3,634 Topics

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1 [icode]<%@page import = “java.util.*” %>[/icode] 2 [code=JSP]<% String s1= request.getParameter(“str1”); String s2= request.getParameter(“str2”); str = concatenateStr(s1, s2); %>[/code] 3 ) [code=JSP] <%! String str ; public String concatenateStr(String s1, String s2){ return s1+s2 ; } %>[/code]

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for NetGD

Hello, I am am trying to get a ListView to populate based on an xml file. to acheive this I would like to use the DataTable. this is my XML file: [CODE]<?xml version="1.0"?> <main> <person> <id>1</id> <name><first>Joe</first><last>Blow</last></name> </person> </main>[/CODE] And the C# that I am using to read it: [CODE]public …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for ChinthakaH

Hey everybody! I'm new to this forum & I'd like to get some help with a 'flash xml menu with sub menus' that I already have. The problem is that main menu labels are short: HOME PORTFOLIO CONTACT US ABOUT US but the sub menus are longer: Transcend Music Publishing …

Member Avatar for Wolverine68

I am new to AJAX. I'm trying to write code that will extract from an XML file and then display the results. Keep getting a syntax error. HTML: [CODE] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Extract Data from an XML file</title> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> <!--The object …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for sivak

In Visual Studio 2008, I received the below error message while trying to add a web reference to my Web Application. "There was an error downloading '.....asmx'. " I had no issues when I tried the same in Visual Studio 2003. What would be the problem? Please help me, It's …

Member Avatar for lonestar23

I am trying to parse a XML document but can not seem to parse both Childnodes and Attributes in the same Foreach statement. ===================== PHP CODE ===================== [CODE] <?PHP $webResults = $response->getElementsByTagName($prnt0); if ($webResults->length<>0) { foreach($webResults as $value){ $title = $value->childNodes->item($child1)->nodeValue; } } ?> [/CODE] Need the title childnode and …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for N3oblaster

Hi, Im new to C# and need help with my program that im writing i need to let it read an XML in the first window and when i press add program a second window opens (both windows i have) i want it to write the XML so something like …

Member Avatar for N3oblaster
Member Avatar for servis

is it possible to use the xmlHTTP.responseText in any other java function, after execuation of stateChanged() function??? example in ajax... [ICODE] function stateChanged(){ if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 || xmlHttp.readyState=="complete") { var result = xmlHttp.responseText if (result.length=="0"){ var task = "do"; //i want to use "task" in other js function return task; } …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for Ryders

Hi all, I have a piece of xml+html which I'm trying to cleanup using xslt. Here's a sample; [CODE]<body> <TEXT>A few bright spots are emerging in the small to medium-size enterprises landscape, but funding issues remain as much a problem for those who want to expand overseas as for those …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for Tamir09

How would I read XML data into an array? I have an XML sheet, and I want to read each of the values of a specific element into an array. So for each element in each data group I would have an array holding that data. The idea is to …

Member Avatar for Tamir09
Member Avatar for rithera

So, this is my hello world program for python and I have been able to solve all the problems except 1. When I grab the page data from WoWArmory in python, non-ascii characters like "ø" are printing as "ø" and "é" as "é" and so on. So, I went over …

Member Avatar for rithera
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day.! I am getting stuck with parsing my xml data in order for me to display it on a listview. The xml data to be parsed is not constant. The the <NumRows> is changing. I need .bas or any other function in VB6 that will parse the xml and …

Member Avatar for naveenduttvyas

Hello Tenchnocrats, I am getting the following error while invoking the "getSession" method of sessionmanager webservice deployed in weblogic OCSG. I have created a soap message properly but its giving error as "javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: No Security header in message but required by policy." The SOAP message created is by below code …

Member Avatar for mem81

Hi Guys, Spent lots of time looking around , reading MSDN help and whatnot. I don`t seem to get the right answer still. What I would like to do is To parse XML file to an array in vb.net console application.The XML file is very simple. The thing is that …

Member Avatar for mem81
Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for antobx

Hi , I create a xml string using a xmldocument (c# 2.0 ) This is my code (more or less) XmlElement MySearchNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("MySearch"); xmlDoc.AppendChild(MySearchNode); ... XmlNode node1 = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/MySearch/Objects"); XmlAttribute nameAttrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("result"); nameAttrib.Value = "012"; node1.Attributes.Append(nameAttrib); xmlDoc.outerxml I want to validate the xml string against a XSD : …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for junrest

