3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for Danny

Computer programmers from around the world will soon flock to Mountain View, California, to participate in Code Jam, a competition run by search giant [url=http://www.google.com]Google Inc[/url]. Registration for Code Jam 2005 officially opened today. No limits on registration have been set, but only 500 contestants will move past the qualification …

Member Avatar for itsjareds

I answered a question a few days ago on Yahoo! Answers where I helped (did all the work for) the question asker. They were asking for a way to parse text from a <textarea> and search for HTML-like elements that were named in a database (or an array, in my …

Member Avatar for itsjareds
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

I saw that in some xml files, child numbers are not the same for the elements which will correspond to our table rows. So i created a more smart version which is error tolerant.

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for foosion

I'm trying to parse xml, but am missing something. In the following, I can get the key, but not the value [code]from xml.dom import minidom xmlstring = '''<search ver="3.0"> <loc id="USAR0433" type="1">Paris, AR</loc> <loc id="USID0192" type="1">Paris, ID</loc> </search>''' dom = minidom.parseString(xmlstring) r = dom.getElementsByTagName('search')[0] res = [] for x in …

Member Avatar for foosion
Member Avatar for prajnapj

how to compare two directories that contain xml files in perl.. and prints the content that is modified, added and deleted

Member Avatar for gginnj
Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi all, how to do xml mapping in tomcat5.5 i have an xml code here just tell me what should be thier in blank space <web-app> <servlet> <servlet-name>firstservlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>........</servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>firstservlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>.............</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> </web-app > thanks

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi all, I have deployed my folder in tomcat5.5, while running its giving error xml validation disabled. so please help me how to run my program.. regards ishlux

Member Avatar for Arabic-SEO

Hello, is it possible to add Google Dictionary to a website? I tried using iframe, but that will show a link to all google services at the top of the page. Any other way to embed the Google dictionary? Thanks,

Member Avatar for mgerber

(I am new to web development so please keep that in mind) I want to integrate REST service into an application that is currently running a listener for sockets as back end of web app. Is this a good idea? How do I do this as I don't see in …

Member Avatar for jaybiet

Hi I am using xml and xslt for generate MS word doc. In xml there is a attribute <Comment></Comment> This comment attribute contains Rich text(HTML formatting) and this attribute is populated dynamically. I generate doc by using following function [code=c#]public static byte[] CreateWord(XmlReader xmlData, XmlReader xsltReader) { // Initialize needed …

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Member Avatar for rototem

Hello, I have to parse an xml document that contains names of sports teams , but these sport teams tags are included in league tags , so inside a league can be a variable number of teams (1, 2 etc.). Like this : <league> <name>NCAA</name> <team> <name>Akron </name> <decimalodds>2</decimalodds> </team> …

Member Avatar for rototem
Member Avatar for lkofman

[code=html]<html> <head> <title>Ajax demo</title> </head> <body > <script type= "text/javascript" > var req; function validateUser() { alert("validate catched") if(window.XMLHttpRequest){ req=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { req=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else{ alert("Your browser does not support XMLHTTP!"); } alert("request catched") var idField=document.getElementById("userid"); var url="localhost:1234/a/validate?id=" ; url+=idField.value; req.open("GET",url,true); req.send(null); } </script> <H1>Ajax …

Member Avatar for lkofman
Member Avatar for nihilnovi

So been sitting with this problem all week, can't figure it out. Need to make a automatic parser that converts xml in this format: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <open_marine version="1.7" language="english" origin="Companyname" date="ISO 8601 1250016600"> <broker code="MIB"> <broker_details> <company_name>Company name</company_name> </broker_details> <offices> <office id="1"> <office_name>Moore International</office_name> <email>mail@mail.com</email> <name > <title …

Member Avatar for teajay99

Hi Guys, I'm afraid i am a complete novice when it comes to XML but know PHP pretty well. I have a form located here.. [URL="http://clientel-transit.co.uk/life-assurance/mortgage-protection.php"]http://clientel-transit.co.uk/life-assurance/mortgage-protection.php[/URL] which sends values to a third party server and returns the quote values in XML. I have also been sent the following file available …

Member Avatar for Bojero
Member Avatar for RetawGnrips

Hello, I am currently trying to use the code below to increment the currentChild after every iteration. However, in the output shown below, it is apparent that the value is never changing. There are four children in this example, so it is printing out the statements the correct number of …

