I don't use XSLT very much, but need to modify our current file.
Right now, we have the following statement:
<xsl:value-of select="if (*:PersDriverInfo/*:kait_BusinessUseInd = '1') ))then 'Y' else 'N'"/>
I am trying to modify it to look at an additional node like this:
<xsl:value-of select="if ((*:PersDriverInfo/*:kait_BusinessUseInd = '1') or (matches(*:VehUseCd,'BU|SR')))then 'Y' else 'N'"/>
However it is not working. The second conditional statement is taken from another part of the document, so I know it's logic is sound, but it is not producing the intended result. The resulting xml node stays set to 'N'.
As I said, I do not work with this stuff often, so perhaps I am making an obvious mistake, Any help would be appreciated.