Hey everyone,

I created a blog that provides all information on classified submission about two months ago.
currently, I only have six members on my blog.
I want at least fifty members per month. I already shared the link on Facebook and Twitter.
Please tell me what else I should do to get more members on my blog.


Rohan Savio Fernandes.

share your blog with blog directories. which will boost your traffic , and share with google+ as well.

The best way to get people on board is connecting from social networks like facebook, twitter, bebo, stumbleupon, friendster, myspace and many other that you can create accounts and share. The more members you can interact with the better possibility of getting new member in your blog. The content of your blog also has to be very useful and creative.

One of the best methods of gaining users is to offer something that they can only get by participating, make it something good because there are so many people out there giving away stuff, trying to get an email address, in order to get your brand out in front, you need to identify what they want and give it to them.

That is just a stepping stone, what you really want is an environment where they can become your clients, now that is where the real money is at.

first of all try to get traffic by proper seo and then due to your quality of content you would get members

Share your blog on social networking websites like Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, Delicious, Digg, Google Plus etc. This would draw traffic to your website.

Thank you all for giving such useful advise. :)

Social media is best way to increase the traffic on the blog.

Social media is best way to increase the traffic on the blog.

I absolutely agree with you Social media is good way for increase traffic but before social media you must be search engine submission for your blog.

I think; social-networking sites and bookmarking networks are best platforms to invite more visitors to your blog, which further become members of your blog.

commented: yawn yawn yawn -3

My opinion following the tips you increasing traffic in your bogg :
a) Write various articles in your niche and submit guest posts to various blogs.
b) Utilize Yahoo Answers! Answer questions related to your topic and place your website link in the resource area
c)Create videos on various topics in your niche and submit them to video sharing sites
d) Convert your blog posts to a PDF file and submit it to PDF sharing sites like Scribd and Docstoc
e) Take advantage of Social Media. Facebook and Twitter will get you traffic almost instantly
f) Forum Posting
g) social bookmarking.
h) Learn the basics of SEO or pay someone if you don't want to learn.

There are lots of ways to improve blog traffic. Among them some effective ideas are shared below.

Share your blog link within your website and other social networking profiles or business profiles.
If you have a facebook fan page integrate your blog with applications networked blogs, twitter and other social networking websites.
So whenever you post new blog it get shared automatically.
Regularly post new, unique and quality content and ping soon after posting. You can also follow and write about the current going trend.
Submit your blog RSS feed in RSS directories, feed burner etc.
Submit your blog to some quality blog directories.
Look for podcast (free and paid options available) as per your requirement.
Submit your podcast it wil help to drive huge traffic of podcast lovers.

Add social plugins in the sidebar of your blog like social profiles, followers, subscribe button, podcast option.
Add widgets like categories, tag cloud, social sharing buttons etc.

These will not only drive a good traffic to your blog but also help in imrpvong good ranking of your blog.

start social bookmarking and directory submission about that

take that url and start link building as Social book marking and directory submission

Only social media sites will not help you in getting members. You should also do social bookmarking, directory submission, forum posting and press release of your blog.

If you are good at article writing .It is a also a good way to increase visitors fast.Forum and blog posting are easy to do follow.

Do eamil marketing, blog comment, forum posting, yahoo answer marketing, facebook marketing, Google+ marketing for your blog. By this way you can get many members for your blog.

I recommend you focus on a particular subject.It should be worth and very much useful.People wil quickly notice if you provide valuable information and are approachable.

Do some seo work for your blog then you will get the users and post unique content on the blog..

I joined Daniweb about 8 months ago I, think. I m 63 years old and I have senior moments. That's not important. I am into blogging for the long haul and I am sure there are many newbies out there just starting out and in need of help. Blogging doesn't take place over night, It takes a lot of work to create it, depending on which way you want to go with it. You can start a blog for free which you do not own or you can pay for a self hosted blog which you own. I own mine. To get people to my blog I join blog commenting groups where I make a comment and leave a link behind so the will visit mine. I have a sign up form in my sidebar which gives away a free blogging book and people sign up for it. Blogging can be a fun thing to do, it gets easier as time goes by. I want to create my own blogging community one day and that will take a lot of time. The big thing people are using today is Social media and that in itself takes a lot of learning and time. If I'm allowed I'll do another post on that.

do some keyword research and then do some seo for high traffic keywords

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