3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for johndoe444

Say I have an xml document contained in the variable xmlDoc Now if I send that to the server using [ICODE]xmlHttp.open("POST", url, true); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = handleStateChange; xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;"); xmlHttp.send(xmlDoc);[/ICODE] How is the serverside php code going to handle this? As form data are retrieved as fn = _POST["firstName"] if the …

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Member Avatar for nlvp

Apologies if this is simple to some, but it's been doing my head in. I've got my client application receiving the XML from the server but I'm having a hell of a time parsing it. The XML is : [CODE] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <page> <id>1</id> <code>HOME</code> <template>1</template> <menulevel>0</menulevel> <menuname></menuname> <menutooltip></menutooltip> …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for anoopasta

Dear All, I have a dedicated server with Godaddy and I am running XMLDigitalSignatureAPI on it. It works fine on my local server but when I uploaded the war file to the production server I got the error below and if I try to refresh the page again I get …

Member Avatar for anoopasta
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Hi guys, Looking for opinions on what would be the best/easiest xml parser to use. Size and speed aren't really an issue here, just ease of use. Using std::strings as well would be beneficial. Please reply only if you've had experience using one.

Member Avatar for scrontch
Member Avatar for Cap'nKirk

Hi, I have some data stored on an XML file and I am trying to read a specific part of it. Here is a line from the XML:- [CODE] <photo id="4539802593" owner="***" secret="***" server="4032" farm="5" title="Stone Bridge" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" /> [/CODE] Below is the bare bones of code I …

Member Avatar for Cap'nKirk
Member Avatar for veroniclake

Hi, I am trying to write Japanese to a XML file generated through java. i am trying to write "日本語" to the XML But the generated XML is showing "???" instead of Japanese characters. [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <Project>???</Project> [/CODE] How to overcome this problem. i need your help desperately.

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for awk

This is my first attempt at creating my own RSS feed but I can't seem to make it valid through [url]http://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi[/url] The issue is that it doesn't appear like the & character in <link> or <guid> For example: [url]http://www.example.com/?mode=viewpage&page=34324[/url] How can I get this to work? I'm feeling very puzzled.

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for jaferic

Hi im trying to develop an aplication that needs to load an xml file from flash using action script 3, the problem is that the xml file is constantly modificated so the AS3 needs to constantly read that file, any suggestions on how to do this? Thanx!

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Cap'nKirk

Hi, this is a major stepup in programming for me so please bear with me. Using the Flickr API to generate photostream thumbnail images I need to parse the XML output to my application. I don't want to use a browser component if I don't need to but rather display …

Member Avatar for Cap'nKirk
Member Avatar for tiny7415

I am looking for a host that supports jsp files and xml. I went to several host provider and I noticed that most of them supports asp and not jsp. Is jsp a standard language that every host supports it?

Member Avatar for Camy
Member Avatar for brightline

Dears, I have an application that deals with MS Outlook. I want to save(serialize) an AppointmentItem object as XML file. Can I ??? Thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for Struggler

Hi I am new to log4j.xml which is used to log the informations. Currently, I am giving the absolute path for each log file in param tag value. eg : appender name="FA" class="org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender"> param name="DatePattern" value="'_'yyyyMMdd"/> [COLOR="Red"][B]param name="File" value="D:/logFiles/GPreprocessor.log[/B][/COLOR]"/> layout class="com.dnb.genericpreprocessor.common.log.AppXMLLayout"/> /appender> I do not want to give "GPreprocessor.log" directly.Actually …

Member Avatar for jhbalaji

Hello in the below PHP Code Everything seems fine but it did not posts to the site when i use it Can any one spot out what type of error it is Also here the XML RPC is enabled and the when i access it directly it works(i mean the …

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Member Avatar for jackdalson

Hi Friends, If you’re paying for links or building them manually, it’s becoming more and more important to make it look like you’re gaining them naturally. That’s because, as a site owner, you’re supposed to be gaining them naturally, at least in Google’s eyes. Follow the tips below the help …

Member Avatar for Johnsmith1
Member Avatar for thatnewbreed

I am having trouble populating elements from the following Yahoo RSS feed: [url]http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?w=12773400[/url] I need to show the current weather conditions when a button is clicked. Here is what I have so far. [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Current Weather Conditions</title> </head> <script language="javascript" …

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Member Avatar for phingko

I wonder if I should post this in AJAX forum. I want to compare the xml value with the PHP that I have using a parameter. So far I can compare only one of them. How about if there are two values that I want to compare? I tried using …

Member Avatar for asadfx

I have deployed a simple web service using Apache Tomcat 6.0 and Axis 1.4 in Windows XP. Now the server is very simple: [CODE] import java.io.*; import java.util.*; /* HelloWorld.java This is our web service */ public class HelloWorld { public String getHelloWorld(String id) { String retName=""; try { File …

