
I tried to run a probram from the book "Big Java" by Cay Hortsman that parses an XML document. I typed in the line in Eclipse and it gave me a red box error message saying "the import java.xml can not be resolved". This tels me that i do not have the library to import.

What I would like to know is how i can add this library so i can use it on any IDE and also use it with command line compiling.

Also i would like to know how i can get the org.* library as well. Any help is appreciated.....



> Eclipse and it gave me a red box error message saying "the import
> java.xml can not be resolved"

...because a package by the name java.xml.* doesn't exist; it's javax.xml.* Refer the Javadocs for more details.

Also i would like to know how i can get the org.* library as well. Any help is appreciated.....

Um, I think you are going to have a hard time finding the "org.*" library - that could encompass thousands of projects.

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