satwikr 0 Newbie Poster


I am unable to capture the XML response sent by server when made a request.

I am sending a HTTP Request (Containing Paramaters such as username, email etc) to one server using cfhttp. This request upon hitting the server will be processed. Upon successful processing, that server generates a file and sends an XML Response with the result and file name. Please see the details below:

How the HTTP Request is being sent:

<cfhttp url="#jms_url#" method="POST" timeout="5" throwonerror="YES">
<cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="forwardUrl" value="#jms_forward_url#">

The jms_forward_url (Contructed earlier)has a value: http://localhost:8080/sias/sias_native?service=pcf&method=exportPcf&userName=c123456&emailAddress={3761427.01}

The server is processing the request successfully (Because files are getting generated on the server) and inturn sending an XML Response (This response I am getting when the same URL I am sending through Internet browser), which looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?> 
 	<service_response service="exportpcf" request_id=... session_id=...>
	<errorMessage>An Error Message</errorMessage>	<pcfFile>file_name</pcfFile>

I am unable to capture this XML Response. Tried to use the following functions (Mentioned in the documentation) but None of them contain the XML Response sent back by server.

cfhttp.statusCode Gives me 200 OK

Also before the interface was changed the response XML was cleanly getting captured in a form field ResponseXML. Which is in another CFM file and the way it is called through code is (The below code is immediately after sending the XML request through POST method shown above):

<cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="callbackUrl"	value="http://#qry_loadbalance.SERVER_NAME[idx]##base_url#/Jms_Callback.cfm?id=#id#&#url_extra#" >

<cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="timeOut" value="#qry_config.JMS_TIMEOUT#"> 

What the Jms_Callback.cfm script does is, its declaring few form variables such as:

<cfparam name="form.responseCODE" type="string">
<cfparam name="form.responseMESSAGE" type="string">
<cfparam name="form.responseXML" type="string">

Immediately after few queries to the database and checking few conditions, it inserts the responseCODE, responseMESSAGE and responseXML into the table. What I am unable to understand is from where did the values land into these form variables. They were declared and immidiately inserted into database. Now (After the host name changed), even the ResponseXML string doesnt have the XML response sent by server.

I'm unable to capture the XML Response generated by server.

This has been bogging me for quite some days.

Please Please Help!

Thanks in Advance.

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