I am new in SEO Field. So please anybody give me some information about H tags - H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6 .

yes use only one time the h1 tag and maximum 3 times the h2 tags...
remember no h3,h4,h5 is notice by the crawler of the search engines... i can help you more if you find this interesting

Use only one H1. A nice description can be found in this article.

i have rad that article which you have given . its such a valuable article for me. i gratitude you.

yes i am agree with chamoo and joseph comments
one time h1 and 3 times h2 tags

yes use only one time the h1 tag and maximum 3 times the h2 tags...
remember no h3,h4,h5 is notice by the crawler of the search engines... i can help you more if you find this interesting

but i have seen many webdevelopment site which have h2 tags more then 3 times and they also puted h3 tags.

If you have large articles on a single page, it will be hard to get around it.


I think you could only use one H1 tag on every single page since it is used in defining the content theme of the page. There would be no number limitation for other H tags, IMO.

all the best,

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