How to choose a stable PPC system? What to pay attention to?
What systems do you prefer to work? I have a site gaming themes, I want to make it in this way. What can you advise?

How to choose a stable PPC system? What to pay attention to?
What systems do you prefer to work? I have a site gaming themes, I want to make it in this way. What can you advise?

Use all three if you can (AdWords, YSM, Microsoft adCenter). Can't get much better than those.

You can check, the highest bids is PPC system
I work in this area not so long ago, but the PPC I liked.

No complaints. Friendly support, 75% payout, advanced stats. This PPC still relatively young but lacks feedback.
So try it.

oh i'm sorry - the OP is asking what platform to use in order to serve PPC ads.

I'm looking for something on the similarity of Adsense. Are there somewhere more bids? Because there is very rarely get high-priced bid ....

You can check, the highest bids is PPC system
I work in this area not so long ago, but the PPC I liked.

No complaints. Friendly support, 75% payout, advanced stats. This PPC still relatively young but lacks feedback.
So try it.

Yes, heard about this system .. A lot of people that still uses it?

you can try Yahoo's publisher network (APT) or maybe even AdBrite. I don't have experience using these but they seem to be viable alternatives to AdSense.

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