3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for breham

Hi, I have feed different XML files with different formats that I want to let users map to our database themselves. Example [code]<product> <details> <name>Product One</product> <cost>20.00</cost> <available>2</available> </details> <technical> <width>3.00</width> <height>2.10</height> </technical> </product> [/code] What I need to do is be able to loop through the XML document and …

Member Avatar for drake10k

Hello, I've enountered a problem whith saving to an XML file. My app receives user input in several text boxes and when the user hits the OK button it checks if the text boxes are empty. If they are not empty it saves the input to an XML file and …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for lgriess

I've posted this problem on several forums and no one has come up with the correct answer, but anyway here it goes: I've tried stringifying and querystring'ing the parameter but the Response error continues to be {"Message":"Object reference not set to an instance of an object.","StackTrace":" at ProvaReportLocale._Default.GetColumns() in \\ProvaReportLocale\\Default.aspx.cs:line …

Member Avatar for pritaeas

Below is the XML response you get from the W3C Validation API: [code=xml] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"> <env:Body> <m:markupvalidationresponse env:encodingStyle="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-encoding" xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/2005/10/markup-validator"> <m:uri>http://www.pritaeas.net/</m:uri> <m:checkedby>http://validator.w3.org/</m:checkedby> <m:doctype>-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN</m:doctype> <m:charset>utf-8</m:charset> <m:validity>true</m:validity> <m:errors> <m:errorcount>3</m:errorcount> <m:errorlist> <m:error> <m:line>10</m:line> <m:col>1</m:col> </m:error> <m:error> <m:line>12</m:line> <m:col>2</m:col> </m:error> <m:error> <m:line>14</m:line> <m:col>3</m:col> </m:error> </m:errorlist> </m:errors> <m:warnings> <m:warningcount>0</m:warningcount> <m:warninglist> </m:warninglist> …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for masocha

Can anyone assist me by telling me where and how to to get a live precious metal feed on my website. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Niccloud

Hi i am trying to create an RSS feed for my mobile application. I seem to be getting an error that i cannot seem to solve. I was hoping someone here could enlighten me. index.php [code]<? header("Content-Type: application/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1"); include("RSS.class.php"); $rss = new RSS(); echo $rss->GetFeed(); ?> [/code] this is …

Member Avatar for kidwon

Hi guys, This below is my code: [CODE]<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function bc () { var bc = document.getElementsByTagName("BusinessCard"); for (var i=0; i < bc.length; i++) { var create_card = document.createElement("div"); create_card.setAttribute("class" , "BusinessCard" ); create_card.setAttribute("className" , "BusinessCard" ); document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(create_card); } } </script> </head> <body onload="bc()" > <BusinessCard> <Name>Somebody Somewhere</Name> <phone …

Member Avatar for kidwon
Member Avatar for JOSheaIV

Okay I am working on a group project in class and I have to learn XML for it, would anyone be able to point me in the right direction. If I recall right we are using XML to communicate with a flash program we're building. ALso if anyone knows anything …

Member Avatar for iceandrews
Member Avatar for Borzoi

I am planning to start up a new business soon and part of it is selling online. I was planning on using PayPal in the early days to handle the payments until we can afford good enough security so that we can hold data such as credit card information ourselves. …

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for chintan@dani

Hello Everybody, My site [url]www.mygospellove.com/[/url] is https based. It works fine in all major browsers but it shows system information message in IE. It shows site contains secure & nonsecure items. How i can resolve this issue..? Any help will be appreciated..

Member Avatar for Alxandr

I'm creating a xml-file from code using Linq to XML. The code is prety simple: [code=C#] XNamespace appvisumnamespace = XNamespace.Get("http://appvisum.com"); XDocument doc = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"), new XComment(""), new XElement("AppConfig", new object[] { (from section in this select section.ToXml()) })); foreach (XElement e in doc.Root.DescendantsAndSelf()) { if (e.Name.Namespace …

Member Avatar for Nemachtiani
Member Avatar for reeves14

Need help counting the # of days between two dates (ex: 1/2/10 and 1/24/10) Better yet, the # of hours would be a great alternative.

Member Avatar for iceandrews
Member Avatar for osirus

I recently acquired a dedicated hosting site from godaddy.com. I have a registered domain [url]www.realfucknlove.com[/url] that i use with my google blogger account. When I upload media files such as mp3s to my download folder in my hosting account the link looks like this [url][/url] I how would I replace …

Member Avatar for rohan_tahil

Can someone explain the difference between a web service and web app? and also if i am making a J2me app and want a user to get authenticated when he sends a login request to the server which 1 should i use? Do both perform all functions automatically without human …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for drake10k

Hello, When I open my app an XML doc is created with several elements giving to each of them the value 0. After the XML is created I want that several labels on the form to change their text to spcific elements' values (in this case 0). Is there any …

Member Avatar for drake10k
Member Avatar for mannyaz

please am writing my final year project on design and implementation of an xml database. pls i need any help i get. thanks.

