3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

I have an XML file I downloaded that is supposed to be API documentation for a program I downloaded. The problem is that I haven't the slightest idea how to read the file. I tried using Notepad, Google and IE, they all just show a lot of gibberish. What program …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Smida

I created an XML files and succeeded validating it with an xsd schema , then a created an xslt file to turn the data on the xml file into a table but every time time a tried to open it into a browser , data are displayed in the same …

Member Avatar for krystosan

How should I make an entry appended to existing entries instead of overwriting the whole file ? class ReadWriteCustomPathsToDisk(object): """docstring for ReadWriteCustomPathsToDisk""" def __init__(self, modulePath): super(ReadWriteCustomPathsToDisk, self).__init__() self.modulePath = modulePath def _xmlFileLocation(self): xmlFileLocation = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Documents","searchMethod","modules.xml") return xmlFileLocation if os.path.exists(xmlFileLocation): return xmlFileLocation def readXml(self): xmlFile = self._xmlFileLocation() root = etree.parse(xmlFile).getroot() …

Member Avatar for tastybrownies

Hello everyone, I am trying to write a website that allows a user to input a stock symbol(ie. APPL, GOOG) and get basic information back. I have a html/js file and how it looks is fine but I am running into trouble when doing an HTTP GET using the XMLHttpRequest. …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for JeanPhilippe

Hi, I built a new wordpress website for one of my client but some old URL are still showing in google. Those URL doesn't return a 404, they actually redirect to the good pages. I explain : The website is www.vetreseau.com. One of the page is www.vetreseau.com/veterinaire/. The old website …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for cmps

Hello all!! I've been making websites for many years, and recently I decided to get more into SEO. So here's my question: I would like to know what happens if I wrote in the robots.txt: User-agent: * Disallow: / Sitemap: http://www.example.com/sitemap.xml And in the sitemap.xml, there are thousand of links …

Member Avatar for cmps
Member Avatar for tanatos.daniel

I want my XML file to look like this: <?xml version="1.0"?> <Student> <Name>Jax</Name> <Prenume>Teller</Prenume> </Student> I wrote the following code in C#: using System; using System.Xml; namespace ReadingXML2 { class Class1 { static void Main(string[] args) { XmlTextWriter textWriter = new XmlTextWriter(@"c:\users\danuts\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\BD - XML\BD - XML\XMLFile1.xml", null); textWriter.WriteStartDocument(); …

Member Avatar for tanatos.daniel
Member Avatar for brandon66

This is whats returned from a print r in php how would I work with this? SimpleXMLElement Object ( [@attributes] => Array ( [version] => B000 ) [ReturnMessage] => Array ( [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [@attributes] => Array ( [id] => 1825050393 ) ) [1] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( …

Member Avatar for brandon66
Member Avatar for PriteshP23

Hello, I have one tar.Z file. I have to run shell script **daily** as it is required to update the database. customer_yyyymmdd_hhmi.tar.Z sales_ yyyymmdd_hhmi.csv (5 MB - 20 MB) purchase_ yyyymmdd_hhmi.xml (650 MB - 950 MB) I have made small part of XML file. There are 4 parts. There is …

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Member Avatar for ronaldpaul

Hi, I would like to load the data from a SOAP response XML file to a MySQL table. Sample SOAP XML would be http://data.gov.in/sites/default/files/Ashgourd_2012.xml. I have to write a program to populate the data. I'm not very familiar with Java Web Services. I've worked with Struts2 and basics of Spring. …

Member Avatar for ronaldpaul
Member Avatar for shrikanthnk

Hi, getting error as This page contains the following errors: error on line 2 at column 1: Extra content at the end of the document Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error. for following code. please help me to resolve this <?php header("Content-Type: text/xml"); $xmlBody …

Member Avatar for shrikanthnk
Member Avatar for softswing

Hi Please help me in this problem. I want to run xml request by java code without using soap ui, please suggest me is it possible in java? how can i implement?

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for Msentri

high i am new in xmlrpc i would like to know how to send a request to server using xmlrpc

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for laura301019

In my XML file each record of letter has an ID such as: <letter id="1"> <title>Test</title> <author>X</author> <recipient>X</recipient> <text>testing</text> </letter> <letter id="2"> <title>Test</title> <author>X</author> <recipient>X</recipient> <text>testing</text> </letter> I have an html page or I can change it to PHP whichever is easiest to do this, but I would like to …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for laura301019

Hi I have a web application that stores detail about letters in an XML file such as recipient, sender, title etc. On my HTML page for creating a letter I have given an option to include a URL which is then saved to the url element in the XML file. …

