3,634 Topics

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[kn3rdmeister.com/feed/](http://kn3rdmeister.com/feed/) I'm going to admit that when I made my website and feed, I was very much copying the styles and structures of [mega64.com](http://mega64.com), especially the way their RSS feed was built. I know that it's made by WordPress, and not Mega64 themselves, but still, it's their feed. I'm a …

Member Avatar for kn3rdmeister
Member Avatar for teomurgi

Hi all I would like to embed an encoded image into an FXML (i need this in that I'm coding a converter between svg and fxml). I tried with this: <AnchorPane id="AnchorPane" maxHeight="-Infinity" maxWidth="-Infinity" minHeight="-Infinity" minWidth="-Infinity" prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="600.0" xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"> <children> <ImageView fitHeight="150.0" fitWidth="200.0" layoutX="153.0" layoutY="94.0" pickOnBounds="true" preserveRatio="true"> <image> <Image url=" …

Member Avatar for jonc

Hi, I've got an XML file that I need to make changes to before creating an output XML file. I've got an XSLT Transform file which does part of the job fine, but I'm needing to go one step further which is where I'm struggling. In C# I'm using an …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for Cenchrus

Hey everybody! I recently bought a book on developing for android. I got stuck on the main.xml file code when it gave me a bunch of errors... here's the code <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" > <SlidingDrawer android:id="@+id/drawer" android:layout_width="320dip" android:layout_height="440dip" android:orientation="vertical" …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for daino

Is it possible to create charts with XML. What I am trying to do is build a database application and it will need to be able to generate reports. I will need to be cross-platform and open source. Because I'm new to the idea of XML I will be reading …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for sbutt

Hi All, I am kind of find it difficult to build my (xslt 1) template: I have this following XML input: <Ticket> <ItineraryItem> <Flight ArrivalDateTime="2012-08-31T09:40:00" DepartureDateTime="2012-08-31T06:00:00" DirectionInd="Outbound"> <DepartureAirport LocationCode="BRN"/> <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="ZTH"/> <OperatingAirline Code="2L" FlightNumber="5320"/> </Flight> </ItineraryItem> <ItineraryItem> <Flight ArrivalDateTime="2012-09-14T11:00:00" DepartureDateTime="2012-09-14T10:15:00" DirectionInd="Inbound"> <DepartureAirport LocationCode="ZTH"/> <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="CFU"/> <OperatingAirline Code="2L" FlightNumber="5321"/> </Flight> </ItineraryItem> …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for maha.siva.9

hi all, I am new to this forum Right now I am working on XML & XSLT Below is my Input XMl file **<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Employer> <Employees> <EmployeesDetails>van ind 26%</EmployeesDetails> </Employees> <Employees> <EmployeesDetails>van ind</EmployeesDetails> </Employees> </Employer>** and I need output as <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Employer> <Employees> <Names>van</Names> <Location>ind</Location> <Weather>26</Weather> …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for tudorH

Hi, I am totally new to XSL and this is my first time coding it with it. I have HTML and CSS experience and trying to figure out how to integrate it all together for a SharePoint view. Basically I have an XML file with about 3 records, each having …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for Thropian

Trying my hand a Javascript, I came across an issue with XMLHttpRequest. This is probably something I'm doing wrong, so any help would be appreciated. reader = new XMLHttpRequest() reader.open("GET","Votes.xml") alert(reader.readyState) reader.send() alert(reader.readyState) when I run this, it alerts that the readyState is 1 (Send has not been called) and …

Member Avatar for rileyganimator
Member Avatar for ryan461

I've got an XML file that looks like this: <routingTable> <router> <id>1</id> <ip></ip> <nexthop></nexthop> </router> <router> <id>2</id> <ip></ip> <nexthop></nexthop> </router> </routingTable> With possibly more than two router entries as time goes on. What I would like to do, is take each router instance and throw it into a dictionary. This …

Member Avatar for ryan461
Member Avatar for garysinger

Hello Friends, I was trying to update my website sitemap by xml-sitemaps.com. But it is showing me an error now. Can any body help me how can I create sitemap for my website. I will be so please. I am seo not developer only have small knowledge of development. So …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for bhagyap

Hi.. I have checkedlistbox in Form1,i am populating it using the following code [CODE]System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo("E:\\Testing"); System.IO.FileSystemInfo[] files = di.GetDirectories(); checkedListBox1.Items.AddRange(files);[/CODE] now i want to bulid an xml file in Form2 using the checkeditems in Form1 for which i have tried with the following code [CODE] Options opt …

Member Avatar for samadblaj
Member Avatar for jessica1410

Guys can you please tell me that which is best (XML or HTML) actually i want to create a sitemap of my website so that's why i asking to you this confusion. please share your thoughts here... Thank You.

