3,634 Topics
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this is a question about this thread: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread331447-3.html[/url] there is an option to delete item from the XML FILE? because i have 'Delete item button from the listView' and i want that will be delete it also from the XML file.. and if there's no way to do that. maybe … | |
Hi all, I want to transform an xml file to another xml file based on the length of innertext in an element. Here is an example of the file to be transformed: [CODE] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <recipe xmnls=""> <recipeList> <recipeType description="Breakfast"> <recipeInfo> <name>Omelet</name> <summary>An English Breakfast</summary> <ingredients>Eggs,Butter</ingredients> <instructions>(1) You will … | |
hey guys! how can I read strings from a file? Like... They will compose part of the interface... something like, read a string from a file, then this string points to a image that will be used in a picture box, as same as a label that will be shown … | |
Hi, I want to know exactly what is WS-Atomic transaction? please explain what is it it and what does it do on the SOA. thanks. | |
Hi all, I have a textblock that is bound to an xml document. This displays the innertext of an xml-node element and the width of the textblock is fixed at "auto". The issue is that of the display as the innertext may exceed the width of the textblock and therefore … | |
How will I parse this XML using jQuery? <item> <station></station> <headline><![CDATA[]]></headline> <showDate>12/28/2010</showDate> <showTime></showTime> <doorsOpen></doorsOpen> <buylink></buylink> <description><![CDATA[]]></description> <pubDate>Mon, 27 Dec 2010 10:48:28 PST</pubDate> </item> I have to display month and date separately.. | |
Hello friends, I have a small problem with parsing XML documents... My program works great, but if some element is not exist in the XML then I got an exception error, and now I want to ask "How to check if the element is in the XML" ? Here is … | |
I should begin by stating that XML and I don't seem to get along very well. I've just about finished the interface on the level editor for a game I've made, and the next step is generating a XML file so that it can be read into the game dynamically. … | |
Hi all, I am transitioning a bunch of data from html (yuck!) to some sort of separated schema. I was going to use xml: [code] <events> <event> <title> <date> <speaker> <description> </event> </events> [/code] but now I am wondering if I should use a real database instead. Can anyone comment … | |
I currently have an XML (pasted below) that I want to place into a dictonary. With each dictonary key being the content of the XML`s <TITLE> markup and the values containing the content of the XML`s <ARTISTS*> markup. [CODE]<EXAMPLE> <CD> <TITLE>TITLE1</TITLE> <ARTIST1>ARTIST-ABC</ARTIST1> <ARTIST2>ARTIST-DEF</ARTIST2> </CD> <CD> <TITLE>TITLE2</TITLE> <ARTIST1>ARTIST-XYZ</ARTIST1> </CD> <CD> <TITLE>TITLE3</TITLE> … | |
Having a problem that I cannot seem to get over. Simply trying to do a post of an xml string to a web site. Seems to work fine, until I hit a certain size of the string, then it fails. I have searched for other methods, but am coming up … | |
Hello everyone, I'm _very_ new to xml, especially converting using an xslt. Here's my source XML generated by Eeye Retina. This data is being used by MS Access and I don't need all the data from the original XML. When I try to run the MS Access app I get … | |
Hi, How can I create an excel file or XML from pdf bookmarks? My bookmarks consist of 3 thing separated by “:” It is “DATE: AUTHOR: DESCRIPTION” I want my excel sheet or XML should look like the following: Date Author Description October 19, 2010 Dr. ABC (MD), Omega Medical … | |
Hey I have problem... If i save playlist with 1 item then it work but if i have more then it bug. i can start debugging. [CODE]XmlTextWriter ^textWriter = gcnew XmlTextWriter(dig->FileName, nullptr); textWriter->WriteStartDocument(); for(int i=0; i < listBox1->Items->Count; i++){ textWriter->WriteStartElement("track"+ i); textWriter->WriteStartElement("url", ""); textWriter->WriteString(listBox1->Items[i]->ToString()); textWriter->WriteEndElement(); textWriter->WriteStartElement("name", ""); textWriter->WriteString(listBox2->Items[i]->ToString()); textWriter->WriteEndElement(); textWriter->WriteStartElement("start"); … | |
How can I make my url [CODE]example.com/query.pl?q=Dummy+Text [/CODE] look like this: [CODE]example.com/Dummy-Text [/CODE] is that possible with .htaccess? | |
