
this is a major stepup in programming for me so please bear with me.

Using the Flickr API to generate photostream thumbnail images I need to parse the XML output to my application.

I don't want to use a browser component if I don't need to but rather display the thumbnails on a Panel.

So my questions are:-

how to parse the XML?
how to create PictureBoxes on the fly?
how to make sure the layout consistently fits my Panel?

Kind regards..,

MT ;)

>how to parse the XML?

You can use classes of System.Xml namespace.

>how to create PictureBoxes on the fly?

Instantiate the PictureBox class and add it to the container.

PictureBox bx=new PictureBox();

>how to make sure the layout consistently fits my Panel?

Which layout are you using in your app?

>how to parse the XML?

You can use classes of System.Xml namespace.

>how to create PictureBoxes on the fly?

Instantiate the PictureBox class and add it to the container.

PictureBox bx=new PictureBox();

>how to make sure the layout consistently fits my Panel?

Which layout are you using in your app?


thanks for your respone.

I think that I was getting a little ahead of myself though.

For instance, if I type this

http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.people.getPublicPhotos&api_key={API KEY HERE}&user_id={USER ID HERE}

, obviously replacing {api key here} with your flickr api key & {user ID here} with your flickr user ID, into a browser, it produces an XML output.

Now, if I put this url on a button click event in my application, how do I store the XML output as an XML file in my applications folder without having it open a browser window in the process?

As for then parsing the XML file, I think I have figured that bit out.

Thank you for pointing out the construction of controls on the fly.

As for the layout, I have decided for ease to fix the size of my form so I can have complete control over the number of images displayed vertically on it.

Kind regards..,

MT ;)

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