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4 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for takkischitt
Member Avatar for mymirror

can somebody help me to know a vert efficient algorithm in dividing more than 32 bytes of number? e.g. 65534.99/2326.84=28.1648029 =>6553499/232684 =281648029 =>63 FF 9B/03 8C EC=10 C9 9B 9D how could that be? my algo is that use shifts and subs but in a bitwise manner i want to …

Member Avatar for mytime19
Member Avatar for mymirror

Hi! Im Daniel !im happy to be with this family! Im a noob assembly programmer and I wanna learn more. Im expecting so much that with you, I can achieve my goal! THANKS :D

Member Avatar for mymirror
Member Avatar for mymirror

example , I put in the number [B]1.52[/B] then, in the dump, it looks like [B]31 2E 35 32[/B] (the ascii equivalent of '1','.''5',and '2') but I want it to be [B]3F C2 8F 5C [/B] so that I can start my calculator Thanks!

Member Avatar for mymirror

The End.