hey. How to load and save to XML. xml like: [CODE][track1] name= url= starttime= [/track1] [track2].... [/CODE] and how to load only name to listbox without all link. | |
Hello community im new! I am really rusty at C# but i do not want to learn the basics all over again so i hit the ground running and ran into a hurdle. I want to use an xml file for a database. Its a car repair tracking system i … | |
Hi How is it possible to write Ajax code using var timerId = setTimeout("test_function();", 250); and xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() but without the user doing anything. Thanks in advance, Lawrence | |
I have an xhtml document that contains many lines that look like: <div style="position:absolute;top:224;left:108">The line was longer than we expected</div> For my first trick I need to be able to match or select this node and others like it, where like it means that it is a div tag with … | |
Hi, For example my xml looks like this: [code] <root> <Book_information> <bookTitle>Lorem 1</bookTitle> <choices>test1</choices> <choices>test2</choices> <choices>test3</choices> <choices>test4</choices> <choices>test5</choices> <choices>test6</choices> <calendar>2010-12-30</calendar> <calendar>2011-01-12</calendar> <calendar>2011-03-10</calendar> </Book_information> </root> [/code] I need to loop the elements "Choices"... How can i do this? I know how to work with the for each loop, but i don't … | |
Hi, I want to read an xml file thru java..all examples in google r of same type.... my xml file shows <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> - <checkstyle version="5.3"> - <file name="C:\Checkstyle\Junit\LLU.java"> <error line="2" column="8" severity="error" message="Unused import - java.io.FileWriter." source="com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.checks.imports.UnusedImportsCheck" /> <error line="3" column="8" severity="error" message="Unused import - java.io.IOException." source="com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.checks.imports.UnusedImportsCheck" … | |
I want to have files like this: File1.xml [code] <titletag> Title1 goes here </titletag> <contenttag> Content1 goes here </contenttag> [/code] and then use this data with something like: [code] <html> <body> ... Place <contents of titletag from File1.xml> here </html> [/code] Is this a reasonable request? How would I do … | |
Hi, I'm making a website and I wanted to incorporate a 'News' page. As I'll display some of the news topics elsewhere (in home page), I wanted to make each of the topics in XML. I have the XML document, and tried using XSLT to parse the XML into XHTML … | |
I use a PHP WS to get country by IP of visitors to my site, well is it needed save this country or, since is easiest save ONLY the IP and country for a particular IP never changes??? | |
Hi i have fetch rss feeds url itms on page .i want that when we click on the particluar rss feed item than fetch that feed full article. If anyone know please tell thanks & regards bhupinder | |
I am getting that exception('Chart:' undeclared namespace) on executing the code [CODE] xmlString =" <Chart:Bullet values='100,200' size='100x20' shading='5' >"; XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xmlString); [/CODE] | |
Plz send me the complete code for convert xml file to sql database | |
Hello, i'm working on a xml-style format protocol for question-and-answer applications. The concept is simple: there are just a few types answers possible (just like in real life): open answers which are entered as strings, numeric answers as integers, multiple choice answers and ratings (which are just numeric integers, really, … | |
I have written Java client and service,locator,stub,proxy classes are created in eclipse.I also modified endpoint in locator class.The method we are consuming that is returning an object of class. Below error gettting while running web service client AxisFault faultCode: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Server.userException faultSubcode: faultString: java.io.IOException: java.io.IOException: java.io.IOException: Non nillable element 'stateCode' is … | |
Hi. I'm new to xml. This is my sample codes. [CODE]<!-- library1.xml --> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="library.xsl"?> <lib> <book> <name>Modern Operating System</name> <author>Andrew S. Tanenbaum</author> <edition>3rd Edition</edition> <price>1500</price> <ISBN>978-81-203-3904-1</ISBN> </book> <book> <name>PHP and MySQL Web Development</name> <author>Luke Welling and Laura Thomson</author> <edition>4th Edition</edition> <price>1200</price> <ISBN>672-32672-8</ISBN> </book> <book> <name>Rapid … |
The End.