Hello all. new here as i'm in need of help!

I've made a sliding door dropdown menu that works perfect in FF Safari and co, but it won't work properly in internet explorer 6

the issue lays with the first level <li><a></a></li>

the <li> are floating left but in ie6 the block level <a> is bursting out of the float and stretching to 100%, the problem can be fixed by giving the <li> a width, but this defeats the object of the sliding door tabs and makes the tabs stretch onto two line which obviously isn't what i want.

I've also tried floating the <a> and <span> tags left, this makes the menu look right, but then the dropdown messes up in all browsers.

If anyone has any words of wisdom, that'd be great!!


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sfHover = function() {
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if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", sfHover);




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#nav {
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#nav li { /* all list items */
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#nav a {
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#nav span {
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#nav a:hover {
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#nav a:hover span {
		display: block;
		background-position: bottom left;
#nav li ul { /* second-level lists */
		position: absolute;
		z-index: 1;
		left: -999em; /* using left instead of display to hide menus because display: none isn't read by screen readers */
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#nav li ul li {
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#nav li ul li a {
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#nav li ul li a:hover {
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#nav li:hover ul, #nav li.sfhover ul { /* lists nested under hovered list items */
		left: auto;

Hey -

I don't have a solution, but I'm having the same problem. I've distilled it down to a bare-bones test case, and it seems to the be the height declaration on the <a> tags that is causing problems. For some reason, assigning a height to the <a> tags causes IE6 to behave as if you'd set the width to 100%.

I see you posted this a month ago - have you found a solution?

Try nesting a div in there and set its height.

Personally, I am totally sick of hover activations and dropdown menus. Why not just leave it on the screen.

Sorry to bump an old post but they were having the same issue I just was and I found a fix that I wanted to post.

Greenie2600's post lead me to figure out that it was a haslayout issue which lead me to this page where I found that if I add display: inline-block to the anchor element it fixed the issue.

greenie2600 ... Thanks man you saved me hours. Soluution remove the height attribute on A tag! In my case i was able to set the line-height of the anchor text instead to keep the slider the right height. Wicked as.

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