How can I get this code to work? I am using xcode 4.5.

if your using Xcode your probably a mac user, which I am also, therfore i would reconmend not using Xcode if your working on c++ becuse it uses the std c++ libray so it's slightly different then most c++ users are used to

i would reconmend not using Xcode if your working on c++ becuse it uses the std c++ libray

There is nothing fundamentally wrong with Xcode as an IDE for C++.
You can't program in C++ - Xcode or no Xcode - without using the standard C++ library.

If Xmod had posted the code here (instead of linking to it), perhaps someone would have given an answer.

That code uses old, nonstandard functions like kbhit() and gotoxy(), which are functions that you'll hardly ever see outside of ancient compilers like Turbo C++ for DOS. Your best bet for ever getting this to work is trying to find curses.h on Google, and I'm not even sure if that exists for modern versions of Windows, let alone OSX.

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