Member Avatar for cale.macdonald
Member Avatar for milenio

Hi all, first i would like to apologize if my question seems out strange or not well define, but I've never do this before. here it is my problem: I have a txt file with a delimiters. I have a XML file that should be used to load the data, …

Member Avatar for iceandrews
Member Avatar for Spycat

Hello all, This doesn't seem that it should be terribly difficult to do, but of course it is (for me anyway). I own a golf site, and I would like to insert the world rankings, which is in an XML format file into an existing html file. I have applied …

Member Avatar for macgurl70
Member Avatar for luckybutlost

Hi, I am trying to get some xml data using a jquery .post request, but it's not outputting anything. The client-side code looks like this [CODE] <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function cstarter() { window.einterval = setInterval("cst()", 5000); window.big = "hi"; } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function cst() { …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for gishi

Hi Guys, I was hoping someone can help me with this. I have a python program that reads and writes files in utf-8(unicode). When I run it in Eclipse, the output is perfectly fine. When I try making an exe file of my program it is not working. I also …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for swebb

Hi all, I've just started to learn XSLT, so apologies if this question is very basic! I want to create a new html document, one of my elements in the XML file uses mixed elements. I want to do more complicated formatting using linked documents etc. but for the moment …

Member Avatar for iceandrews
Member Avatar for Aldius

Hello everyone! I just had a quick question about XSLT. I have a large xml file with many <DIMENSION_Id> nodes nested inside each other. In each <DIMENSION_Id> node there are two SYN tags: <SYN>String</SYN><SYN>Integer</SYN> What I am trying to do is take the furthest child node of each DIMENSION_Id and …

Member Avatar for Aldius
Member Avatar for Nattynooster

Hello Daniwebbers! I'm trying to pull information from an XML webpage but for some reason it just isn't working. The XML webpage looks a little like [code=xml] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <item> <reqdat>Date and time</reqdate> <result>Completed</result> </item> [/code] I want to get the <reqdat> node, but everything I've tried hasn't worked …

Member Avatar for Nattynooster
Member Avatar for jrhitokiri

I have this code: [CODE] function parse_aggregators_xml($aggregators_xml) { $simple_xml = new MySimpleXML(); return $simple_xml->xml_load_string($aggregators_xml, 'array'); } $xml = file_get_contents(XML_TEMPLATE); if (empty($xml)) return false; $data = parse_aggregators_xml($aggregators_xml); $data = json_decode(json_encode($data)); echo "<pre>";print_r($data );echo "</pre>"; [/CODE] the output of the xml is like this: [CODE] stdClass Object ( [aggregator] => Array ( …

Member Avatar for jrhitokiri
Member Avatar for Parthmishr

I use an xslt to get some ID attribute..when new xml file is built.. Here is a input xml file.. <page num="App. A-1"/> <title>Appendix A</title> <subtitle>The Thompson Memorandum</subtitle> <para align="left"><content-style font-style="bold">U.S. Department of Justice</content-style></para> <para>Office of the Deputy Attorney General</para> <para>The Deputy Attorney General</para> <para>January 20, 2003</para> <table frame="none" width="100%"> …

Member Avatar for iceandrews
Member Avatar for gishi

Hi Everyone, Do you know how i can get the values using Regular Expression between the opening and closing tags of xml files? I need to process xml files using python and i just need to get the values between tags. For example: [CODE]<name value>my name is </name value>[/CODE] i …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for mikemessiah

Hi there having a bit of an issue using a webservice for an application. Basically i need to consume the web service via a winform app that will run some data transformation routinues, create an xml file and then pass the xml file to the webservice. The advice I am …

Member Avatar for smegal

Hi, I am working on querying a specific value from my xml file. Below is what I have so far. When running the entire script I get the error "Incorrect syntax near 'varchar'". Thanks -- Declarations needed to run sp_xml_preparedocument. This will create XML image. Declare @idoc int Declare @doc …

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Member Avatar for dhvl2712

Can Anyone help me implement a nested comment structure like reddit using ASP? I have a few ideas like using ListView or XML or something, but I'm not sure how. I googled a lot but it wasn't too much help. Is there a way I can implement a reddit-like nested …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for raul8

How to implement XML-RPC client in php that sends request to some XML-RPC server? Thank You

Member Avatar for osol

The End.