struggleforlife 0 Newbie Poster

Looking for some help!

I have loaded XML doc into a dataset (see below). That went ok. So now I can put the DS in a grid and change it.
However, after changing the DS I want to export it back to a XML doc. That only succeeds partially.
I am getting a XML doc, but it's not like the original (see below). And I want it to be exactly like the original.
Maybe you brilliant guys can help me out!

The original XML code (I tried both with and without the Schema):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
 <AppUsers xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="usersnext.xsd">
 <User UserName="Dave">

The code for exporting the DS to XML

Dim ds As New DataSet

        Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument

The XML doc that is generated with the above code:

- <User UserName="Dave">

Can you please help me changing the 'NewDataSet' into 'AppUsers' and adding the scheme-part?
Preferably a generic solution... So that i can turn it into a method that will export ány DS the right way.


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