3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for cbichis

Hello, I am working on a complicated application which requires lot of work with templates. Sample case: - i have one xml file in which nodes contains normally html code - i have one xsl file which has xsl formatting for that xml data Ok, until now nothing special. But …

Member Avatar for jayce.obi

Hello All I am trying to send a SOAP Request and receive back all information. Is there a command I can use to request back all data? Jayce Obrigewitsch

Member Avatar for james1700
Member Avatar for rich_m

I want to write a MySql procedure which returns a formatted XML file i.e. 'OUT BLOB'. Has anyone come across such a procedure or is it better to make a Java etc... code do the same?

Member Avatar for rich_m
Member Avatar for JyotiC

Hi, I have an xml file, corresponding to an xsd. If there some tool, which would take this xml and xsd and give me an object. And also take the object and xsd and give me xml. I read about couple of tools like JAXB, xstrem and xmlBeans. The issue …

Member Avatar for sciwizeh
Member Avatar for LogicWeb

I'm using Wimpy mp3 player for my Christian forum [url]www.talkjesus.com[/url] I'm having a bit of problem applying album cover art as instructed in the manual [url]http://wimpyplayer.com/Users_Manual/index.html[/url] Example from my list.xml file (everything works except the visual line/code for coverart. [code] <item> <filename>mp3/Awesome God.mp3</filename> <title>Awesome God</title> <artist>Hillsong United</artist> <genre>Worship</genre> <duration>4:08</duration> <visual>jpg/looktoyou.jpg</visual> …

Member Avatar for Themb

Geeks and XML Freaks I need your help. I have a CMS with teaser RSS Feeds I want to make it where it will display the whole article with all its content in a HTML Format... Done a lot of reading tried different things so I appealing to your help. …

Member Avatar for shravanim

Hi, I have to generate an Excel sheet with specific format from an XML using XSLT. I am having issue with defining Name Range, as i have requirement that all the rows in excel should be within a name range.I am writing following Tag for NameRange. <Names> <NamedRange ss:Name="Range1_Test" ss:RefersTo="=TestXSLT!R1C1:R4C4"/> …

Member Avatar for harihar2

HI I want to find the difference between two XML files in Java. The result should be in XML file only. I don't need a tool. Rather I am looking for any open-source jars (like XMLUnit). XMLUnit doesn't return the difference in XML format. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks …

Member Avatar for sciwizeh
Member Avatar for pedramphp

how can I Change a value in Dollar to Euro with SOAP .... My system needs to be Upgrade is there any extention in the web

Member Avatar for bondo

I am working on a project that will read in a huge file and insert the data into a SQL database. I can read the document, but all of the XML is incorrect. I get it as an excel spreadsheet, but it's actually about 6 webpages stuck into one document, …

Member Avatar for bondo
Member Avatar for shadow_cool

I have a problem with print data from XML on aspx page. I made some source which read data and write into XML file, but when i print data, i see this: [ICODE]&lt;h2&gt;&lt;a href="http://www.bulgarianpropertysale.com/"&gt;LONDON 2012&lt;/a&gt;: London Unveils Its Olympic Stadium&lt;/h2&gt; &lt;p&gt;The Olympic Stadium for the Games in 2012andnbsp;has been unveiled …

Member Avatar for rpjanaka
Member Avatar for FaridMasood
Member Avatar for flopoloco

Hello, I would like some tips on setting up [B]formmail.pl[/B]. Currently I get an error [QUOTE]Error: Bad Recipient One of the recipients of the information on this form is not a customer of pair Networks or is not currently configured as a valid recipient. Sorry. [/QUOTE] which is good because …

Member Avatar for flopoloco
Member Avatar for simps0n

Hello, folks! I'm trying to parse RSS feed and display it on my own page. [URL="http://magpierss.sourceforge.net/"]MagpieRSS[/URL] looks good enough for me, but I have a little problem. I want to display not only the title and description of each article, but the thumbnail as well. For example, I tried to …

Member Avatar for rosilielim

Hello! I am enrolled in Masters in IT and we were newly introduced to XUL programming. It is close to XML. we are to asked to make a simple calculator and I am really having hard time. I hope the community can help. Best regards Rosilie Lim

