Hi ,
I am trying to create a webpage. It has 3 frames (left, middle and right). I want to be able to drag images from the left and the right frame into the middle frame. Each time i try to drag an image from one frame to another , the image just disappears. Can some one please tell me how this can be done?


Hi ,
I am trying to create a webpage. It has 3 frames (left, middle and right). I want to be able to drag images from the left and the right frame into the middle frame. Each time i try to drag an image from one frame to another , the image just disappears. Can some one please tell me how this can be done?


Try using three tables or divs instead of frames and use

style="overflow:auto; width:400; height:400;"

You can of course adjust the height and width to suit your needs but this will give it the effect of a frame, but not.

I guess ill have to redesign the application and use divs instead. Thanks for the response.


I know this is an old thread, but it shows up near the top for searches on drag and drop across browser frames.
Since I have a solution, I hope you don't mind me reviving an old thread.

I had the same problem of trying to drag and drop page elements from one frame to another, but didn't find anything that did this in javascript.
So, I build a library named Frame Glider for this purpose.
The post with demos is at <URL SNIPPED>
Links to detailed documentation is included in that post.


Hi I don't find much about drag and drop feature in javascript but here is a java drag drop feature which might be helpful to you . Its an explanation of java drag drop feature.
Hope it will help you

That is for applications and not for website...

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