Member Avatar for geric823
Member Avatar for RoHunt3r

1.How to enable speech recognition without that annoying recognition window, and without having to press that button on that window? 2.I need to know how to recognize only the words in the XML that I created (to increase accuracy). Like: If I say "red" and that's not in the XML …

Member Avatar for javedshaikm

Can some help me to convert the below xml data into php array. Thanks in advance. <dataroot> <content id= "1"> <quest><![CDATA[<FONT FACE="Arial">Which of the following is not the measure of a physical quantity?</FONT>]]></quest> <opt1><![CDATA[<FONT FACE="Arial">kilogram</FONT>]]></opt1> <opt2><![CDATA[<FONT FACE="Arial">impulse</FONT>]]></opt2> <opt3><![CDATA[<FONT FACE="Arial">energy</FONT>]]></opt3> <opt4><![CDATA[<FONT FACE="Arial">density</FONT>]]></opt4> <ans><![CDATA[a]]></ans> <ans_desc><![CDATA[<FONT FACE="Arial">kilogram is the name of the fundamental …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for mohan_m01

Generate XML from DataTable, along with count Hi, I have an sql result set assigned to a datatable. The result set is of the form ManagerId | VendorId | Count ------------------------------ M1 V1 10 M1 V2 5 M2 V1 10 M2 V2 5 M3 V1 10 M3 V2 5 I …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for ndeniche

Hello guys I've recently taken participation in a music project (feel free to check us out at [@lettherebmusic](http://www.twitter.com/lettherebmusic)) where we tweet music info about a certain topic every day. I actually use tweetdeck to schedule tweets for the whole day, so that content is available all day long. The thing …

Member Avatar for c.pentasuglia

Hey all, I need to get a design going to parse some XML files, in the past i have used XStream to parse files, however it doesn't appear to be working in this case. Here is a sample of the generated XML i'm trying to parse: <debugging level="0" /> XStream …

Member Avatar for hatebin

Hi ! I'm devloping a Personal Trainer app on android and I need to remember training results in a history. I decided to remeber this results in a XML file. WHAT I HAVE: is an User class with results class User{ String name; int result1; int result2; User(String name, int …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for c.pentasuglia

Hey all, I need to get a design going to parse some XML files, in the past i have used XStream to parse files, however it doesn't appear to be working in this case. Here is a sample of the generated XML i'm trying to parse: <debugging level="0" /> When …

Member Avatar for sleign

This question could probably be posted in several areas, but what I am writing is a google maps application and I'm also pulling feeds, so I'm choosing this as the main category to post this question in. Basically, I've pulled a feed from NOAA which gives me weather alerts. I …

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Member Avatar for apanimesh061

Glassfish server 3.1 does not work in Netbeans that is why I thought of using WebLogic. Could anyone give link to good tutorial on how to use weblogic in netbeans ?? Can Enterprise Java Beans modules run on weblogic ?? Please help!

Member Avatar for Aviras

Hello everyone, this is something I wrote a couple months back. It is used as a universal class/object loader from an XML file. For the handling of XML I use the JDOM library. The story basically goes like this: I have a load of classes in a game I'm working …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for pitic

How can i inject the namespace into an xml file which doesn't have one? I scane the file from a 2d barcode, and, the creator decided to not write the namespace info into the xml. So i have to add it after scanning. How can i do that?

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for VBTommy

Hi there, I am new to this forum so please be patient with me :-) My problem is how to bring a nested XML structure into a single DataGridView. The XML looks like this: <Artist> <Name>John Doe</Name> <Age>36</Age> <Language>english</Language> <Artwork> <Picture>Picture 10</Picture> <Picture>Picture 20</Picture> <Picture>Picture 30</Picture> </Artwork> </Artist> <Artist> <Name>Mike …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for srinath reddy

hello, can anyone help me. my blog home page is not getting crawled by the google adsense crawlers. it is showing crawl errors for my home page. can anyone help me in this issue. my blog is [www.codershunt.com](http://www.codershunt.com)

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for coroll

Hi all, Im new to android and eclipse. When i create a new android project it provides a string call "hello" and the value is "Hello world, Test1Activity" as my project name is Test1. So when i run it the string is shown.No prob there. But if i modify the …

Member Avatar for coroll
Member Avatar for xsltstarter

<xml> <head> <info> <content> <source attribute1="RSC1985s5c1" attribute2="6(17)"> data1 </source> <cite/> <case/> ( <target attribute1="LRC1985s5c1" attribute1="6(17)1"> 3e/191 </target> ) </content> <content> <source attribute1="RSC1985s5c1" attribute2="6(17)"> data2 </source> <cite/> <case/> ( <target attribute1="LRC1985s5c4" attribute2="6(17)1"> 4e/54 </target> ) </content> </info> </head> </xml> What i want is to merge the content of nodes in to …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for baltazar

I'm trying to write a transform to parse an html document and create another html document but I can't seem to use the html tags in the xslt. My html source that I want to apply the transform on looks like this: <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title></title> </head> <body class="3-column"> <div …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for arathy nair

Hi All, I want to create the following xml from JAVA code. Can u please suggest me a way to write a JAVA code to generate the following xml.When I tried am not able to generate the title with xmlns.Please someone help me..I am very new to XML..... Even if …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew

The End.