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Software Engineer
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- -P4 3.06 GHz w/HT running Gentoo Pentium-D 820 overclocked to -3.0GHZ RAID1, 2xSATA, NVIDIA GeForce…
75 Posted Topics
Re: [code] SELECT * FROM table WHERE column IS NULL [/code] | |
Re: you are getting this because your host has enables safe mode in php. You can not change the session save path with safe mode on (i think). You need to leave that feature blank and move on. You can go to a new host or fwd the error to your … | |
Re: the site is probibly using sessions to store login information. Did you try to post the variables using: [php] $vars = 'user=Username&pass=PW' curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $vars); [/php] It might help.. | |
Re: Take this: [quote=kyleknapp;262085] [code]SELECT * FROM `phplist_user_user_attribute` WHERE `attributeid`= 7 AND `value`= "68104" [/code] [/quote] and make a comma separated list od the id's which you want to update [php] $sql = 'SELECT id FROM `phplist_user_user_attribute` WHERE `attributeid`= 7 AND `value`= "68104"'; $query = mysql_query($sql); if mysql_num_rows($query) { $ary = … | |
Re: change your query to this: [php] mysql_query("DELETE FROM employees WHERE recordid='".$recordid."'") [/php] you cant wrap a variable in single quotes as it will be trated as literal. | |
Re: [code] #check disk usage df -h #if it is a symlink unlink filename #if it is a directory or file rm -Rf filename #if you ar ereally adventurous... rm -Rf ~/Desktop/* [/code] | |
Re: why only 10? and why would you want to restart Apache based on load avg? Load average is a calculation loosely based on the amount of time a process has to wait for the CPU, I have personally seen my BSD boxes hit an excess of 600 load average before … | |
Re: are you sure you have the url's correct? are they https? or maybe a different subdomain? | |
Re: Its fine, just go to adobe's site and install the flash player from there. once you do that every one will stop asking. As for security, you are using IE6 so i think thats a moot point ;-) | |
Re: welcome to web design. You should prolly use [URL="http://www.quirksmode.org/css/condcom.html"]conditional comments[/URL] to include an IE only stylesheet so you can make changes for only IE. It would be wise to stop using tables for non-tabular data. Ues div's instead. Link to [URL="http://www.w3.org/2002/03/csslayout-howto"]tableless layouts[/URL] | |
Re: Oracle and mysql use two different password encryption algorithms. Are you talking about the password to connect to the database, or a password for user authentication? How did you store the password in the database? Plain text, MD5, homegrown hash? Could you post the relevant code? not the whole file … | |
Re: any erros outputted? If you are dnying all access to the "secure" are there any entries in the apache error logs? I would wrap the file_get_contents() call in an if statement, this way you can see where the program fails. maybe try echoing the path fname, fpath variables out, see … | |
Re: check with the forum admin to see if they allow swf sig files. | |
Re: First off, you need to add a enctype to your form tag and add a name to your submit button (to be used for submission) like this [html] <form method="post" action="sendeial.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <!-- all your form code --> <button type="submit" name="submitBtn" value="Send Mail">SendMail</button> [/html] And as long as this is … | |
Re: can you post your sql? dont really understand what you are asking. | |
Re: code looks ok, except for this: [quote] mail("afgone@gmail.com", $sub, $notes, $message, $from); [/quote] you need to look at [URL]http://php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php[/URL] [code] $headers = "From: Me <myemailaddress.com> \r\n"; $headers .= "Bcc: Santa Clause <bigman@northpole.com>\r\n"; mail($toaddress, $subject, $messages, $headers) [/code] You also need to need to set edit your php.ini file to use … | |
Re: no more space then the files you will be creating with xvidcap. Maybe its time for a second HD? | |
Re: [code] cd directory ./configure --help | less ./configure make make install make clean [/code] | |
Re: X is your GUI base, you running gnome/kde on top of X. You can fire X up by typing startx in the shell, if your system defaults to a GUI login then X and your desktop env are already running. Try clicking on System->Preferences->Mouse that site worked fine for me... | |
Re: desktop: Im going with KDE, since the command in the shell is ksnapshot. I think superKaramba is a tool for making widgets for the KDE env and not gnome. sound drivers: joe's right, google or your distro. Since Linux is open source everyone pretty much shares the specific drivers if … | |
Re: can you post your grub.conf? you should have something like this: [code] title=Windows XP rootnoverify (hd0,1) makeactive chainloader +1 [/code] | |
Re: I'm running gentoo on a PII w/256Mg ram, and dual 4G SCSI drives. Compilation does take a while thats why I cross compile on my faster machine and move the binaries over to this one. I use this box for my firewall, squid, and email machine, been up for almost … | |
Re: did you try wget or ftp from the command line? also what your nic set to? 10baseT, 100baseTX?? sounds more like a networking problem to me | |
![]() | Re: I do all my work in the shell, heres what I use: #1 emacs #2 vim #3 nano/pico and sed,awk,tr for bulk editing. ![]() |
Re: If this is your first time, I would stay away from gentoo. Dont get me wrong I use Gentoo on 3 desktops, 2 laptops, 4 production servers(apache and mysql), 2 development servers, and a file server. Gentoo great distro, but you will spend many many hours just getting it up … | |
Re: did you update your apache config to load the php5 module and restart your server? | |
Re: check the permissions on the /home and /home/.ssh folders of both machines. you can also use the -v option with ssh to output all debugging to stdout. [code] ssh -v -l user machine [/code] | |
Re: you need to recompile with the desired modules. Also, it is a really really really bad idea to rename a script witha .bak extension since the server will deliver the script unparsed and exposing all your logic and or the keys to your server. | |
Re: [code] man cp man rpm cp /tmp/cfdisk-2.11w-alt3.i588-1.rpm ~ rpm -i ~/cfdisk-2.11w-alt3.i588-1.rpm [/code] | |
Re: you can use regular expressions in sed, this will replace all instances of findthis with replacement [code] sed -e 's/[fFiInNdDtThHiIsS]/replacement/g' [/code] give an example of a string you are looking for and we can give you an example regex to use. |
The End.