What is the proper way to comment on blogs? Using anchor text is important? Or isn't using a real Name more important to be accepted by the author? Doesn't Google know your trying to use anchor text since blog comment code is similar and that may penalize your site?

Anyone have feedback on this?

What is the proper way to comment on blogs? Using anchor text is important? Or isn't using a real Name more important to be accepted by the author? Doesn't Google know your trying to use anchor text since blog comment code is similar and that may penalize your site?

Anyone have feedback on this?

Comments should be added to blog articles when an Internet visitor has read the article and has something useful to contribute. This creates an opportunity for a textual anchor. A textual anchor should be deployed with the intention of having other Internet visitors follow, ones who have taken the time to read the original blog article, read your comment and are intrigued enough to click your link. So, however the commentor chooses to insert a link varies, of course real names seem more trustworthy than pseudonyms, but it is usually found that the more natural, logical the hyperlink is placed, the better both the Internet visitor and the search engine will respond.

The Blog is very ordinary phrase for SEO, because it’s a simple way to endorse the theory of a website and gain back links to the site. Typically blogs contain small particulars or news about the website so that the person who reads cans easily recognize and get paying attention and hopefully visit the website. A number of popular blog sites are wardress, blog.com etc.

i was also looking for the same...thanks for the posts...


I think blog commenting is still a nice channel for building back links. Of course, you should use your targeted keywords as anchor text if you want them to be back links for your sites. Theme relative valuable comments would be acceptable for the owner, especially on on niche relative blogs.

all the best,

Most blogs have code telling the search engine to ignore the link. I know of one blog that does not have this code for the the list of top commentors so those links will be followed. It can have hundreds of comments on a post but the top commentor list is only the top 10.

I think that more blogs should have this. In case you do not know, look at the source code for rel="nofollow". It tells the search engine to ignore this link.

The Blog is very ordinary phrase for SEO, because it’s a simple way to endorse the theory of a website and gain back links to the site.

I just learned that wordpress automaicaly puts the code in to not follow the link of comments. The person needs to use an app to cahnge it.

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