3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for techie929

How Can I read the below file without using tag names.If suppose I have to fetch Title value, I know using xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("title").item(0).firstChild.nodeValue; But How can I read without using Tag Names. <catalog> <title>Airbus Aircraft Families</title> <aircraft> <Airbus>A380</Airbus> <Aircraft>A380 </Aircraft> <seats>555</seats> <Range>15000km </Range> </aircraft> </catalog>

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for pv.vasconcelos

Hi Guys, I have a script (vbs) that exports the contents of the database (SQL Server) generating an XML file, but he always brings with encoding UTF-16. Is there any way to change to ISO-8859-1 through exports? Or maybe in the XSL file? Here a piece of code that exports: …

Member Avatar for mhs377

I want to import data from a xml file into a dataset this is my xml file [iCODE] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <Persons> <Person Personid="10"> <firstname>Hi</firstname> <lastname>bye</lastname> <Birthday>1360 </Birthday> <Phones> <Fax>04</Fax> <Other>05</Other> <Home>01</Home> </Phones> <Emails> <Email>Email@site.com</Email> </Emails> <Webs> <Web>web.com</Web> </Webs> </Person> </Persons> [/iCODE] when I use this code [CODE]dataset1.readxml(FilePath); [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for nedportcj5

Hello, first post here so take it easy :) I have been searching with no luck on finding a solution - hopefully you can help! I need to reference a xml file and get the value of an element. In my initial xml post, I will send along an ip …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for techie929

Can anyone suggest how can i parse the below xml file using jQuery? <attendees> <attendee>83b802430047d026858de37c8aa3dec5</attendee> <attendee>ab4925dc6a2d92e15de675aefe497e46</attendee> <attendee>27f865406965950e915b2f6e7128ba1d</attendee> </attendees>

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for harikumar86

To find xml code from excel (My site Rank First in Google) Here i have found new way to develop xml file from excel. step 1: open MS Excel 2007 or any version Refer Fig. Copy1.jpg in attachment First create root tag and child tag refer fig. copy2.jpg step 2: …

Member Avatar for mulevad

I am placing xml into a table in html and trying to sort based on a parameter, but my parameter's value is not being used. It uses the string "$sortkey" instead. Here is an xsl excerpt: [code] <xsl:for-each select="catalog/cd"> <xsl:param name ="sortkey" select="country"></xsl:param> <xsl:sort select="$sortkey"/> <tr> <td> <xsl:value-of select="title"/> </td> …

Member Avatar for iceandrews
Member Avatar for vihrao

I have problems in serializing a list. Here is my class: [CODE]public partial class ProblemType { private List<DateTimeType> dateTimeField; public ProblemType() { this.dateTimeField = new List<DateTimeType>(); } public List<DateTimeType> DateTime { get { return this.dateTimeField; } set { this.dateTimeField = value; } } } public partial class DateTimeType { private …

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for CCISolitude

Hi all, I'm in the middle of making a new website for myself. A part of the website has an animated tag cloud, which in of itself, I've managed to get working just fine. Currently the tag entry in the XML looks like this: [CODE]<tag linkURL="aboutme.html" priority="5" text="About Me" target="_blank"/>[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for hellomadhur

Hi, I have set of html pages that are installed locally on machine. I want to make ajax call to local files. In Firefox everything works fine. IE is able to load html pages through ajax call but not able to load xml document. Chrome doesn't support ajax call locally...and …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for hellomadhur

Hi, I need xml data to be used in javascript. When I embed the whole xml in html page then I am able to access xml. But when when I use src tag I am unable to get xml file. Code is below: XML Data island in html page. [CODE]<xml …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for guerrilla123

Hi, I am writing some code to get some data from google suggest api. I am a noob so have run into a problem as my code is retuning blank data. Here is my code [code=c#] public XmlDocument GetData(string phrase) { XmlDocument theXML = new XmlDocument(); try { HttpWebRequest request …

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for Sidharth Agarwa

I am using eXist-db for storing xml documents for my website, build on JSP. I have to provide a upload box, in my website, so that any outsider can upload the xml document and that will get stored in the eXist db. I know how to register eXist db inside …

Member Avatar for SANTOSHJ87

Hi, I've been trying to get my webpage to send data via java script, AJAX, xmlhttprequest. i'm using IIS7 It definitely is the write path and stuff because i do get a responsetext but the response returns the entire php code in that file. Does any1 have any idea what's …

