177 Topics

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Member Avatar for bijutoha

I'm using Elementor Pro to build my website, including a custom header design. However, when the same header is applied to a page built with the Kadence theme (specifically the blog page), the design breaks down. ![header_issue.gif](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/da38ba905d36bb38af9087b7e3299b95.gif) What settings or configurations within Elementor Pro might be causing the mismatch?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Lius

Need help with JTable header group : Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ClassCastException: javax.swing.table.JTableHeader cannot be cast to id.co.aal.common.GroupableTableHeader this is the part of table drawing ..... if(tabledraw) { tabledraw=false; for (int k = 0; k < m_data.getColumnCount(); k++) { TableCellRenderer renderer; if (k==Kehadirantable.COL_ALOKASI) renderer = new CheckCellRenderer(); else { DefaultTableCellRenderer …

Member Avatar for Jan_315
Member Avatar for mitchell.schols

So, i'm working on a layout that has to be in xhtml.. i changed the extension from html > xhtml and i got this prompt.. "This page contains the following errors: error on line 15 at column 8: Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 0 and head Below is …

Member Avatar for Pradosh_1
Member Avatar for SolidSolutions

I have a sticky header on my page by setting CSS to relative and z-index. When I go to print, the first page prints fine (header, with page content starting just below header). The following pages has header on top of content. How can I force content below header on …

Member Avatar for henk_2
Member Avatar for clarkkent021

Hi, I am trying to learn OOP with c++ with the help of Turbo C++ version 3.0 and "C++ Primer Plus" by stephen prata. according to the book, the NEW convention for including the iostream header file in c++ is in the following way: #include<iostream> but it causes an error …

Member Avatar for Aatulya
Member Avatar for w33n

Hi all, I am wondering if I need to make multiple copies of the same include xxx.php (navigation) file in order to highlight which page the user is on. Using an include seems almost unnecessary if I do. Can you please let me know. Thank you. B

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for mike_2000_17

# Introduction # A recurring problem many newcomers face when tackling C++ is the compilation process, from sources to binaries. This tutorial will detail that process. It will be especially useful for people only familiar with higher-level languages (if any), but veterans of one or more native languages (C, Fortran, …

Member Avatar for Lutina
Member Avatar for anitg

I am trying to use a sms gateway app for android called SMSGateway with a http header request using curl as below; $curl_handle=curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL,"$phone&text=$message1&password=xxxxxxxx"); curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10000); curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,50000); curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0'); $query = curl_exec($curl_handle); if($query){echo "Message Sent to $phone …

Member Avatar for anitg
Member Avatar for Lethugs

Hi, Im trying to use a multi column combobox from this thread [Here](http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/8619/Flat-MultiColumn-Combobox-with-Autocomplete) Just wondering if there's a way to show Column header from its datasource (sql) Can't find a property to do this Thanks

Member Avatar for Lethugs
Member Avatar for GlenRogers

I'm doing a one page site. At the top of the page I have a fixed position header with logo, menu etc. As it stands now, when I click on a menu link to take me to the relevant section it takes me there ok but as the header is …

Member Avatar for bnmng
Member Avatar for ben.juarez.773

Hello, I'm working on a small project to acquire information from regulations.gov using their API. It's fairly simple (codewise) what I'm trying to do. However, I get stuck with a "HTTP error 403: Forbidden". It means I'm connecting, but something seems to be the matter. I've been in contact with …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for nathan.pavlovsky

Is it poor convention to create a c++ file only to store various functions, and then include it into the main.cpp? This would be done so that the functions could be used in different programs as well.

Member Avatar for nathan.pavlovsky
Member Avatar for James singizi

**i have some code to redirect a user to a page if their login details are correct. part of the code is as below but it never redirects to the specified page. help me sort this out** if($pass==$dbpass){ //safely redirect user to the home page and start a new session …

Member Avatar for jresponse
Member Avatar for hanspeare_1

Hi there, i have recieved this notice Warning: Header may not contain more than a single header, new line detected in C:\xampp\htdocs\a\Student_Edit_Handler.php on line 53 and these are my codes. Kindly help me to fix this. <?php session_start(); $session_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; if($session_id == null){ header("location:Student_Edit.php"); die(); } include 'Connect.php'; $flag …

Member Avatar for ravi_14

My header file header.h #ifndef HEADER_TEST #define HEADER_TEST static test_variable; #endif now i am including this in two source files IN THE SAME PROJECT. multiple definition error. i have used static specifier in header file . please help me understand this.i think static makes internal linkage. regards, ravi

