3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for knowledgelover

hi there, I am trying to learn how to generate xml document having the XSD file that describes the schema of the xml, and need to insert specific values for some of the elements, too. then I need to parse other xml files, I have googled about it, and many …

Member Avatar for varunnanda
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Day all I have a Sp that is written like this set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Import_RegistrationsXM] @xml ntext AS set nocount on DECLARE @doc int EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @doc OUTPUT, @xml TRUNCATE TABLE _RegistrationXM INSERT INTO _RegistrationXM SELECT * FROM OPENXML ( @doc , 'Import/Item' …

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb
Member Avatar for phant0m67

hi im trying to parce a XML that is generated by a php page, the problem is that when i try to get the elements on that XML, the browser says that my variables (dado) are undefined.... any idea how to solve this? [code] function leValorXML(xmldoc, tag){ var dado = …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for ikitshop

Hi, When i submit my sitemap.xml in googlewebmaster tool they give me error of "Network unreachable: Network unreachable We encountered an error while trying to access your Sitemap. Please ensure your Sitemap follows our guidelines and can be accessed at the location you provided and then resubmit." what is problem …

Member Avatar for ikitshop
Member Avatar for Facte

All I am trying to do is create an XML feed so that I can submit it to a site. However no matter what I do (albeit with my limited size of brain) all I get are errors. It hates pound signs and apostrophes even if I try the only …

Member Avatar for Facte
Member Avatar for urs.karuna1218

Hi, How can I find the number of nodes in the node-set. Here in the below document I want to find the number of nodes in DocumentList element. Am new to Xpath. Can anyone please help me out? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ProcessData> <SessionBeginTime>2009-07-14 13:24:28.218</SessionBeginTime> <ServerResponse> <Code>226</Code> <Text>226 Transfer OK</Text> </ServerResponse> …

Member Avatar for urs.karuna1218
Member Avatar for swarupa_shet

<CCAddMFADetailsRequest> <accounts> <tp_account> <tp_account_id> 28 </tp_account_id> <questions> <question> <text>Enter your first pet's name:</text> <answer>tiger</answer> </question> <question> <text>Enter your first pet's name2:</text> <answer>tiger2</answer> </question> <question> <text>Enter your first pet's name3:</text> <answer>tiger3</answer> </question> </questions> </tp_account> <tp_account> <tp_account_id> 29 </tp_account_id> <questions> <question> <text>Enter your 9</text> <answer>dsftiger</answer> </question> </questions> </tp_account> </accounts> </CCAddMFADetailsRequest> How to …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for CForsyth68

I need some help creating an XSLT to group RSS-like data by unique category (sorted alphabetically) and then sort each item by date under each sorted category. (Yes I realize this will produce a Cartesian product). Here is a trimmed down version of the XML source... [CODE]<channel> <item> <title>test1</title> <pubDate>2009-07-16</pubDate> …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for Reliable

In other words, can I do this.. [CODE]<cd> <artist>Angella Christie</artist> <album>Hymn & I</album> <song>Blessed Assurance</song> <genre>Gospel Jazz</genre> [COLOR="Green"]<image> http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41TQV56BH0L._SL160_AA115_.jpg</image>[/COLOR] </cd>[/CODE] I'm asking because when I press "Get Schema" Dreamweaver gives me an "Expected entity name for reference(13,16). The "image" tag line is line 16.

Member Avatar for Reliable
Member Avatar for jayrodau

I am looking for a xml creator/editor with treeview using Tkinter. I want to be able to load and save changes. Any help would be greatly appreciated or snippets. Thanks!

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for samuelll

Just started with XLS and I have this code, which I think suppose to copy every node to the output file. But I am really not sure... [code] <!-- Copies everything? But it doesn't?? --> <!-- Matches any element node --> <xsl:template match="*"> <xsl:copy> <!-- Matches any attribute node --> …

Member Avatar for Rob.Hughes

Hey, I've just joined up here hoping somebody might be able to help me with a project I've got on at work at the moment. I've been learning python using the method, let's just do it and see what happens and I appear to be coming up to conflicts consistently …

Member Avatar for zachabesh
Member Avatar for yash777

hello all, I want to add user data in xmlDocument which has following format: [ICODE]<proposalRequests> <proposal> <name>abc</name> <contactNo> 998989898 </contactNo> <city> ppppp </city> <date> 16/07/2009 </date> </proposal> <proposal> ..... ..... </proposal> </proposalRequests>[/ICODE] i want to append a new [B]<proposal>[/B] code for each new user to the XML file. How do …

Member Avatar for yash777
Member Avatar for huzeifa

I am working on a ftp client program and i wana know how to save password without creating a text file. If its possible to achieve this using xml or any other method please show me how. If u have a project or sourcecode on this please upload it in …

Member Avatar for tux4life
Member Avatar for isak

I am a newbie to xml. I have a web page ([url]http://gunn.net/iter3-listings.php[/url]) that displays a list of info from an xml file. I would like to be able to click on any of the items (real estate listings) and open a page with more info. I thought I had it …

