if anyone knows, how long spiders/googlebot/adsensebot crawling on a single page of a web ?
3 second ? 10 sec ? 15sec? 30sec ? or maybe 60sec?

or it's depending on how many content/words from the page?

i specific the question like:
how long the spider crawling on a single page content with 500 word of a web?

Most probably it should be depending on how is your page appearing in front of the bot. The bot must have been set alongwith all the rules and regulations of google indexing. If the page is perfect, it might be staying for a longer time than others....
Just a thought, not sure about it.

if anyone knows, how long spiders/googlebot/adsensebot crawling on a single page of a web ?
3 second ? 10 sec ? 15sec? 30sec ? or maybe 60sec?

or it's depending on how many content/words from the page?

i specific the question like:
how long the spider crawling on a single page content with 500 word of a web?

500 words! Man, the spider crawls through that like in a fraction of a zillionth of a second.

In my own experiences, the crawling frequency would depend on the updating frequency of your pages and the PR of linking pages. :)

Have a nice day,

I think there really is no exact answer to that question. I guess the more content a page has the more time a crawler would spend on it. Obviously if the content is constantly being updated and there is plenty of content on your site then the crawlers will spend a little more than 5 seconds on it... : )

Its utterly depends on the page size which may contains more images, videos, articles and so on.

I agree with bruce shan, it may depends on page size and some other factors.

as far as i think bot decides it depending upon the size of your web page if its greater it may take even more 60 sec.

It's all dependent on the PR of the site. E.g. If you are CNN (PR10) the spiders come every half an hour. PR9 1-2 hours. PR8 4-8 hours, PR7, 1-2 days, PR6 4-7 days, PR5 10-15 days, PR4....etc

i was searching for the same query.
thank you all for the information

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