Member Avatar for dph729
Member Avatar for arch1

Hi, I am new to SOAP and getting this error " RESULTS: Array ( [faultcode] => Client [faultactor] => [faultstring] => Could not authenticate SOAP request: Could not retrieve authentication credentials from SOAP header [detail] => )" The cURL PHP extension is required for NuSOAP to make a connection over …

Member Avatar for jacanon7
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi, I'm planning to work something with XML and Python. As part of familializing with it, I want to make simple playlist for a wxMedia player. the player is simply wx.MediaCtrl with some buttons and wxListCtrl as list container. My Question is, what process does it take to get playlis …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for dm_team

Hi All, I want to replace single quote and ampersand in XSLT of data view web part. I tried to use translate function. But when i do a translate of &amp;#39; then &amp; is also getting replaced. Could some one help me on this. Thanks, dm

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for dahagaku

I requested a document from my insurance company and it was sent to me by email, as a xml file. I tried to open it by IE browser, MS Word, Excel, note pad, but it opens as codes. I need to print this document, is there any way to open …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for waxy41

My colleagues and I have a problem that is really frustrating us. We have created a WebService using Delphi. This web service has functions which construct an XML file from a database/other files and in theory sends them to the client when it calls the corresponding function. Our plan is …

Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

Hi All, iv been a member here a few months now and have been helped greatly in the past & would appreciate some pointers please. I have been given an xml document & have been tasked with extracting information from it. an example of data held in the xml file …

Member Avatar for rskelley
Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

Hi all, Im looking into an xml file and trying to understand how i extract data from the xml file using a php script. an example of data that i would like to <enquiry_number>000001</enquiry_number> <product_code>HPI11</product_code> Im thinking i need to use a GET function but not sure how I would …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for yitzhak

I'm new to xpath.. probably very simple, but I haven't been able to figure it out. I'm working with the following xml structure: [ICODE]<item dateExpires="0" doNotPublish="0" manufacturer="" productDetailURL="" id="BKIT1009" type="2"> <pricing price="29.99" retailMarkup="0" retailPrice="0" saleMarkDown="0" salePrice="0" saleType="0" stockPrice="29.99" taxableNational="1" taxableRegional="1"/> </availability> <accessoryGroup>misc</accessoryGroup> <name>2 Piece Kit</name> <briefDescription>2 Piece Kit</briefDescription> <description>2 Piece …

Member Avatar for yitzhak
Member Avatar for etm9413

Hi all, I got the following XML C# string: [CODE=XML] <Grocery> <Food> <Fresh Food> <fruit>BANANA</fruit> <meat>CHICKEN</meat> <desert>CAKE</desert> </Fresh Food> </Food> <Food> <Fresh Food> <fruit>APPLE</fruit> <meat>BEEF</meat> <desert>PIE</desert> </Fresh Food> </Food> </Grocery> [/CODE] I want to remove the Fresh Food tags to obtain the following: [CODE=XML] <Grocery> <Food> <fruit>BANANA</fruit> <meat>CHICKEN</meat> <desert>CAKE</desert> </Food> …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for iamakimmer

hi, if I have a variable such as [CODE]<xsl:variable name="name" select="name" />[/CODE] and I want to reach somewhere in xpath using this variable as the attribute, such as: [CODE]sum(/document/doc/@[B]$name[/B])[/CODE] this query doesn't work. is there anyway I can reach this path without knowing that the attribute name?

Member Avatar for sriasarch

Hi, I am getting parsing error in xpath transformation String s = "if (/blah/text()!='') then blah/text() else ''"; XPathExpression expression = xpath.compile(s); Object o = expression.evaluate(target, XPathConstants.NODESET); I am using normal core java and xml packages to parse import javax.xml.parsers. DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression; import …

Member Avatar for anshusharma

hello , i am new to web applications.in my final year project,earlier i was making call to database to get the data.Now i have to replace that database call with a webservice call. i used axis2 to create a client stub and than wrote the java client to consume the …

Member Avatar for crohole

Hi all master. I want to ask how to check all website that have my link in there. For example : my link is : crohole.com And I want to detect where are the website that have link to crohole.com. It detect all website in the world. The result will …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I have read a little bit on XML and I will need it to get some information from already available XML files. I would like to learn it by making very small playlist. However I have encountered the two beasts. I don't know much of XML, especially with python. So …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

The End.