3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for Califer

So I'm starting to use XML and I'm trying to use it as a database of sorts. I've managed to save it off and read the whole thing in, but now the problem is that I want to be able to search through, get an item, and make it. My …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for dotnetnoobie

Hi, I have a problem creating an XMLTextReader from a file on disk. Its an ASP.NET application written in VS 2005. When the application is deployed to IIS6 it runs fine but when run from visual studio the XMLTextReader is not populated from the file on the disk. I've checked …

Member Avatar for suse17

My Tomcat is here C:\Tomcat 6.0 and my Java is here C:\Program Files\IBM\Java50 When I run Tomcat from services.msc or in the task bar it shows running. But when I access [url]http://localhost:8080[/url] The page does not load. I am sure that only Tomcat is using 8080 port no. Please provide …

Member Avatar for normality2000

Would anyone have any example code in VB that illustrates how I can merge the tables that are generated when XML is read into a dataset. An example of the XML would be: [code] <process> <block1> <name>name1</name> <dated>01/04/2009</dated> </block1> <block2> <text>A</text> <UID>1</UID> <title> <label>label1</label> <value>value1</value> </title> <description> <label>label2</label> <value>value2</value> </description> …

Member Avatar for normality2000
Member Avatar for naorye

Hi, I am trying to use Xml Serialization in order to serialize and deserialize an object for a webservice and for a database operations. Here is an example of the class structure: [ICODE] public abstract class Forniture { private float m_Price; public abstract int color{get; set;} [XmlElement(DataType="float"))] public float price{ …

Member Avatar for naorye
Member Avatar for naorye

Hi, I posted a question in C# forum and a guy there advice me to ask the question here. So, here is a link to my question: [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread190093.html"]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread190093.html[/URL] First, I will describe the classes and then I will describe the error: I have a class Task3: [ICODE] public class Task3 …

Member Avatar for nurdglaw

Hi, I'm trying to delelop a stylesheet to add some tags to the top and bottom of HTML head and body nodes. So, I've started off with a stylesheet that looks like [code] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"> <xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:apply-templates select="html"/> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="html"> <xsl:comment> <xsl:value-of select="' Entered …

Member Avatar for RonaldDuncan
Member Avatar for TheBrenda

I have a grid where you input the XPath to retrieve the values from an XML file. Client wants the last four of the Credit Card. I have come up with the following XPath Substring statement, but my usual XPath statements start with // and in the code I use …

Member Avatar for msbalaji
Member Avatar for qavo

If you send two asynchronous requests in quick succession I presume this involves two different instances of the XMLHttpRequest. Are you supposed to allocate a different onsteadystatechange function to each different instance of XMLHttpRequest (which seems a bit awkward). I have tried to use a single "pipe-like" function and then …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for ruwanaru

this is my xml file its using in flash image viewer [QUOTE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <gallery> <image url="Flower Photo 1.jpg" /> <image url="Flower Photo 2.jpg" /> <image url="Flower Photo 3.jpg" /> <image url="Flower Photo 4.jpg" /> <image url="Flower Photo 5.jpg" /> <image url="Flower Photo 6.jpg" /> <image url="Flower Photo 7.jpg" /> …

Member Avatar for ruwanaru
Member Avatar for Dave4U

Hi I would like to know how in XSLT to select the QTY into a variable and the use that to repeat the GIR, that number of times? e.g. if QTY 12 need to repeat GIR 12 times <QTY> <QTY01-QuantityDetails> <QTY0101-QuantityQualifier>1</QTY0101-QuantityQualifier> <QTY0102-Quantity> <xsl:value-of select="QTY"/> </QTY0102-Quantity> </QTY01-QuantityDetails> </QTY> <GIR> <GIR01-SetIdentificationQualifier/> <GIR02-IdentificationNumber>xxxx …

Member Avatar for msbalaji
Member Avatar for metta123

[code]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <sites id="0"> <siteName>London <groupName>Administration</groupName> <groupName>IT <groupName>IT Sales</groupName> <groupName>Helpdesk</groupName> </groupName> </siteName> </sites>[/code] Above is just a sample snippet to highlight what I am trying to achieve. Basically I just want to have a way to traverse this. But with <divs> attached to each level with an onclick …

Member Avatar for metta123
Member Avatar for amerninja2

1. Can it be used in a C++ program other than with HTML? 2. Can a program communicate with a website with it? -Program update check? -Stream video/picture? -Send Text to website which is instantly displayed to users?