Member Avatar for annuw

I want to publish from DB2 XML column to html using XSLT. Please explain me with example... I use DB2 V9.1.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for njitram

Hiho C# people! I have a problem while compiling this: [CODE]using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Linq; namespace ConsoleApplication5 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { XDocument test = XDocument.Load(dataPath + "c:\\test.xml"); var result = new XElement("dbs", from test.Descendants("dbs") select new XElement("db", a.Element("id").Value)); Console.WriteLine(result); } …

Member Avatar for camilojvarona
Member Avatar for whome

I am very new with XML, no experience. I am trying to import an XML file into Excel. The XML file will import into Excel fine, but when I go to export the Excel file back out to an XMl file I get error messages. The error messages are: "List …

Member Avatar for whome
Member Avatar for satwikr

Hi, I am unable to capture the XML response sent by server when made a request. I am sending a HTTP Request (Containing Paramaters such as username, email etc) to one server using cfhttp. This request upon hitting the server will be processed. Upon successful processing, that server generates a …

Member Avatar for bonyblack

Hi all, I'm new to this site I have an assignment due and the CSS is killing me. I know it not the best way to display XML but that's what they asked for. My main problem is displaying these pieces of code in CSS can anyone make a suggestion …

Member Avatar for bonyblack
Member Avatar for njitram

Hello i have a small question, [CODE]<?xml version="1.0"?> <mysql-connect> <db id="0" select="1"> <username>root</username> <password>1q2w3e</password> <database>OT</database> <hostname>localhost</hostname> </db> <db id="1" select="0"> <username>testuser</username> <password>woos</password> <database>notadb</database> <hostname>whereamg</hostname> </db> <db id="2" select="0"> <username>testuser2</username> <password>woos2</password> <database>notadb2</database> <hostname>whereamg2</hostname> </db> </mysql-connect>[/CODE] and i have 1 dropdown box and 3 textfields How can i add these values to …

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Member Avatar for AllanJP

Hey all! I've been struggling with a problem for a week now, and it seems that I'm stuck. PROBLEM ONE: I'm trying to make a "Dynamic" Combobox? Well, I'm trying to read in an XML file, and based on the number of Nodes in that file, i wish to create …

Member Avatar for AllanJP
Member Avatar for nidhsek

my xml is somehting like this: [code=html] <loc id="123"> <value>data1</value> </loc> <loc id="223"> <value>data2</value> </loc> <loc id="323"> <value>data3</value> </loc> <loc id="423"> <value>data4</value> </loc> [/code] how do I read all the ids? this code give me only the first id (123). when it loops to next, throws exception. [code=c#] XmlNodeList xmlnode …

Member Avatar for nidhsek
Member Avatar for CoolGamer48

Hey, I'm writing an XML parser in C++. Currently it works, but too much of what needs to be done is left up to the end user. I'm trying to figure out a way to have a clean, more encapsulated interface for the parser, but I can't seem to think …

Member Avatar for dougy83
Member Avatar for santoo

Hi, I want to trace the SOAP messages using WSE3.0 by enabling trace.I am not able to see the trace output files. Here is what I am doing...I have developed a webservice Helloservice.asmx and configured it using WSEsettings for tracing. Also I developed a client application to test the service …

Member Avatar for somaraman

Hi all, We are trying to talk through .NET web service to retrieve some data from a windows system. We are using Python and SOAPpy (which is SOAP compatible with python) for this. We are able to talk to the system using this web service and is also able to …

Member Avatar for somaraman
Member Avatar for itsnexgen

Hi All, I am thinking, it would be best to generate the complete Javascript Code for the navigation menu within a Java-Class and call this functionality out of the JSP page. To make it easier to maintain the menu-structure and all the therefore needed information, we had the idea to …

Member Avatar for tusharvichare

Hello Friends, I am developing one windows application in that application Client sending one XML String using HTTP Post method. it is like, <Student><ID>415<ID><Name>XYX<Name><Add>MUMBAI<Add><ContactNo>9302154789<ContactNo> </Student> For this string I want to develop one web service wich accept this string plz help me. As well as on client side I am …

Member Avatar for v.godhe

I have some data that I want to store in the DB2 9. Should I store this data as XML schema or relational schema?

Member Avatar for ash05

The End.