3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for alpha2006

I need libxml-2.4.14 or later (libxml installs a DOM XML library that is used to construct and parse XML messages. Learn more about libxml at [url]http://us2.php.net/manual/en/ref.domxml.php[/url]) to be installed for a script on my site to work. However, this library is not installed on my server and I am currently …

Member Avatar for Lafinboy
Member Avatar for andthereitgoes

Hi all, I am trying to enclose FOAF in SOAP body of my response messages. I am new at this. Could anyone give a small example of WSDL to accomplish the above. Thanks Andy

Member Avatar for DoubleAce3

I am having running the getProxy function from my server machine at work. I tried using the same code below from my server at home and it worked fine with no problems. Is there a setup option of some kind that I may be missing? // Define needed parameters and …

Member Avatar for DoubleAce3
Member Avatar for DoubleAce3

Hey all, I am having a problem connecting to a .NET service running the Microsoft Soap toolkit on the server side using the nusoap client service. It seems to not be understanding the parameters that I am sending the other side. I continously receive and INvalid User error on there …

Member Avatar for DoubleAce3
Member Avatar for molayos

I have xml strings in a memory in C program. I need to extract the reponse tag. Any known xml parser or string extractor code out there that works?

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for binod

Can any one help me out... How can i read website uploaded xml file e.g [URL="http://www.abc.com/book.xml"]www.abc.com/book.xml[/URL] reading xml file is not a problem if it reside on my PC. but i need to read and save book.xml (as shown in the above example) Please let me know the code if …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for ATS

This may be a stupid question, but can someone explain the advantages of XML over HTML.

Member Avatar for noppid
Member Avatar for hishambon

Hi, right now i develop a web page using asp.net. in this page i need to send a message to plugin to generate the xml message and receive back the message i had send to plugin in XML format. there is no problem for me to send the message to …

Member Avatar for aarya

i have gon through w3school about xml. i know what it is ext.but still not able to get idea how it is useful and anybody show the website example to show how xml is useful.thanks

Member Avatar for inkrajesh
Member Avatar for Gody

Hi everybody, I have a XML file having data stored in tags as <Username>[I]User name here[/I]</Username> <Password>[I]Password here[/I]</Username> (There will be data of around 100 users) I need to display this data in a HTML file in a tabular format. Kindly help me.

Member Avatar for inkrajesh
Member Avatar for usama

Hi all i have aproblem that how i can parse XML file in Java Mobile Application i Knew that there are two parser (SAX and Dom) But i want a code to learn me how to use any one of them also i saw KXML parser But i don't know …

Member Avatar for usama
Member Avatar for usama
Member Avatar for g8trGTO

Hello World! I've been looking for some sort of SOAP performance specs on the web but haven't been able to find exactly what I am looking for. We are developing a system where a client will send information to a server to validate. The server and clients are different OS's …

Member Avatar for Yustme

Hi, Im having a lil problem which i can't figure out myself.. I tried searching google, but i found nothing what might even help me the slightest bit.. I wanna compare 2 xml files with eachother. One xml file is standard on my pc and has the name pc.xml. the …

Member Avatar for Yustme
Member Avatar for neeludhiman

Hi friends, I am working in C on Linux Fedora Core. I need you help regarding XML Parser in C. I want to convert an XML file into plaintext format. e.g; I have following contents in XML file : [code]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE persons SYSTEM "http://mail.persistent.co.in/v1/addrbook.dtd"> <persons count="13"> <person …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for cindy_16051988

Hello, everybody. Sorry to disturb you all. Currently, I have a speech recording and playback software developed by Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. The software is used to train children with speech problem and scores will be calculated and showed at the end of each practice session. The software is able …

Member Avatar for cindy_16051988
Member Avatar for dakkar

I've a weird problem with a XSLT file... my XSLT translates a XML file into a HTML form and, to solve some problems, I found a solution: to give to each "input" tag a name that is a concatenation of the xml tags to reach that element (much like an …

Member Avatar for bwhiti
Member Avatar for bwhiti

Hi I wondered if anyone could help. Im trying to find a way of detecting how much whitespace is left in a page so I can replace this with an image or some text so Im not left with loads of whitespace half way down the page. Thanks in advance …

Member Avatar for kamitsin

I was saving some data to a new XML file using the following code [CODE] Public myFileName, NewFileSave As String Dim xml As New ChilkatXml Dim outXml As New ChilkatXml Dim node As ChilkatXml Dim nextNode As ChilkatXml Private Sub Command47_Click() CommonDialog1.ShowSave NewFileSave = CommonDialog1.FileName MsgBox NewFileSave xml.SaveXml NewFileSave MsgBox …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for usama

hi all i want to search in txt, pdf or doc file for a specific topic by using XML but i do not know how any help