Member Avatar for amerninja2
Member Avatar for barbz

Nothing happens when i select a feed.. can you help me figure out what's wrong/missing? [code] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>RSS Reader</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.2.6.min.js" charset="utf-8"> function get_rss_feed() { $("#feedContent").empty(); $.get('http://barbz.0fees.net/proxy.php?url='+$('#diffFeeds').val(), function(d) { $(d).find('item').each(function() { var …

Member Avatar for barbz
Member Avatar for fitse

Hello everyone, I have an xml document that contains the captions of photos in a photo gallery I wanted to put the caption after uploadind the photos and also delete a specific caption Like <caption>Name1</caption> <caption>Name2</caption> can anyone tell me how to edit the xml

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for jaystar

Hi all I am trying to make a little program that when you type in a number (anydigit) it will search the xml file and display the results in a text box, i have found some code that i would like to modify, the code here has no option to …

Member Avatar for jencas
Member Avatar for rmcgrady

Hi forum, Trying to create an RSS feed for my blog (not using a blog host or blog software). Seems to me the best way for me to do it is to use PHP in the XML to draw the last X posts from my MySQL database. So first, I …

Member Avatar for barbz
Member Avatar for TheBrenda

XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 have some functions listed at [URL="http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/"]http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/[/URL]. I would like to try and use one. However I have a couple of questions (1) I am not sure of the syntax. I have never seen one used in code and the listed formats seem peculiar. Does someone …

Member Avatar for TheBrenda

There are multiple occurances of the PLUS_BORROWER data. For each occurence of PLUS_BORROWER, I want to save the CREDIT_SCORE and DAYTIME_PHONE_NBR when the Type= And SOCIAL_SECURITY_NBR are certain values. Then I want to execute a loop and extract the Credit_Score and Daytime_Phone_Nbrs. [code] <PLUS_BORROWER Type="Primary"> <SOCIAL_SECURITY_NBR>123459999</SOCIAL_SECURITY_NBR> <CREDIT_SCORE ModelName="Emperica">793</CREDIT_SCORE> <DAYTIME_PHONE_NBR>4077889999</DAYTIME_PHONE_NBR> <DAYTIME_PHONE_EXT>101</DAYTIME_PHONE_EXT> …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for GregBlast

Hi, I'm building a little file compression system that is supposed to allow grouping a hierarchy of multiple files and then compressing them and the contrary. For this I don't take care of the file type to keep it generic but I'm getting a problem when the file is an …

Member Avatar for GregBlast
Member Avatar for jeffc418

Hi! I'm trying to take the XML feed from Google Calendars: [url]www.google.com/calendar/feeds/jeffc418%40gmail.com/public/basic[/url] And make it into a PHP variable so I can set each calendar event as a variable. How would I go about that? I contacted my hoster about simplexml and I got a response about PHP 4/5. If …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Lleoun

Hi all, I have the following php script: [CODE] <?php $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load( 'events.xml' ); $events = $doc->getElementsByTagName( "event" ); foreach( $events as $event) { $hours = $event->getElementsByTagName( "hour" ); $hour = $hours->item(0)->nodeValue; $minutes = $event->getElementsByTagName( "minute" ); $minute = $minutes->item(0)->nodeValue; . . . ?> [/CODE] events.xml contains …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for gijoe2cool

I am having a problem with my RSS feed for my podcast. I am sure I am not doing it right though, but it looks right to me. Can someone please help me. If you go to a Feed Validator and type in the address [url]http://www.fallenangelunlimited.com/podcasts.xml[/url]

Member Avatar for bobchrist
Member Avatar for duke5700

Hi all, Just a noob with an easy question :). Given this DTD [code]<!ELEMENT multimedia_format (description, examples, references)> <!ATTLIST multimedia_format name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT description (p+)> <!ELEMENT p ((text|em|strong|abbr|quoted_text|citation)*)> <!ELEMENT text (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT em (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT strong (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT abbr (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST abbr fulltext CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT quoted_text (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST …

Member Avatar for rpetras

I am having trouble running some test code using SOAP::Lite for perl. The code (listed below) simply hits a prime number generator that is freely available that I found through xmethods.net. It should be relatively simple test code, the only complication being the internal proxy server, but that seems to …

Member Avatar for rpetras
Member Avatar for hill258

I'm having trouble calling this template. I want to find the median "price" for all "widgets" This is as far as I've gotten: [code] <xsl:call-template name="median"> <xsl:with-param name="nodes" select="*what goes here?*"/> </xsl:call-template> [/code] My XML: [code] <widgets> <widget price="10" category="1" /> <widget price="5" category="1" /> <widget price="20" category="2" /> </widgets> …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for veledrom

I return result like this. [code] $xmlDoc=simplexml_load_file("myXML.xml"); $search = $xmlDoc->xpath("/customer[@id='$ID']"); foreach ($search as $key => $customer) { echo $id = $customer["id"]; } [/code] Is there any chance to DELETE or UPDATE above particular record without creating whole XML file again like we do in database? Thanks

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for raghu6152

Hi Friends, I just want to output the xml using php and mysql. Like If i have data in jan month and feb. I wanted to display that in xml sheet. How to go about this please help me. Regards Raghu

Member Avatar for raghu6152
Member Avatar for Lee_Sonnenburg

I'm writing a program that accesses a public web service. The web service has one web method. After referencing the service and creating an instance of it i'm retrieving the data from the web method. The problem: The data that gets retrieved is a long string of xml. What I …

Member Avatar for Lee_Sonnenburg
Member Avatar for shasha821110

Hi, all I am using simplexml_load_file() function to get the rss and change it to the XML and get the elements. But i got the error information like below: [CODE=php]failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable in [/CODE] My code is like this: [CODE=php] $zip = …

Member Avatar for martin5211

The End.