Hi, Everybody
I don't have much knowledge of keyword research. i used Google keyword tool but its didn't show me supporting keyword so please anyone tell me that how to find supporting keyword. Tell me some other resource if you know about it

Check out for your competitor's keywords. Try to modify them according to your site. Once you find a few, you can think of a lot of options.

You can check competitor site and use Google wonder wheel for relevant keywords.

I have no clue what you're asking. Do you use both Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics?

The best tip I can give you is to examine the keywords of your competitor's website and use Google Wonder Wheel to check related keywords.

The Wonder Wheel provides a graphical interface that displays related keyword terms.

Use Google Keyword Tool find relevent keywords, along with global monthly searches and locak monthly searches information.
This is the best tool to find keywords through which you can get traffic by taking it to No. 1 page of google.

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