I have a HP 753N 2.53GHz P4 Desktop System w/CD-RW/DVD.

When the power button is pushed it just makes a clicking sound but will not stay powered. The fans momentarily come on, hard drive tries to spin up, but when I release the power button it just shuts off. Have checked the internal cables (nothing appears loose).

Any thoughts to this?

If you hold down the button for a couple minutes, will your computer boot? If so, there's probably just something wrong with the switch.

Unfortunately holding it down will not power it up but instead will make a prolonged clicking noise. The hard drive spins but never boots as do the fans on the processor.

The clicking just repeats over and over like when you start a car that won't even turn over. The power switch never seems to quite catch.

Is this a problem with the switch as well as the power supply?
(Hard drive works fine... I've taken it out and tried it in another system)

Thanks for any input!

Unfortunately holding it down will not power it up but instead will make a prolonged clicking noise. The hard drive spins but never boots as do the fans on the processor.

The clicking just repeats over and over like when you start a car that won't even turn over. The power switch never seems to quite catch.

Is this a problem with the switch as well as the power supply?
(Hard drive works fine... I've taken it out and tried it in another system)

Thanks for any input!

Have you added any devices to this computer? When did this problem first occur?

No new devices have been added.

The problem surfaced when I received the computer back from a friend who had borrowed it.

She also assured me that no other devices/software had been added.

I have a HP 753N 2.53GHz P4 Desktop System w/CD-RW/DVD.

When the power button is pushed it just makes a clicking sound but will not stay powered. The fans momentarily come on, hard drive tries to spin up, but when I release the power button it just shuts off. Have checked the internal cables (nothing appears loose).

Any thoughts to this?

Hello. I would like to know if you resolved this problem for i have the same problem. When i hit the start button and let go it powers momentarily then off over and over untill i unplug it. Im ready to throw it away. Thank you.

Hello. I would like to know if you resolved this problem for i have the same problem. When i hit the start button and let go it powers momentarily then off over and over untill i unplug it. Im ready to throw it away. Thank you.

I am working on a 754n for a friend that has the same problem. I got it to power on by unpluging the power switch from the motherboard and leaving the powercord plugged into the power supply and connected the powerswitch cord to the mobo for an instant, just long enough to see a fan start turning, otherwise it would shuddown after 4 seconds. the problem is the switch, I took off the front panel and removed the switch. inspecting the switch, I noticed when I pushed it in, it didn't come all the way back out. I had to pull it out to hear the second click.

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