3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for MORACOM

I have this JSP code that i found online and it seems to work cuz it loops thru the xml file and writes the HTML code for the TRs and TDs but for some reason is not displaying the data. Am i missing something? [CODE]<%@page import="org.w3c.dom.*, javax.xml.parsers.*" %> <% DocumentBuilderFactory …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for kosofi

last post i tried to read/write data with xls using jscript but cant do it yet but if its possible with xml thats will be fine , any ideas ?

Member Avatar for kosofi
Member Avatar for celltechgsm

Hello all master, Any one can help me can make procedure or guide putting executable file on a webpage ...? thank you .. br, celltechgsm

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for GETCODE

am sure is a no-brainer but I am new at XSLT. I just can get my XML to vaLidate against 2 namespaces; I might be missing somethig at the psgecfd:PrestadoresDeServiciosDeCFD node!. I have an XML with 2 xsi:schemaLocation and when validation againts the xsd I got the error: [B]Vs cfdv2.xsd:[/B] …

Member Avatar for Chocobo_Knight

Hey all, Not sure if this is a C# or a XML question but i decided to post it here as i'm trying to use C# to update XML. I'm trying to update XML document Attributes from a XLS document. The XML documents are 1000's of lines long and there …

Member Avatar for Gredesh

Hello, I've been messing around trying to create a web service and the WSDL xml doc is being very difficult. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with it? When I run the WS-I compliance report it tells me: "[B]Failed[/B] [B]Artifact Targets Analyzed:[/B] The summary result applies to the following artifact …

Member Avatar for shanawazway

I m getting problem while creating a dynamic website. In Ajax I have good tutorial book. but it missing, "how to create XML file filled with data which comes from SQL server. Second thing is that: How to retrieve the data from XML file. Please Help out me for this …

Member Avatar for Thirusha
Member Avatar for khess

Linus Torvalds, creator of the Linux kernel, said at the [URL="http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon"]LinuxCon[/URL] in Portland yesterday that, "We are not the streamlined, small, hyper-efficient kernel I envisioned 15 years ago," he said. "Our kernel is huge and bloated. Whenever we add a new feature, it only gets worse." It's time to put …

Member Avatar for legolas558
Member Avatar for loukiachr

Hello, I want to create a word 2003 type document (.doc). I have a xml file and a xslt file. The first one has the data the second has the style. Then I combine these two through my c# code and create the doc file. Can you please help me …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sa3q

Hello all i want to make application in c# to read any xml file in tree example the xml file like that ======================= [CODE]<?xml version="1.0"?> <directory name="D:\ajsam"> <directory name="D:\ajsam\Muscle & Fitness"> <directory name="D:\ajsam\Muscle & Fitness\aa"> <file name="جديد.txt" size="12"/> <file name="Cover.jpg" size="8828"/> <file name="Thumbs.db" size="11776"/> </directory> <file name="Allthewarez.lnk" size="447"/> <file name="Allthewarez.nfo" …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Arsham3

Please recommend a simple reverse proxy server but with good re-write rules engine. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Mapper99

Hi there, I am trying to delete XML nodes using PHP. Here is a sample of my xml file. [code] <users> <user> <fullname>PC1</fullname> <flooor>4</floor </user> <user> <fullname>PC2</fullname> <flooor>3</floor </user> </users> [/code] Here is my code so far: [CODE] <?php $users = new DOMDocument(); $users->load("officedata.xml"); $suser = simplexml_load_file("officedata.xml"); $count = 0; …

Member Avatar for Mapper99
Member Avatar for shug94

Hi guys, I am trying to understand how the web service security headers in SOAP work. I can see that there should be a BinarySecurityToken, a Created and Expires datetime, and a Signature portion. My questions are as follows: - What is the BinarySecurityToken? Is it the entire certificate used …

Member Avatar for yaronn01
Member Avatar for ameltei

I want to know how to send a POST XML command to a web server. I need to do this in order to upload some data in XML format. Thanks!