Member Avatar for Suzie999
Member Avatar for UltimateJacob

I've got the beginnings of a website, with the header and navigation bar already implemented. I also have a main section implemented, but only in absolute positioning. I've tried many things, but how would I go about positioning it relatively? Every time I try, the section and the header get …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for jalpesh_007

Dear all, I am developing SOAP web service using netbeans. As i have got preferred SOAP request and SOAP response,now i want to add security information like username and/or password in my SOAP header Request. Please tell me how can i modify or add username in my SOAP header Request …

Member Avatar for Complete_1

I can't work around these errors. Can someone help me out? Error 2 error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int Error 3 error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';' Error 1 error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '<' Code: #pragma once #ifndef …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for abaddon2031

I have a python code that reads several csv files and writes teh data to a single file but every time it loops back around to the next file it prints the headers again. Is there a way to stop this I can post my code if it is nessisary.

Member Avatar for abaddon2031
Member Avatar for Ahmed_48

<?php //The fields and values to insert $user = array( 'users_screen_name'=>$vars ->screen_name, 'users_profile_image_url'=>$vars -> profile_image_url, 'users_name'=>$vars->name, 'users_statuses_count'=>$vars->statuses_count, 'users_location'=>$vars->location, 'users_description'=>$vars->description, 'users_oauth_access_token'=>$access_token['oauth_token'], 'users_oauth_access_token_secret'=>$access_token['oauth_token_secret'] ); // chek existing $check_column = 'users_id'; $exists = $database->exists( 'useres', $check_column, array('users_screen_name' => $vars ->screen_name )); if (!$exists) { $add_query = $database -> insert('useres', $user); if ($add_query) { …

Member Avatar for Fernando_4
Member Avatar for ravi_14

cout is defined in std namespace and we also include iostream to use cout...i am confused ,please clarify this.where 1)cout is defined 2)where it is declared. and if we are including iostream ,then what is the need of STD::COUT regards,

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for JayGeePee

I'm having issues with repopulating my input fields after being submitted if there is an error. I've tried the simple `<?php if(isset($_POST['value'])){echo $_POST['value'];} ?>` That doesn't work. And I'm thinking it's because of how I have my else statements set up. I am currently using get to repopulate my fields, …

Member Avatar for JayGeePee
Member Avatar for Vasthor

http://s11.postimg.org/kxl3cemw3/error.png this is the least error that I can get from multiple time of debugging. [TheCodeFile](http://www.fast-files.com/getfile.aspx?file=70535) StrBlob.h has needed to use something from StrBlobPtr.h and StrBlobPtr.h needed to use something from StrBlob.h I did tried to #include each file on each other respectively, but ofcourse that would be a data …

Member Avatar for Vasthor
Member Avatar for Elixir42

I have read tutorials using my google-fu on how to set up Pre-Compiled Headers, and now I wanted to clear up a few questions: If all the 'to be pre-compiled' headers go in one file - "stdafx.h" then how do you say you only want 1 of those files in …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew

I kinda like the idea behind the static/fixed header, but I was wondering if there's any chance to actually extend it, and add the user information to it, like this: ![cc7912a9152d4af5365953c22bf1c3ef](/attachments/large/3/cc7912a9152d4af5365953c22bf1c3ef.png "cc7912a9152d4af5365953c22bf1c3ef")

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Builder_1

what are the differences of string and cstring header files and how does the pre defined function of strcmp which is called string comparison works???? i know it gives 0 if string 1 = string 2 gives +ive and -ive if str1 is greater or less but it calculates that …

Member Avatar for Builder_1
Member Avatar for Lee_2

Hi basically I have been trying to set up the irrlicht engine with Visual Studio 2010 and after adding in the inlcude and library file paths it seems as though Visual Studio no longer recognises "stdafx.h" as a valid precompiler?? I know this has something to do with not being …

Member Avatar for Lee_2
Member Avatar for evangelion89

Hi, I want to access a web service and get the response in json using javascript. The web services can respond in json and gives me a table of records with a specific campus. I input the campus code in the text box and create the url. Now, I want …

Member Avatar for spatlola0422
Member Avatar for fheppell

I wrote this code to integrate with filepicker.io, it takes the URL of the file and gets the header information: $info = curl_init() or die('error 1'); curl_setopt($info, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); //curl_setopt($info, CURLOPT_PORT , 8089); curl_setopt($info, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($info, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30); curl_setopt($info, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); //curl_setopt($info, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_exec($info); if(!curl_errno($info)){ $response = curl_getinfo($info); …

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Member Avatar for sarthak25

The End.