Hi, I'm newbie in nusoap library, and I'm getting stuck how to declare soap:header to be use in authentication from the client to the server. My script/wsdl server works fine, but I just want to secure my functions using authentication and also as of now dont have any idea how …

Member Avatar for petrica

Hello, I'm working on a project using web services in C#. I have a Oracle database and different clients are requesting data using the web services from the Oracle database. In time after a few hours of running the web services IIS server memory usage seems to increase. I've checked …

Member Avatar for chedderslam

I don't use XSLT very much, but need to modify our current file. Right now, we have the following statement: [CODE] <business_use> <xsl:value-of select="if (*:PersDriverInfo/*:kait_BusinessUseInd = '1') ))then 'Y' else 'N'"/> </business_use> [/CODE] I am trying to modify it to look at an additional node like this: [CODE] <business_use> <xsl:value-of …

Member Avatar for cwlocke
Member Avatar for Swijr

I have a task where I'm transforming a response like this: [code] <Names> <Name> <First></First> <Last></Last> <Middle></Middle> </Name> <Name> <First></First> <Last></Last> <Middle></Middle> </Name> </Names> [/code] But I have to format it into nodes like this: [code] <name_first_1></name_first_1> <name_last_1></name_last_1> <name_middle_1></name_middle_1> <name_first_2></name_first_2> <name_last_2></name_last_2> <name_middle_2></name_middle_2> [/code] So I wanted to use position() to …

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Member Avatar for behrk2

Hey everyone, I am going to be developing a reporting component based on a relational database. Reporting is a big thing, naturally. So I want to make sure I do it right. I have been doing a lot of research, and I want to see what you all think of …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for jonnytabpni

Hi folks, I'm trying to write an XMLHandler for my epos app. The XML file (which is received by a network stream) will include multiple "operations" which may include updating the product database or opening the cash drawer etc.. My sample XML file looks like this: [CODE]<paypointXML> <op> <command>opendrawer</command> </op> …

Member Avatar for jonnytabpni
Member Avatar for undead25

Hi there. I'm sor of beginner in c# and want to compare the value of the elements form a XML file with other values wich i declare for example. My XML file looks like this: <alarma> <conditii> <conditie> <semnal>Umiditate</semnal> <operator_semnal>=</operator_semnal> <valoare>90</valoare> </conditie> <operator>&</operator> <conditie> <semnal>Temperatura</semnal> <operator_semnal><</operator_semnal> <valoare>37</valoare> </conditie> </conditii> </alarma> …

Member Avatar for undead25
Member Avatar for polo_coins

Hi I wrote such code it works mostly perfect(you may use it) but I don"t know how to add attributes to some TAGs for example I want to change Expire date to attribute of buyer I want you suggesting how to add attributes [ICODE] class Program { static void Main(string[] …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for starengineer

can someone direct me to a tutorial that will give me step by step instructions on how to link xml to my index page. I don't quit understand the concept around xml. and how it work with an index page Thank in Advance

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for SergioQ

Does anyone know of a decent Geo Ip Tool locator? I used to use GEOIPTOOL.com. It appears to no longer work. Have tried some others, but nothing was as close as the one above. Not even sure where to ask this, this was my best guess. Sorry if I'm in …

Member Avatar for wilson2
Member Avatar for ashokrajendran

Hi all, I'm doing the project, in which i'll get a string as response from the server. That string contains the xml content. I need to parse it and extract the required value of the xml tags... i have no idea about this, Kindly any one has a code to …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for VIeditorlover

Hi, I have a php script which generates loooong 500kB+ scripts. If there were gzip used it should greatly improve performance. I have found this magic line: [code] <?php ob_start( 'ob_gzhandler' ); ?> [/code] but nothing happened - no error, but dumped data are not definitely gzipped. What should I …

Member Avatar for wewehalim

Hi, this is my final project. I have generated an xml string, and i want to parse it with dom parser, but i have error here.. this is my code: import java.io.StringReader; import java.io.IOException; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import org.w3c.dom.CharacterData; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; …

Member Avatar for Neo7

Hello everybody!! I am a newbie with MySQL but I still need to do this: 1. MySQL should be listening on a port, waiting for an XML document. 2. When it arrives, parse the XML file or just take the contents I am interesting in and insert them into the …


The End.