed up, and it also takes about 10 …

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for wellard

When i click on the search tab in a Windows explorer window and on my start menu, I get a blank grey area where my search options used to be (down the right hand side of the window). How can i fix this?

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for nanosani

I had windows xp and then I clean installed windows 2000 booting from the cd. Now when I start windows xp it says failed to load windows ... now my cd isnt running properly ... is there any way that I can repair windows xp without my cd. Should I …

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The End.