Member Avatar for rickya100

Hi everyone, The goal is to be able to extract a specific element (and all children of it) from a XML string and then to echo this to the page inside a hidden form element so that it can be posted to another page. I have tried to get the …

Member Avatar for rickya100
Member Avatar for urs.karuna1218

Hi Folks, Can anyone explain me whether we can use multiple predicates in the path expression. In the below path, // indicates searching for the node in XML document irrespective of its position, but I didn't understand why 'starts-with' function is placed in [] brackets. Even though it's working fine, …

Member Avatar for urs.karuna1218
Member Avatar for krokodajl

Hi, how can I create using asp.net simple xml file which looks like following: [code=xml]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <my:myFields xmlns:my="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/infopath/2003/myXSD/2009-07-13T10:21:01"> <my:field1>FirstName</my:pole1> <my:field2>SecondName</my:pole2> <my:field3 /> <my:field4 /> <my:field xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" /> </my:myFields>[/code] How can I write prefix [B]my[/B] on beggining of tag?

Member Avatar for krokodajl
Member Avatar for neutralfox

Hello friends, I am currently working on a website, [url]http://www.waskle.com/news.php[/url] , the goal is to manage RSS feeds from different sources(news source). It will be like, all top news under the same roof. Well, i have already coded the rss engine, everything works fine. But the problem is with the …

Member Avatar for RetawGnrips

Hello, I am new to Python, and have a specific task that I was curious to see if it could be implemented in Python. I have access to a server that will accept requests to query a database utilizing HTTP URLs, and it responds to the request with the results …

Member Avatar for zachabesh
Member Avatar for sk1017

Can some one please do a small XML / ASP coursework for me... I have no idea in the topic.. Had been sick for a couple of weeks and now the cw is due in August.. I am ready to pay for it as well... Please email me on [email]sk1017@mdx.ac.uk[/email] …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for chsab420

hey guyz, i need help regarding web services here is code [code] Set oSOAP = Server.CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient30") oSOAP.ClientProperty("ServerHTTPRequest") = True 'Initaialize the Web Service oSOAP.mssoapinit("http://buergerserviceschul.niedersachsen.de/modules/id/public/webservice/V4_00/doc_lit/?wsdl") '3e5c3d29701e79622c242d0e8d8f7675 res = SOAP.getAnliegen("myid","",true,true,true,"",Now()) [/code] now should this code work or not but in my case it wont work getAnliegen function returns array back but i …

Member Avatar for AlbertPi
Member Avatar for janetb

Had a repeater giving out an rss xml data feed, but it took too long to load, so I'm using an ajax incremental page loader and need to get the xml into an innerhtml format so I can write it back to the page's div tag via a web service. …

Member Avatar for janetb
Member Avatar for Tamir09

Ive managed so far with this code that amends data to an xml form, but I need to figure out how to remove the bit of code that amends data rather than overwriting it. Ive messed around with the code to see if I could manipulate it myself to get …

Member Avatar for Tamir09
Member Avatar for Mclovin

Hi! I'm creating metadata to a bunch of files and have problems figuring out how to do this. The python script should be able to create one xml document for each file in the directory. The problem is not to walk through the files but to create additional metadata to …

Member Avatar for keizersoz

Hello all, In my WSDL I defined a float [CODE]<xsd:complexType name="M01_rowType"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="helpdTTSAvg" type="xsd:float"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="M01_tableType"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="helpdTTSVal" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="tns:M01_rowType"/> </xsd:sequence>[/CODE]I can also see from PHP that I received float values, however SOAP truncates the float to integer, whereas for instance 3.06 is trucated to …

Member Avatar for xyzt

Hello, I have lots of xml files in the same format and I need to modify a xml tag in these files. i loop over the files and apply sed to the files to make the modification but CPU goes to %100 while doing this. I think I'm doing something …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for smileyc

Hi. using the following code I am trying to read an xml stream [code] [code=vb.net] Do While (reader.Read()) Select Case reader.NodeType Case XmlNodeType.Element 'Display beginning of element. MsgBox("<" + reader.Name) Case XmlNodeType.Text 'Display the text in each element. MsgBox(reader.Value) Case XmlNodeType.EndElement 'Display end of element. MsgBox("</" + reader.Name + ">") …

Member Avatar for reshmar

Hi, I'm writing a .net wcf service that can return result in the form the user expects. So a user when adding a web reference to the service can also provide an xsd containing the type definition for the return type he expects and the service will include the xsd …

Member Avatar for an0n3m0us

I am trying to extract keywords and image urls from this xml document (also attached) [URL="http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/collection/database/opensearch/new_tlf_feed.php?start=1&show=3"]http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/collection/database/opensearch/new_tlf_feed.php?start=1&show=3[/URL] It contains 3 /rss/channel/item elements each containing one /general element each general element contains many keyword elements each of which has a string element who's value i want. I can get XPathNodeIterator on /rss/channel/item …


The End.