Hello friends,

I usually write new articles every month for my sites and have one question.

Should I keep submitting these new content pages to same social bookmarking sites?


Should I find new social bookmarking sites to submit them too?


Have a good weekend.

You can never submit to enough ... Keep writing unique content, keep getting the word out any and all ways you can. (That aren't black hat, of course)

Depends upon the time. If you have time, mass submit them or else submit them to the same websites. In my opinion, if you choose top 10 social bookmarking sites such as digg, stumble upon etc, they will drive more traffic than 40 other social bookmarking sites.

i think that writing updating unique and fresh content is effective

You can't submit same content with same link, but you can change the content by rewriting and try to resubmit it to Social bookmarking sites.

You can submit new unique content but not with the same URL..Sites will show that as a duplicate URL.

You should always create fresh and unique content to get updated links or you can submit your link in other social bookmarking sites.

submit your RSS feed instead, that way when you update your blog, content, etc.. its auto updated to your bookmarks as well!

You can do that but keep your content fresh.

see now google not giving priority to quanity its only consider if you use unique content, whether you use it in same social bookmarking sites or new, but i suggest use only good rank social bookmarking sites like, stumbleupon, digg, tumblr and so on.

Agree with donaldjoyal. What important are the content and the quality of the social bookmarking sites.

In social book marking site,You could submit ur content only one time.Next time you could not submit same content or new content in same website.Because it showed Duplicate URL...

Yes you can Submit... if you have a fresh content you can proceed and also keep searching for new social sites and submit the content also it is helpful to improve your site traffic.

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