This has me extremely frustrated. All my pages look fine in every browser EXCEPT Internet Explorer. For some reason, IE keeps moving my text to the right. Grrrr.

Here is an example:

I'm hoping someone can see what I've done wrong with my code, but any help is appreciated.

Thank you!

post the code, so those gurus, the ones who really can look at it and 'Aha' can aha it and post a simple edit
nobody wants to go to your site and copy the code and edit it and, and, and, and , , , ,

Are you talking about the area thats under
<begin editable area>????
I'm on a mac and using firefox, so everything looks like its working fine from here, but if its only IE your having the problem in you might try setting up an alignment and indent tags for your text area, then it should appear properly, even in IE.
Will look at it more in a bit and see what I can think of, but it seems to me just add the appropriate indent/align tags.
I'm pretty sure that will fix it even with it being an unordered list....

If you dump ALL the styles in the head (css file and the repeated css styles embedded in the head) and set border=2 for your table (TABLES!!! it's the 21st century!), then you will see that something is throwing an extra something, perhaps a td, at IE, sitting between the table cell containing your resources and the cell containing your image map. But I haven't found what the something is yet.
And I'm not totally sure it's a table cell to be honest.

You are using IE6 or IE7??

OK, after taking this through a test run in DW and downloading IE for mac, I noticed a couple of things:
1) Internet Explorer recognizes the field of text as being CENTER aligned in that table cell(easy enough to tell just looking at it).
2)Your CSS, aligns the table as "vertical-center", why it affects IE and no others I'm not sure.
3)adding a simple <align="left"> </align> tag fixed the problem when I tested it.

After looking through the style sheet and the HTML, it was fairly easy, your TD style as per the CSS is named breadcrumbs.
If you look at all the tags in your breadcrumbs style tag in the .css file, you'll see that its set to "vertical-center" alignment.
Fortunately, an in-line tag will override the CSS, so a simple in-line <align> tag will fix the problem, or atleast should.
Hope this helps.

As a note you a right that it needs to be edited, as you want everyone with different browsers to be able to read it correctly.
i would suggest using css style that align your paragraph to the left.
create a css left.css whatever
make it align left
then attach it and use

<p class="left">data stuff<br>
morestuff</p> or just add <p align="left">stuff</p>

whatever works for you.
IE can sometimes muddle up things if its not specific enough or its too close to something else aligned differently. e.g: on the same line

hope this is helpful :)

Thank you to all who looked at the code. I'm sorry I didn't post the actual code as suggested in the first response.

It sounds like it's actually a very simple fix, so I'll give your suggestions a try and see if that works... I'm sure it will.

Thanks again!

Thank you to all who looked at the code. I'm sorry I didn't post the actual code as suggested in the first response.

It sounds like it's actually a very simple fix, so I'll give your suggestions a try and see if that works... I'm sure it will.

Thanks again!

if the suggestions dont work, post your code, coz its still likely going to be an AHA moment

Found two reasons why it isn't working right in IE. You have a td width a fixed with, but put an image in there that is wider. See here:

<td width=250px"><img (width=303) src="images/2009-04-08B....

Next, you make the div 100% wide, but don't do anything with the <td> where this div lives in. See here:

<div class="indextext" align="left" style="width: 100%;">

To sove it, your table is 1200px wide, so make the first <td> 310px wide and the second 890px. Firefox still does it right, and IE (6, 7 and 8) will do it right now as well.

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