3,634 Topics

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How to convert Tamino XML DB Server to Oracle XML DB Server and/or Oracle RDBMS DB Server? I got 240GB data stored in Tamino XML DB server. My clients request to convert them into Oracle. Since I am not familiar with Oracle XML DB Server (latest and stable version is …

Member Avatar for ignitrix

I'm using Flash 8 Pro to parse a Microsoft Excel file saved as XML. Excel 2002 had only the standard XML Declaration line: [PHP]<?xml version="1.0"?> <Workbook ...>...</Workbook>[/PHP] However, Excel 2003 now has two XML Declaration lines: [PHP]<?xml version="1.0"?> <?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?> <Workbook ...><...</Workbook>[/PHP] Everything works fine if I delete the 2nd …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for tgreer

How would I go about making this entire class Serializable? What code would I add to a second constructor that would restore state/values from the XML file (de-serialize)? [code] using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace tgreer { public class indexer { private Dictionary<string, Int32> _documents; private Dictionary<string, Int32> _pages; …

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Member Avatar for sharma_sanjay

I have the URL web API and also have the WSDL file to generate proxy classes. I want to develop small program in asp to access the data from the mentioned url web api. I also want to pass the required parameter so that it should retrieve accurate data from …

Member Avatar for ankitrastogi82

Python itself has xml parsers and dom support. So if we install PyXml what additional features or advantage we get on using pyxml. Why should I use PyXml? Anyone please provide the briefing.

Member Avatar for steven01

I want to use RSS at my site,how to do in dreamweaver? This is the code: [code] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> - <rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> - <channel> <title>WeakGame Entertainment</title> <link>weakgame.com</link> <lastbuilddate>Sun, 25 Dec 2005 04:15:31 -0500</lastbuilddate> <description>The latest posts on WeakGame.com</description> <language>en-us</language> - <item> <title>No Santa</title> <link>http://www.weakgame.com/?show=5594</link> <description /> <dc:date>Sun, …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for roshan.prakash

hi, i want in my website stor a XML file in sql server 2000 and also retrive that file and show it on my web page. and also i want to make a effective search on that xml file . i am using Vb.net in tier language with Asp.net. thanx …

Member Avatar for cumadhu

HI All, I would like to have some information on [B]"Differences between web services and xml web services"[/B]. Does any one has some sample code on Web services and xml web services? Looking forward your support. Thanks and with regards, Madhusudhan

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for fogofogo

Hello All, I have a question regarding searching and selecting certain elements in an XML document using asp. The xml script basically consist of news headings, contents, date, and category elements that tell what the news is related to and where it should be displayed and stored. For example Finance …

Member Avatar for fogofogo
Member Avatar for fogofogo

Hello all, I hope that this is in the right place - sorry if it is not. I have an asp script (which is contained in a .vbs file) that takes info from an XML page and inserts it into a database. I was trying to get the the script …

Member Avatar for Lafinboy
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Before there was [b]AJAX[/b] - there was [b]TAXI [/b]? [color=#333333][color=#666666] [list] [*][color=black]Co-inventor of XML, Why did it not take off initially? (the genesis seems to appear here [i]in 2001[/i]) [/color][url="http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2001/03/14/taxi.html"][color=#333333]http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2001/03/14/taxi.html[/color][/url] [*][/color][/color] [*][color=#666666][color=black]This article is credited as [i]inventing the programming term[/i] - and it immediately had an impact, and it has …

Member Avatar for Brims

Hiya this is Brims i need an idea for a final year project computer science, nothing too hard time is running out. I want to use either php or asp with database cant seem to think of any applications can someone help please. I was thinking of doing an online …

Member Avatar for Kwak

Hello there, After a search on google, I still could not find the answer to this simple question. How do you add your blog rss to your own frontpage? The site is all .php. I have no clue on how to make your rss entries show up on the frontpage …

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[u][color=#0033cc][url="http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/b/c/7bc88bae-b9a6-490d-b5cb-39cbc91ce382/jean_paoli_xml_1_MBRwmv.wmv"][/url][/color][/u] [u][color=#0033cc][/color][/u] [u][color=#0033cc][url="http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/b/c/7bc88bae-b9a6-490d-b5cb-39cbc91ce382/jean_paoli_xml_1_MBRwmv.wmv"]http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/b/c/7bc88bae-b9a6-490d-b5cb-39cbc91ce382/jean_paoli_xml_1_MBRwmv.wmv[/url][/color][/u] [u][color=#0033cc][url="http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/b/c/7bc88bae-b9a6-490d-b5cb-39cbc91ce382/jean_paoli_xml_2_revised.wmv"]http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/b/c/7bc88bae-b9a6-490d-b5cb-39cbc91ce382/jean_paoli_xml_2_revised.wmv[/url][/color][/u] [u][color=#0033cc][url="http://podcasts.yahoo.com/episode?e=11&ae=d"]http://podcasts.yahoo.com/episode?e=11&ae=d[/url][/color][/u][url="http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=33709"][/url]

Member Avatar for Mr Cuzac

What is the best script and/or class to parse an XML file from an ASP page?