Member Avatar for tgreer

Does anyone have a good example of how to use this method? All of the MSDN examples I could find are useless because: [LIST=1] [*]they show a hard-coded size for the byte array [*]they show writing the output to the Console[/LIST] Ridiculous. I have a file that contains some binary …

Member Avatar for _r0ckbaer
Member Avatar for acezrwild817

I have an XML database and I want to insert an element into each entry in the database. Currently it looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?> - <SAFDB> - <entry> <name>2Mosaic_0_2_2.zip</name> <application>2Mosaic</application> <version>0.2.2</version> <crc32>0B59ABC4</crc32> <md5>EBD2356D2F5AC8A929B8118D60E4C932</md5> <sha1>45E78DC66E2E5A42E8FB118430A1C8D16092DBF3</sha1> <sha256>DDD4BB2AECC1743B0141BD307AC8CFF96E7D333334D16E914DF63B38355AE905</sha256> </entry> - <entry> <name>2Mosaic.exe</name> <application>2Mosaic</application> <version>0.2.2</version> <crc32>C5C58201</crc32> <md5>5FAFBACE2114026CE44EAD88AA6760DD</md5> <sha1>D2A606D05ABF1FE128473FDA8837DE309BAE227E</sha1> <sha256>95D5301607C4B13D92C30C343B36A4EC57810C27AA96A3C5B561622D575ABED8</sha256> </entry> - …

Member Avatar for Dark_Omen
Member Avatar for kklowanshi

[COLOR=DarkOrange]Hi , Please give me example for xml file parsing in c++ using xerces libraries(xerces-c_2_3_0.lib).Please give me the simple example of parsing the example xml file and how generate sax tree print on screen. Thanks Krishna kant lowanshi [email]kklowanshi@gmail.com[/email]

Member Avatar for kklowanshi
Member Avatar for Walfort d'Ax

Dear all I have this xml file datechanged.xml: [COLOR=Red]-[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]<[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkRed]changedate[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]>[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]<[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkRed]date[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]>[/COLOR][B][COLOR=Black]04/02/2006[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Blue]</[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkRed]date[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]>[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]</[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkRed]changedate[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]>[/COLOR] In a Javascript file I have folowing code: [INDENT][COLOR=Black]var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") ; xmlDoc.async="false" ; xmlDoc.load("datechanged.xml") ; xmlObj=xmlDoc.documentElement ; sDate = xmlObj.childNodes(0).firstChild.text; var chDate=new Date(sDate) ;[/COLOR][/INDENT] I alwas get this error: [INDENT][B][B]xmlObj is null or is not …

Member Avatar for alpha_foobar
Member Avatar for nisaa15

HI, Im relatively new to XML and was wondering how I could use DOM to produce a "per shop" report showing a list of the items available in the given shop (shop 1 first then 2), the item description, stock level and calculate a total value of the stock level …

Member Avatar for divvis
Member Avatar for jyotsna

hi i want to display line number and a content if i use <fo:block> i am getting like this 1."Participant" shall mean fgdfgdf gdfgd fdfgdfg, whose current address is malborough.64564656. 2."Alternate Payee" shall mean fgdfg dfgdf fgdfg, whose current address is sdfsfsdfdfsdfsdf 645645. i have given 1.5 line spacing for …

Member Avatar for Dactyl

Hello everyone I am learning how to parse XML files with PHP. And I cant figure out how to do something. Any help is greatly appreciated :) Here is a sample XML file that I am trying to parse: [quote] <?xml version="1.0"?> <emailsList> <email no="1"> <from> [email]whatever@yahoo.com[/email] </from> <to> [email]yyy@yahoo.com[/email] …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for fogofogo

Hello folks, I'm not sure if this is in the write place - so I apologise if it is not. I've been asked to integrates some xml into a php page. The xml file is dropped into a folder on our webserver on a daily basis and is given a …

Member Avatar for cltsoi

Could anyone tell me: The different of development effort spend to develop the web-based application on Oracle RDBMS and Oracle XML DB. Is it difficult to develop something on Oracle XML DB? The functions are normal maintenance operations such as add, delete... Moreover, how about the SECURITY function? How to …

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whether it is true for following statments: the skill sets required to build an web-based application on Oracle XML DB Server and RDBMS are totally/almost different!

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The End.