Member Avatar for luofeiyu

there is an html file [CODE]<table> <tr> <td>ok <strong>Sep 10</strong> | <a href="ttt">Oct 10</a> | <a href="kkk">Dec 10</a> <table> <tr> <td> 123 </td> <td> 567 </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table>[/CODE] when i open it with firefox,the output is : ok Sep 10 | Oct 10 | Dec 10 123 …

Member Avatar for iceandrews
Member Avatar for rickkyric

Hi All, AJAX beginner here... 1. I have a function in .js that creates and gives me xmlhttpRequest-object. It works fine when I call it from a few .js files of my project, but has just started returning null value to a call from one of the .js files which …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for CBResources

Hi there, I'm new here so please forgive me if I'm posting in the wrong area or something... I am helping a friend setup a website and on this website we are having daily horoscopes. We have a provider for this service, and they have provided us with some info. …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for corinport

Please, somebody help. I need to transform xml into xml with xsl. it´s urgent. the attach files are the input in XML and output is what the prof. want. Help-me please Corin thanks

Member Avatar for iceandrews
Member Avatar for Rajicet
Member Avatar for Leksiq
Member Avatar for Premsathishbe

<action path="[COLOR="Red"]/[/COLOR]sample" forward="[COLOR="Red"]/[/COLOR]example" /> Help me to know why the highlighted '/' are used @ the starting of the code itself

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Member Avatar for nmakkena

Hi I am very new to jsp. i have an XML file stored in a txt file. I am reading that XML file using Java and placing XML content into text area in a jsp page. my requirement is, when i read the XML file into jsp page text area, …

Member Avatar for techie929

Hi All, I have to fetch data from an xml file which will provide start and end date of an event.There will be various events. I have to make a weekly calender using jQuery which will display all the events in one week. And there will be two buttons:Previous and …

Member Avatar for tron_thomas

I am somewhat new to XSLT, and I have a situation where depending on certain conditions I want to convert XML like: <SomeElement> <ChildElement/> <ChildElement/> <ChildElement/> ... </SomeElement> to: <SomeElement value="something"> <ChildElement/> <ChildElement/> <ChildElement/> ... </SomeElement> I don't want to specify the child elements in the template that modifies the …

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Member Avatar for josiefrut

Hi, guys. badly need your help. still a newbie in programming. seems like i cannot display some data on the browser from the database. i was able to create a login page. but when i tried adding another servlet and tried calling its jsp, error message appears: HTTP STATUS 500 …

Member Avatar for nohup
Member Avatar for zela

I have this richtextbox and displayed various text from .xml database. I need to format the text. For example when ever my vb code find string like 'the' in an .xml line it should display in italic as well as in blue color and so on for some other specific …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for AjithAnnadurai

Hi friends i download one blogger template from this link [CODE]http://simplexdesign.blogspot.com/2010/07/simplex-celebrity-my-premium-template.html[/CODE] . This template is named by simplex celebrity template . . This is my site link [CODE]www.kollycinema.in[/CODE] . . I changed all the things in side , top and bottom . i dont know how to bring the things …

Member Avatar for Parthmishr
Member Avatar for Nith01

Hello, I'm trying to scrape a website using XPath and am running into a little trouble. This is the first time I've played with XPath so I'm a little rusty :/ The relevant source code of the website I'm trying to scrape is: [CODE=html]<span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_lblEvents"> <div class="contentmain"> <div class="textArea1"> <strong>14 …

Member Avatar for Parthmishr
Member Avatar for vandalised

Hi all, I am in need of some XML assistance, the tasks are pretty simple i just don't have the time to complete them. I am looking for someone with a good knowledge of XML to produce 3 tasks for me and i will pay well via paypal. Thanks,

Member Avatar for Parthmishr
Member Avatar for john butler

Hello Everybody, I am working on Parsing right now, So can anybody please through some light pertaining to what XMl Parsing is basically being done and I would appreciate it greatly if somebody who knows it can give me any example for the same. Thanks in Advance, john

Member Avatar for john butler
Member Avatar for serkansendur

I wanted to share my little xml transformer tool that gets xml and xsl input visually and outputs the transformation in a third textbox again visually. i will attach the project so anyone can use it on the fly. i kind of combined the two code snippets from the following …

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The End.