Member Avatar for laura301019
Member Avatar for laura301019

Having trouble getting my XML schema to work with my xml file. The layout of the xml file is: <catalogue> <nextID>02</nextID> <letters> <letter> <title> </title> <sender> </sender> <recipient> </recipient> <text> </text> </letter> </letters> </catalogue> the xml schema layout I have is: <?xml version="1.0"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified"> <xs:element name="catalogue"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for crazyvonzipper

Hi There, I am quite new to simpleXML and I would like to know how I can access child nodes by index singe I do not have the node name The XML would look like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Root> <SubRoot> <Content ItemType="ItemType1"> <ItemDetails> <ItemDetail> <City Code="CPT"><![CDATA[Cape Town]]> </City> <Item …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for jakub.peciak

Issue to read some part of XML file. Here is my XML file: <Report> <orders> <order savedby="manager" time="12:33:09"> <header saledate="04/Oct/2013" saletime="12:33:09" reqtime="12:33:09" /> <customer name="-" accname="123465" /> <payments> <payment transid="1" method="7" vposuser="manager" cardtype="" value="2.95"></payment> </payments> <totals deliverycharge="" splitdelchgstore="" splitdelchgdriver="" sercharge="0.00" /> <products> <product type="cookbook" qty="1" prodid="10000564" listprice="0.00" sellprice="10.00"> <stock /> …

Member Avatar for ravikash123
Member Avatar for laura301019

Hi I have an XML file that is storing numerous books and their details, I then have a PHP page that is to search the XML list by Author. This I can do but I was wondering how I can style the page for when the search button has been …

Member Avatar for cmps
Member Avatar for Stanley_1

<PATIENT PATIENT_NUMBER="1"> <DEVICEINFORMATION> <SERIALNUMBER TYPE = "String" Value = "664231931" /> <CURRENTDATETIME TYPE= "String" Value = "200801301439" /> <SOFTWAREVERSION TYPE= "String" Value = " T2.2" /> <TIMEZONE TYPE= "String" Value = "-2" /> </DEVICEINFORMATION> <DEVICELIST> <DEVICE TYPE="String" Value="UA767PC" /> </DEVICELIST> <BP> <EVENT EVENT_NUMBER="1"> <DATETIME TYPE = "String" Value = "200801301439" …

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for gennesis

Good day! Im developing a client server application that send dataset from the server going to client. I have successfully send my dataset from the server after converting it to xml string. My client had also successfully recieve my xml data from the server. I had also successfully load my …

Member Avatar for gennesis
Member Avatar for ryanwarner88

Hello. I wanna develop an IVR system in order to handle loyalty program balance queries in a more effective way. This is a kind of point collection campaign. Do you have any idea for this purpose? I would like to inform the caller after he has provided his unique customer …

Member Avatar for simonrobert
Member Avatar for giovannitao_1

I'm working to script that show smartphone spec list. Now I need to filter result using a sidebar with different checkbox: ex. Brand, Camera, OS, ecc. Users using this checkboxes can show best smartphone that have this spec. I have an xml like this: <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <item> <marca>Samsung</marca> <modello>Galaxy …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for spindul

Hi, I want to make two tables in XML. The first one has not a constant number of rows (using for-each), therefore the second one should be higher or lower (right below the first one) depending on the lenght of the first table. when i export this thing and open …

Member Avatar for Mapper99

I have two similar nodes in an XML file. When using a CONTAINS query via XPATH, the XPATH query returns two sets of data. I would like it to only return the exact match. Any idea if this is possible? Here is my code: $uc = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; $lc = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" …

Member Avatar for Mapper99
Member Avatar for weathermans

Hi, looking for help on how to get data from an xml file, or txt file and then automaticly send it over the serial port. I am looking to program a sports score ticker

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for weathermans

Hello I'm looking for some help on how to get a XML value which would be one word. Then take that value and output it in a C# or C++ program. Using windows 7 and visual studio 2010. I have Novice programming knowledge. Thanks for help.

Member Avatar for iFrolox

Hello, I'm trying to read a .xml or create the .xml if it doesn't exist or it cant find a node/child. This is what I have so far: bool XmlErr = false; if (File.Exists(XMLPath)) { try { XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(XMLPath); } catch { XmlErr = true; } if (XmlErr …

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Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear friends, I am using the XML-RPC Server to implement a simple login authentication as a web service . So I wrote a function in wp-includes\class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php like function web_auth($host, $db, $dbuser, $dbpass, $username, $password) { $dbhandle = mysql_connect($host, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die("Unable to connect to MySQL"); $selected = mysql_select_db($db,$dbhandle) or …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear pals, I am using the tutorial code of "xmlrpc in wordpress" in URL [Click Here](http://wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/creative-coding/xml-rpc-in-wordpress/) , but it shows result as blank in my local wamp but it work fine on another local pc. I attach the code and preview of the problem. Please check and help me. code …

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The End.