52 Topics

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Member Avatar for YourGamerMom

I want to add an icon to my C command line project in Xcode. Is there a way to do this? if so please tell me how. Thank you. EDIT: it is an openGL project

Member Avatar for daryll1

Hi, I'm having a major problem with passing GCC link flags in Xcode. I created a C program that creates and runs a neural network using the FANN library. When I compile this command line I use the command [CODE]gcc main.c -o train_test -l fann[/CODE] to link the fann library …

Member Avatar for tammy12w

well i was watching a programing tutorial and when i copy the code i keep getting an error saying type of property 'bg' (UIImageView*) does not match type of ivar 'bg'(UIImage*__strong) i'm programing in xcode 4.2.1 in single view controller my code is: @interface ViewController : UIViewController{ UIImage * bg; …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for stamatt45

[I]To make it easier to read, only the relevant code is below, and due to circumstances beyond my control im stuck using Xcode for the next week or so (hate this debugger).[/I] I need help fixing a seg_fault in my current program. It occurs the last time "buildPaths" is called. …

Member Avatar for stamatt45
Member Avatar for ahsan1

I have made an application in which there are different buttons with images. When the button is clicked, it writes "hello" on the console because I have written in the NSLog("hello") statement in the funtion which is called on button click. But I want to print the database column record …

Member Avatar for jordan0420

I am currently working on a project for my computer class and i am using it as an opportunity to learn pyobjc. i have a database file that includes a path to an image, reading this and getting the path to the image is no problem. my problem is, i …

Member Avatar for jordan0420

I am Currently teaching myself PyObjC through tutorials and then modifying them. Now the time has come to open a second nib (addtv) and i cant for the life of me figure it out. [CODE] @objc.IBAction def open_(self, sender): addtv = AddTvControlleralloc().initWithWindowNibName_('addtv') addtv.showWindow_(self) #addtv.retain() [/CODE] What i am attempting to …

Member Avatar for ffej2ffej

I have been trying for some years now to learn Xcode in order to create Mac OS and now iPhone apps. I'll spare you readers the misery I've experienced and summarize by saying it hasn't gone well. One of the routes I've attempted is to read Aaron Hillegass' book. To …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for RobBobSmith

Hi all: I would be very grateful for advice on an Xcode (3.2.2) problem. I use Mac OS X 10.6.7. I have written C++ code that requires outside code. The outside code 1) requires a license and 2) has dynamic libraries. The outside code does run in a terminal, but …

Member Avatar for BobTheLob

Hello, I think I have the right location for this thread. I'm working on a C++ project where I need to create a GUI. I'm using wxWidgets, which is cross platform compatible. Now I know that Cocoa/Objective-C/not C++ is the option of choice for GUI programming on the Mac, but …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for Progr4mmer

I'm wondering if its possible to program using xcode for ios(I pod touch, I phone, I pad) on windows?

Member Avatar for Progr4mmer
Member Avatar for beejay321

so for my computing project we have just started to work with using input and output of text files, the tutorial my teacher gave said to include these libraries, which i did [CODE]#inclue <fstream> #include <iomanip>[/CODE] and explains how to use [CODE] ifstream fin; //fin is my file input variable …

Member Avatar for beejay321
Member Avatar for KunalPatel

Hello, I'm a newbie to Objective-C & iPhone development, hence please bear with[ICODE][/ICODE] me. I'm working on an app which loads with UITableView and upon selecting one particular cell called "Address Book" it should load with another UITableView containing all the addresses retrieved from a web request. Using NSXMLParser's delegate …

Member Avatar for KunalPatel
Member Avatar for jasonslater

I'm looking at moving development of my games from ActionScript 3 to XCode - has anyone else made this move and are there any gotcha's I should watch out for?

Member Avatar for Agnusmaximus

Hi guys. I'm trying to find a good open source project written in C (any kind: email, browser, chat program, communications program, music player) to download for the Mac os X preferably for Xcode. I would like to examine these open source programs' source and understand what they do (pick …

Member Avatar for Agnusmaximus
Member Avatar for somon

Hi, Please can anybody help me a little bit with my assignment , The thing is that I was kinda ill , so i missed many important lessons, but now teacher told that i need to do assignment, Can anybody help me with beggining , * we use Xcode. 1. …

Member Avatar for m.e.nergiz
Member Avatar for peterman.k

Hello all, So I am a college student learning c++ (planning to major in computer science). Just my luck, the computer science department using visual studio for their entry level classes, which I have been using with no issues for the last year via a VM; I can access the …

Member Avatar for Brandlax

ok, so i finally have a mac...now with the help of the CD's (2) i got with the mac, i installed Xcode and Snow Leopard.. but the problem is, in Xcode i only have template for creating Mac applications or something like that...so plz help me on how to get …

Member Avatar for coil
Member Avatar for jwebb

Hello, I'm trying to create a program to calculate the factorial of variable int input. I am using xcode, and it's giving me an error saying "factorial was not declared in this scope" on the line within the else statement. I have found other programs on the internet, but I …

Member Avatar for jwebb
Member Avatar for Annettest

Hi everyone: I need to find out about compile options in Xcode (I'm an Xcode and C++ newbie). The default compiler for OS 10.6 and XCode version 3.2.2 is apparently LLVM 2.0. Is this related to g++? Also, are there other compilers available within XCode? If so, how would I …

Member Avatar for Brian Perrigan

Hey guys I've tried searching the internet for an answer on this and have come up short. I was hoping someone that does this could help me out setting it up. I want to write C++ using Mac OS. I tried going the Xcode route but found Xcode to be …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for richman0829

Has anyone found a useful tutorial for the XCode IDE, especially the Debugger utilities? Rich

Member Avatar for Salem

The End.