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Member Avatar for Rete

Ummm, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but I've been having some problems with XML. I'm using Java to make an XML file that breaks apart classes into segments, but for some reason, it won't allow me to input newlines. [CODE] <?xml version="1.0" …

Member Avatar for Pete_R

Hello, My first post, a little nervous I am. I am starting with learning Java on the server side in servlets. I use Flash on the client side. What I would like to do is the following: [INDENT]client side: send xml file / receive xml file server: accept xml file …

Member Avatar for Pete_R
Member Avatar for koolhead17

HI EVERYBODY can anyone help me out am seriously pissed off i have got sum XML project s are needed to be finished within few ddddays. can anyone passme an E-BOOK tht will help me to give broad idea about XML MY ID [email]IS--KOOLHEAD17@GMAIL.COM[/email] :sad: :sad:

Member Avatar for alpha_foobar
Member Avatar for Dani

I'm having a hard time trying to syndicate my blogs. I want to create an RSS feed via PHP. So far, I have it running through all of the entries and spitting out <title> <link> <description> <time>. My problem is with the header. How do you declare those first few …

Member Avatar for numerouno
Member Avatar for Naut

A scientist want to implement tags (using XML) of following format to create web page which helps in representing Chemistry periodic table for various elements: <Element atomic number =

Member Avatar for alpha_foobar
Member Avatar for USARARE

I have a main movie that i am loading swfs into level1 as pages. Each page has a dynamic text field that is populated by an xmp file wth its properties defined by a cascading style sheet. When I look at the movie(page) independently from the main movie it is …

Member Avatar for PhoenixDown

I really dont know much about soap but isnt it a simplified user interface? What would be its relationship to XML?

Member Avatar for darklordsatan
Member Avatar for PhoenixDown

I was curious to see what ways you are making use of xml (besides xhtml and rss of course).

Member Avatar for keibi
Member Avatar for chami

:sad: I need to read a zipped xml file by using vb.net Actually what I'm trying to do is take the data from staroffice spreadsheet and save in a Oracle database. As Staroffice save its data as 5 zipped Xml files, I need to unzip them before read.

Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

Hello, I am trying to insert true or false into an xml file that has one node <LoggedIn></LoggedIn>. This is what I have so far: [CODE] [size=2]StreamReader xmlString = [/size][size=2][color=#0000ff]new[/color][/size][size=2] StreamReader(Server.MapPath("ResponseMessages/LoggedIn")); XmlDocument doc = [/size][size=2][color=#0000ff]new[/color][/size][size=2] XmlDocument(); doc.Load(xmlString); [/size][/CODE]

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Member Avatar for Brent_Ritterbec

I am working through the book Visual C#.NET Step by Step, and I came to the section of the book where the author shows how to create comments on your code with XML. ///<summary> ///The obligatory Hello World in C# ///</summary> ///<remarks> ///This program writes out Hello World ///using the …

Member Avatar for casmith
Member Avatar for krishnakr

I am new to XML/XSLT and have taken a fascination to XSLT. Please take a look at the following and let me know. ========================================================== <?xml version="1.0"?> <FAMILY> <PERSON name="Freddy"/> <PERSON name="Maartje"/> <PERSON name="Gerard"/> <PERSON name="Peter"/> <PET name="Bonzo" type="dog"/> <PET name="Arnie" type="cat"/> </FAMILY> This file is saved as family.xml ========================================================== <?xml …

Member Avatar for alpha_foobar
Member Avatar for niamul

I have a problem like this : I have an XML file containing some records and I wants them to store in a list of objects. So first I have to create objects from this XML file. But I don't know how to create object from XML file. If anyone …

Member Avatar for Black Knight
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

Hello, I want to know how to use xml and c#. Can someone give me and example of how to do this or link me to a good tutorial. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Dark_Omen
Member Avatar for ballapraveen

Hi All, I need some clarification. I have a situation where I have to use XML files to update a database using vb.net or c#.net. We have a form by which we will get an XML file in the browser from another web site. Now we need to run a …

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for Alcides

I've been having trouble using XHTML as the main DTD and adding my own as a secondary. I've googled and find plenty of discussions or articles about XML or XHTML, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. does anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance. …

Member Avatar for DanceInstructor
Member Avatar for dakkar

I've a problem with some code, this is the "core" of the code: [CODE] File xmldocFile = new File(xmlFile); File schemaFile = new File(xsdFile); try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbf.setValidating(true); SchemaFactory sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"); Schema mySchema = sf.newSchema(schemaFile); dbf.setSchema(mySchema); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); ErrorChecker errors = new ErrorChecker(); db.setErrorHandler(errors); …

Member Avatar for Progmet

I'm trying to read a xml file which contains two xml files in one file with java from a specific directory and then writing a response file with also two xml into one file which contains variables from the read xml file. XML Parser gives me an error "The processing …

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A9 Search Engine and Google are using what is becoming a new Language that combines several elements in a unique interactive way This is the newest evolution above DHTML Asynchronous JavaScript+CSS+DOM+XMLHttpRequest

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Member Avatar for hollystyles

How do I preserve things like tabs and carriage returns in text? when transforming XML to XHTML with XSL. For example: XML [CODE] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="article.xsl"?> <content> <article name="Test Article"> <heading>Test Article</heading> <subheading>Special Chars</subheading> <paragraph> <text> a less than &lt; a greater than &gt; </text> <text type="code"> …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for camelNotation

Hi . I'm trying to run Microsoft Rise of Nations 2 in my computer . My operating system is windows xp service pack 2 . When I click on the game loading icon , an error message pops up and says " BHG RTS run time fatal MSXML 4.0 is …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Makarand_Keer

Hi All I am facing problem is SQL Server 2000, with OPENXML. I am having data which i receive from some other database in form of xml doc. Now I have to use this xml data as JOIN with MS SQL 2000 database table. But as everybody aware that using …

Member Avatar for jonboy_us

I just got out of class where I had my final for Java2. I wasn't able to complete the assignment and it's bugging the heck out of me. Could you all help me figure out what I was doing wrong? The final product should have printed out all the "Students" …

Member Avatar for niamul

Hi, Can anyone please describe briefly what is the baisc function of the file web.xml in Tomcat5.0.19 ?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for JaeEmAre

Open question: We have an application in which a Java servlet calls an ASP page on which a function is coded and used by the Java servlet, passing to it parameters from the end user. We are having sporadic troubles with this process and the person attempting to help us …

Member Avatar for Vinoth

How can I intergate XML Feeds so that i can display in my site, [url]http://www.matri-perlis.com/articles/index.php?rss[/url] help appreciated.

Member Avatar for raed_hasan

I have MFC Application which expected to generate reports in XML formats, my problem I do not have an idea for how simply dealing with XML as found in .NET (XmlDocument Class). can u suggent me with solution? Regards

Member Avatar for Ejaz
Member Avatar for ep2002

Hi all, I'm trying to understand the differences between the 2 & whether it's worth the headache finding someone who can do xml, or should I just leave my site to be coded in html & CSS? Even JavaScript seems to be an issue b/c not all people have JS …

Member Avatar for DaveSW
Member Avatar for tejasmehta

I wrote web Apllication with Servlet/JSP and JDBC. I want to introduce Struts in my prev and new application. All application are database oriented, like resumebuilder, library cataloge viewer and cart application for displaying as well as shopping appliances. My main query is till now I used java core, javascript, …

Member Avatar for cosi
Member Avatar for Naveen

hi all.iv been assigned a project to create rule sets for a database using using Java and Xml. i am supposed to create rules and then customize the rules as required into various modules. initially i am supposed to use a flat file but later move on to a DB. …


The End.