Member Avatar for MJUGRAN

Hi , I am fetching a xml file having n records (destinations one detination may have m routes) as below: <destination> <filename>ABC</filename> <route>ftp://manish_test:manish_pass@</route> <route>ftp://manish_test:manish_pass@</route> </destination> I have to fetch all these records based on file name (say the above destination for file staring with ABC) and so on... How I …

Member Avatar for ashu2409

hi, i am using XmlTextReader class to read xml from http link ,now my problem is that i want to replace the special characters(•) from xml before reading its tag, coz it is giving the error in XmlTextReader reader.Read() method. Please suggest any solutions to this. Thanks in advance, Ashish

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Member Avatar for sachinw

The requirement in simple logic is(please ignore the syntax i just want to tell u the requirement): <variable name="a" select="//SearchRequest/@Input"> <template> <when a=1> One </when> <when a=2> Two </when> <otherwise> None <otherwise> <!--here i want to create one element with above value which is condition based i.e One or Two …

Member Avatar for coonbri

Hello all. I am new to ASP.NET XML so I am looking for some guidance. I have an XML string that needs to read into an ASP.NET C# Gridview. The XML data actually comes from the CRM SDK crm web service (FetchXML). The XML Elements contain (dots) and attributes which …

Member Avatar for hschroeter

hello, there is a main xslt-script with a "do_this_and_that"-template. in an from the main included script ther is such "do_this_and_that"-template too. is it possible to call the "do_this_and_that"-template from the main by this included "do_this_and_that"-template? many thanks for your answer(s)

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for mikeHL

Hi, I want to process the following xml: [COLOR="Green"]... <a> HHHHeader 1 : xxx <it> yyy </it> zzz HHHHeader 2 : aaa bbb <it> ccc </it> </a> ...[/COLOR] And I want to get via a xslt the following xml [COLOR="Green"]... <a> <Header hd="1"> xxx <it> yyy </it> zzz </Header> <Header …

Member Avatar for mikeHL
Member Avatar for shankmuchlove

Say if I buy a software like Esperient Creator 3.5, which is an application used to create interactive 3D graphics. Can I convert it into a web based application so that I let multiple clients access the software online? How to convert such an application to a web based application? …

Member Avatar for sacha74

Hello, I have 2 problems with an xml file: 1. the original xml has no structure because all the tags (except the root element) are at the same level. What I want to do is to insert a tag <toto>, whose children would be one <FM1Titre> and all the tags …

Member Avatar for chand.

Hi I need to know how we can swap the xml nodes with php. actually I'm working with flash and want to create such a menu in which the images of the menu is come from the xml source. Now user can drag and drop the menu vertically like a …

Member Avatar for zackyz
Member Avatar for ktkevin1222

I'm fairly new to coding VB 2008 I need help converting a text document with a type of code in it. One line looks like this: 52.000000, 400.000000, 1.3107711, 0 I need to convert that to an xml file that looks like this: - <CuePoint> <Time>11619</Time> <Type>event</Type> <Name>Marker 01</Name> - …

Member Avatar for ktkevin1222
Member Avatar for Isiak

Please I need people assistance in resolving this: I'm try to send Some parameters to a remote web service and get parameters as response. I'm just getting nothing in return below is my code: 'I Added the web service through Add Web Refrence on VS2005 and named it RemoteSite [code] …

Member Avatar for sid78669
Member Avatar for konczuras

Hello! Is there a way to parse xml content to unicode format? I'm getting this: [QUOTE]"MinĂ©l nagyobb a család, annál nehezebb az ĂşjdonsĂĽlt barátnak-barátnĹ‘nek beilleszkedni."[/QUOTE] But I'd like this: [QUOTE]"Minél nagyobb a család, annál nehezebb az újdonsült barátnak-barátnőnek beilleszkedni."[/QUOTE] I'm using a web service to download an rss feed asynchronously …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi and in a previous discussion I wrote a bot that created informational text articles from the php forum at daniweb. This discussion can be found at [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread200918.html"]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread200918.html[/URL] However I now have another question due to the great success of my bot. Is it possible for to expand the bot …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for lorelore

Hi! I´m a newbie trying to get the size of groups with XSLT 2.0 What I'm trying to do is get the count of different child elements of a certain node, so I'm grouping them by name. Given the following sample xml file what I want is a 2 columns …

Member Avatar for lorelore
Member Avatar for sam023

i was wondering how i can convert my fetch data from database into XML..!! actually i want to use idea on pagination..!! when first time user search for data...!! a XML file will creating containing data from database..!! and further data will be listed from XML instead of database..!!! can …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for syd919

hello I am trying to design an rss feed reader using xerces-c and im using dom parsing, I am new to this side of programming and everything I know so far is self taught. I can read an xml document that is in my computer but I can't access external …

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The End.