Member Avatar for zpk1

Hi all, I am trying to have a recursive sort on my xml data, but can only manage to sort the first layer..and not as what i want too :( , been trying to do this for a couple of weeks :confused: I would appreciate it if anyone could help …

Member Avatar for zpk1
Member Avatar for jonb7

I am trying to show a diff in two files from a daily script. i am unable to get it to read the files correctly and show what is different. example of the files is - <ad_xml> <group name="group1"> </group> <group name="group2"> <user> <name>user1</name> </user> <user> <name>user2</name> </user> <user> <name>user3</name> …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for localp

I need to know a way to read a XML file from java. for example if the XML file is >> [code] <PHONEBOOK> <PERSON> <NAME>Joe Wang</NAME> <EMAIL>joe@ffff.com</EMAIL> <TELEPHONE>202-999-9999</TELEPHONE> </PERSON> </PHONEBOOK> [/code] I need to get the persons name, as in when i specify "NAME" the name 'joe wang' should display. …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hello I am trying to use the loadFromXML() load a properties file and I don't understand the example because it is not reconizing the dtd. Is the example I am using wrong? [code] public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException, PropertyVetoException, ProfileException, LoginException { LoadXMLProperties lp =new LoadXMLProperties(); [B]lp.loadXML("ModelResources_1.properties");[/B] …

Member Avatar for RSUNDARE

I have the xml from an Excel worksheet as given below. I would like to have a xslt to parse and extract the Excel rows in asimple xml format as given below based on the data picked from the named cells. I was able to collect data for each row. …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for anjaliua

hii the following is my xml file.. [CODE][/CODE] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> - <categories> - <medicines> <url>C:\Users\pcnet\Desktop\ayurveda_pages\20100421114126\2.html</url> <url>C:\Users\pcnet\Desktop\ayurveda_pages\20100421114126\3_001.html</url> <url>C:\Users\pcnet\Desktop\ayurveda_pages\20100421114126\3.html</url> <url>C:\Users\pcnet\Desktop\ayurveda_pages\20100421114126\4.html</url> </medicines> - <treatment> <url>C:\Users\pcnet\Desktop\ayurveda_pages\20100421114723\anemia-treatment-with-home-remedies.html</url> <url>C:\Users\pcnet\Desktop\ayurveda_pages\20100421114723\ayurveda-encyclopedia-w.html</url> <url>C:\Users\pcnet\Desktop\ayurveda_pages\20100421141322\alternative-treatments.html</url> <url>C:\Users\pcnet\Desktop\ayurveda_pages\20100421141322\aromatherapy.html</url> <url>C:\Users\pcnet\Desktop\ayurveda_pages\20100421141322\free-home-remedy.html</url> </treatment> </categories> i want someone to help me to tell how to add a new url to the already existing xml file...new …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for jonb7

Hi , I am trying to show members of groups in Active Directory and then enter them into XML format but am having problems getting it to work. I am new to all this stuff but have to get this to work fairly quick. Can someone advise please. [CODE]""" Script …

Member Avatar for jonb7
Member Avatar for Reliable

Hey everyone. I wanted to use an HTTP reference within an image tag inside an XML file as opposed to having the image in a folder . Is that feasible?

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for phingko

Hi guys, I have a xml file that contains all the articles with few authors for each of them. something like this; [QUOTE]<authors> <author> <surname>Middleton</surname> <firstname>Karen L.</firstname> </author> <author> <surname>Chambers</surname> <firstname>Valrie</firstname> </author> </authors>[/QUOTE] I can display them in HTML well the problem is, the way I want to display is …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hello Could someone point out what I need to change in the code I have so far? I would like to use XML format in a properties file. The original .properties worked but this will not load the new formatted .properties. I have an app that loads properties in ModelUtils.java …

Member Avatar for herbozo2

hi guys, I'm kind of new with xml. I have an xml file in the following format, with 592 records: [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <data> <item> <buildingName>Chateau</buildingName> <address>81 North Broadway, White Plains, NY</address> <mail>I</mail> <laundry>I</laundry> <garbage>I</garbage> <parking>I</parking> <rating>No Access</rating> <municipality>White Plains</municipality> </item> <item> <buildingName>44 Franklin Avenue</buildingName> <address>44 Franklin Avenue, New Rochelle, …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hello Could someone point out what I need to change in the code I have so far? I would like to use XML format in a properties file. The original .properties worked but this will not load the new formatted .properties. I have an app that loads properties in ModelUtils.java …

Member Avatar for kiranbvsn

Hi, I am using dotnet 2.0 version, I've bulk of records in a grid which i've to insert into database at a time, so i used dataset.getxml() function and stored in the database, I've used the same concept to update. But when coming to delete. i am facing problems Since …


The End.