Tell! me about Forum because i am new here please help me.

Here's a little bit about DaniWeb.

A forum is just a central meeting place, or (in this case) a place where you can talk with others about some topic. More specifically, it is a synonym for "message board".

In other words, you are already using the forum.

The link Dani gave should help you with this specific forum (Daniweb).

G'day Neo_769,

Originally it was a public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city or town, where legal and political business was conducted.

Now for computer related matters it is much the same as a message board and is a place or a method for discussion, a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged with other computer users.
Where you can have open discussions or voicing of ideas, such as computer related application software or hardware, websites, or any other computer related matters can be discussed and where you can ask for help in this regard..

Trust this explanes it. ☺

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