3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for mooseable

I have been learning VB.NET and am currently having troubles retrieving data from an XML file. I'm trying to keep the code as simple as possible as I only need to select single items from an XML file, not rows of data. The XML file contains: [code]<CurrentPeakUsage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://au.com.amnet.memberutils/"> …

Member Avatar for mooseable
Member Avatar for backendcode

Hello guys, I dont know about RSS feed. How caan i do for my website and what is the benifit of it. Thanks

Member Avatar for abiseo
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi All, I'm using VB.net to create a batch of word documents using the Microsoft Office OpenXML SDK. The documents are made up of a header and the main body which is made up of a table. I can sucessfully create the table in the main body. The issue is …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for monstercameron

i had an idea to make my own file formats but... have nearly zero coding experience. the image is just text which a program would parse and receive relevant pixel data from it(like xml based stuff). i wrote up some plan for the file: [CODE] `meta data [(title)test image] [(date)1,1,2010] …

Member Avatar for Nitu Khanna

Dear All, I am new to hibernate. Please help me out in solving the following error: [Fatal Error] :5:2: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed. C:\Documents and Settings\Neetu.Khanna\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\HibernateExp\nbproject\build-impl.xml:584: Deployment error: Tomcat configuration file C:\Documents and Settings\Neetu.Khanna\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\HibernateExp\web\META-INF\context.xml seems to be broken. Please make …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for flebber

I am looking at a project that will import and modify an XML file and then export it to a table. Currently a flat file table system should be fine. I want to export the modified data to the table and then perform a handful of maths(largely simple statistical functions) …

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer
Member Avatar for jayavenkat
Member Avatar for amer.m

Dear all, i'm new in vbscript and i want to take a string from database and load it into xml dom object but i can't. My code: 'Creating XML object set xmlDoc=CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") xmlDoc.async="false" xmlDoc.load MsgBox xmlDoc for each x in xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes frmMyForm.timeinfo2.value=x.nodename frmMyForm.timeinfo3.value=x.text 'document.write(x.nodename) 'document.write(": ") 'document.write(x.text) next

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for PythonNewbie2

Hey guys, I'm parsing some XML using minidom and whenever a comment has a "--" within it, I get an ExpatError. For example, a file may be like this: [CODE] <Label> Hello!</Label> <!-- The above label says Hello. -- It is clear, no? Let's try spicing it up a bit. …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for sadhawan
Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for dsottimano

Hi, I was hoping someone knows the right syntax to extract elements of xml through Google docs spreadsheets using some xpath statements. Google has very limited documentation, and basic xpath syntax doesn't work with Google docs. I found a quick example on youtube but other than that I'm lost. Just …

Member Avatar for L0rDKadaj

I'm now a mobile developer intern who is doing an RSS Reader application for J2ME. Been testing out kXML, as well as discovered the weakness of lcdui. Been trying LWUIT for a while, and it works nicely. However, to translate the lcdui to lwuit and for it to work with …

Member Avatar for ashishra

Hi, Background: I have an input xml and a xslt to be applied on top of that to get a new desired xml output. Both (input xml and xslt) are tested thoroughly and working as expected if I am using them via java code (core java APIs). I want to …

Member Avatar for GrexD

The XML file has a series of source and ID code pairs which I want to display in a single cell in a table. For instance, it would look like this.. SourceA - 4598H67 SourceB - 98565 SourceC - 98ASD5 The code below adds them to a single cell but …

Member Avatar for GrexD
Member Avatar for changeco

We have a set of data we want to navigate through, the content will remain static so the dynamic portion of it will be religated to an xml file using an xsl template then being processed by a php page... I have valid xml, xsl and php - but - …

Member Avatar for iPeterS

Hi, I'm kind'a new to AJAX, and have not a lot experience with JS, so this might be just a stupid beginners-error... I'm busy creating a PHP-website in which i'd like to implement some dynamic features (like adding comments tot photo's without having to reload, searching a user-DB, etc). I've …

Member Avatar for iPeterS
Member Avatar for sacarias40

I was wondering if anybody knew of a totally free web service that allows you to poll for city and state just by inputting the zip code. Thanks, Zack

Member Avatar for theheretic1984

My code gives me an error only the first time when i press the checkbox. If i press it for the second time or just to uncheck the checkbox and it gives me the right answer. Can you please help me, i tried almost everything. I use IE7, xampp with …

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Member Avatar for ansari.wajid

Hi Below is the XML structure <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> - <Salary> <empNo Required="true" List=”false ></empNo> <Basic Required="true" List="false” >Basic Salary</Basic> <HRA List="false” >Housing Allow</HRA> <TA List="false” >TA</TA> <Others List="true >Other Allowances</Others> <Total List="false” Required="True">Total Salary</Total> - <Sex List="true"> Sex <gender>Male</gender> <geneder>Femal</geneder> </Sex> </Salary> I am having a requirement of …

Member Avatar for damodar405

Hello all, I have a xml file that is saved in UTF-8 but the encoding inside the file shows it to be UTF-16. So, I want to find out in which encoding the file is saved and if it is UTF-8 i want to convert it to utf-16. Is there …

Member Avatar for EricIskhakov
Member Avatar for bnasah

I need to implement a file sytem to store images using web services , Websphere. Please for any pointers..THANKS A LOT

Member Avatar for maniza

how to convert a XML file into XSD format??? can someone say an easy way to do it..

Member Avatar for maniza
Member Avatar for PythonNewbie2

Hey guys, I really appreciate your help so far! :) This one is a tough beast... I don't even know how to approach it. Let me give you a summary version and a detailed version. Summary version: There are all sorts of these XML files scattered within a bunch of …

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer
Member Avatar for asiyak

send me exact meaning of the semantic web,i need concept of semantiv web

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for aonewebdesign

Sorry not to formely present my self but I'm in need. I need to insert the following code: [CODE]<?php readfile('http://output94.rssinclude.com/output?type=php&id=136641&hash=61b747f31efc47d0a66790b2fe8d8f1b')?>[/CODE] on my web site it is a php code rss feed. Problem is I am using xtreemhost.com for my hosting and they support php but not this exact code for …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for smjaved
Member Avatar for localinternet
Member Avatar for aonewebdesign

Sorry not to formely present my self but I'm in need. I need to insert the following code: [CODE] <?php readfile('http://output16.rssinclude.com/output?type=php&id=136641&hash=61b747f31efc47d0a66790b2fe8d8f1b')?> [/CODE] on my web site it is a rss feed powered by rssinclude Problem is I am using xtreemhost.com for my hosting and they support php but not this …

Member Avatar for easycoupons

Writing HTML in a SCRIPT Element A common error (and the most common source of erroneous bug reports for the WDG HTML Validator) occurs when writing HTML tags within a SCRIPT element: [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- // This is an error! document.write("</P>"); // --> </script>[/CODE] [I]<<snip>>[/I]

Member Avatar for nick3592

Hi, i have made a rss feed that automatically updates, what i done use php to grab information from the database as new content is added in xml. Everything seems okay but when i click subscribe to rss feed it displays "Failed to load feed". My extension is .php is …

Member Avatar for k.e.v

Hi everybody, I need to take an xml file and remove 2 certain namespaces from it using XSLT("scrubbing metadata"). Also, I believe I would need to use the Transformer class in combination with the XSLT. Can someone help me out? Possibly giving me an example with namespace "A" and namespace …

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The End.