Member Avatar for msaqib
Member Avatar for tmatheson

I recently came across an article about VXML and was wondering if anyone has ever used this technology on any platform that could give me a quick summary of the capabilities of VXML. I understand it's used for TTS and Voice Recognition systems like Sprints famous CLAIR prompt. I am …

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[indent][color=darkgreen]:?: [QUOTE] [color=darkgreen]After seeing the news this morning about how the CEO of Scientigo has plans to extract royalties from those who have implemented the XML specification including Microsoft, Oracle, and Amazon (actually, he could probably sue everybody), I asked the man credited with co-inventing XML — Sun's Tim Bray …

Member Avatar for callavin

Hi I have one application which have xml like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <XML xmlns="http://www.abc.com" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="xxxx.xsd"> <Device make="P" model="V"> <!--Group Information--> <Groups> <Group name="h"> <Device>P_V4</Device> <Device>P_n</Device> </Group> .... .... </Device> </XML> How can I access the elements under the tag "Group"?? suggest me some good tutorial regarding the …

Member Avatar for Toulinwoek
Member Avatar for tayspen

this code [code] XmlTextWriter bankWriter = null; bankWriter = new XmlTextWriter(Convert.ToString(first.Text)); [/code] [quote] ...cant convert string to system.io.xmlwriter...invalid aguments [/quote] see Screenie how do i fix this?

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Member Avatar for Pauldon

In my final year of Computer Science and i have been allocated my project on RSS Really Simple Syndication. I was thinking of developing a student module syndication system. The student would subscribe to an RSS feed which syndicated important news/announcements from module coordinators for the modules they were taking …

Member Avatar for ozeona

hi im not sure where to post this thread but decided here anyway. For xml, there are some information that i need not display. Therefore, i have to leave that node value blank. However, when i display this in flash, it gave me "undefined". when i change the node value …

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[url="http://blogs.msdn.com/msnsearch/"][color=darkslategray]http://blogs.msdn.com/msnsearch/[/color][/url] [url="http://news.com.com/Microsoft+Web+plan+takes+aim+at+Google/2100-1007_3-5855244.html"][color=darkslategray]http://news.com.com/Microsoft+Web+plan+takes+aim+at+Google/2100-1007_3-5855244.html[/color][/url] [color=darkslategray]Microsoft's[b][color=navy] "Web platform"[/color][/b] will allow open access to its MSN and other public Web sites[/color]

Member Avatar for mugash

Am using nokia Internet toolkit 4.0 and phpdev4.3 I am getting this error;WML Encoder:Root element not declared. Can somebody please help me. Thank you in advance

Member Avatar for srikkanthan

I have an issue like, I need to insert data from an XML file into MS Access table. I am able to do this with ADO as one by one row. But this terribly hits the performance when the number of rows to be inserted exceeds 1000. Kindly help with …

Member Avatar for tayspen

I am making a password manager. At the start of the program it prompts for a password. I want to give the user the option to specify this password to what ever he/she wants. Would i save it in an XML file. If so how.

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Member Avatar for Avner .H.

Hello! I need some help... I parsed an xml file using the minidom.parse method, but when i printed the document object to the screen (using toxml() function), i noticed that the parser automatically replaced my " (inverted commas) chars into ' chars. for example : <Father_Tag> <Son_Tag title=' "Son" '> …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Dani

I recently received an email from a DaniWeb member saying they're trying to use the blog RSS feed with the Bloglines feed reader, and it doesn't seem to be working. However, the forum RSS feed does work. The forum RSS feed is at [url="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/external.php?type=rss2"]www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/external.php?type=rss2[/url] The blog RSS feed is at …

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Member Avatar for MightyAC

I want to return an XML stream from a SQL 2000 database using a URL query. I have been trying to get a simple M$ Northwind example to work on a Windows 2003 server but I can't get it to work. I can get the simple example to work on …

Member Avatar for eralper
Member Avatar for sinister747

Ok hey all.. This is my second time requesting help and so far kick ass work on the ASP problem i had.. so i have another puzzle for you's :rolleyes: Ok well i own a Gaming community and i am trying to display our Server Stats on our website, at …

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The End.