I'm buying a used laptop/notebook for vacation use.
(Mainly checking email, 'storage' for digital photos, maybe some web surfing... )

There are 2 possibilities, Toshiba Tecra 8100 and IBM Thinkpad T21.

Either will probably suffice for my needs.
Do either of them have any significant advantages over the other?

Thanks, Thomas.

(moderator, if I posted in the wrong spot please feel free to move post.)

These both good machines, so I'd say get the ones that's been better maintained, or has the best return policy.
It might help to know more-HD size, installed memory and programs,OS.

These both good machines, so I'd say get the ones that's been better maintained, or has the best return policy.
It might help to know more-HD size, installed memory and programs,OS.

Well return policy... <falling off chair laughing>

</falling off chair> Sorry, I can get either for $299, there basically is no return policy but I wouldn't expect that at 3 bills. (Former business machines) The owner of the used computer store will check out the one I pick for proper operation (I will need to 'order it in).

They both have DVD, similar HDD and RAM, O/S doesn't matter as I am getting this for Ubuntu.

Internet 'research' did not give me a clear winner so I started this thread.
I'm leaning towards Toshiba simply because I just don't care for IBM, never had one, just the IBM brand never floated my boat.

Go with your gut, then, but IBM has an excellent reputation.
It would be wise, of course, to check that Ubuntu has drivers fro your selection.

Go with your gut, then, but IBM has an excellent reputation.
It would be wise, of course, to check that Ubuntu has drivers fro your selection.

I think then that I will let the larger/faster HDD, higher RAN etc make the decision for me.
At that price I can always invest a bit in it and still get off major cheap.

If one has XP and the other Milleniium or something I may partition it with Ubuntu.

check that Ubuntu has drivers fro your selection.

I assume I would find that on the ubuntu homepage?

Yes. Or search the forum.
I've installed Ubuntu on several desktops, but no laptops yet.
I know wireless has been a problem,but they're overcoming that.

the thinkpad is head and shoulders above the toshiba in just about every way. much better keyboard, sturdy case design and works with linux no problem. http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ThinkWiki has just about any info you could ever want on the thinkpads and is also dedicated to running linux on these machines.

having said that you will be stuck using a wireless PC card unless you get the T23 which has the built in antennas in place for use with an internal card. adding another $50 or so will get you upgraded to the T30 which while being physically the same is a whole different beast on the inside with things like DDR which is easy to find upgrades for and a very fine trackpad in addition to the trackpoint nub.

i just bought one of these as i absolutely must have a com port and didn't fancy the idea of messing with USB adapters or port replicators. very satisfied and think it even puts a lot of the brand new laptops to shame in quality and performance.

Thanks for that info. Right now I have put choosing on hold.
Ex-business laptops come thru my neighborhood computer store on a semi-regular basis
so I will be checking on whats 'new' when my tax refund comes thru.

Thanks, Tom

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