Hi my computer wont start up, the cpu fan and psu fans start and the power light comes on but stays flashing, the monitor says "no signal", could it be the CMOS Battery? Any help anyone?

No it wasnt the above :( any one got any suggestions?

a little more info please ,like what were you doing with the computer before this started .

It was just left on at home, i have never taken it apart except since this problem has started.

Theres like this wired clicking sound but like a digital clicking sound coming from like a little speaker on the mobo.

like a little speaker ?
so you opened the case and could hear a clicking sound coming from a little speaker like object on the motherboard .
what is the name and or number on the mothere board ,how old is the computer !thanks

hi i got a new mobo and processor, do you need a graphics card? its got an agp slot but i havent put anythink in, there is also no ddr memory, could this make the computer screen say, "no signal detected" there is no flashing of the power light now tho nor a clicking sound just the lack of display, also the cd/dvd drives have unlocked themselves,

i put in a new ASrock Mobo and it keeps beeping its the K7S41GX, and it goes "beeb-Beep-beep------------Beep-Beep-Beep, what does this stand for, taking in to account it has no DDR

hi i got a new mobo and processor, do you need a graphics card? its got an agp slot but i havent put anythink in, there is also no ddr memory, could this make the computer screen say, "no signal detected" there is no flashing of the power light now tho nor a clicking sound just the lack of display, also the cd/dvd drives have unlocked themselves,

i take it that you have never built a computer before. well its time to learn cos im gonna go all technical on you now.:p

firstly lets get round the problem of the 'no signal' showing up on your PC.
ask yourself these questions. does the motherboard have built in graphics? if the answers no you need a graphics card 1st and foremost. you can get these in most component stores for about £50 for a bog standard one upto £200-300 for an upmarket mean nvidea or radeon card.
if on the other hand you have got built in graphics have you actually connected the monitor to the PC using the right cable and have you plugged it into the right socket. Again very common error.

secondly never ever forget to put the memory in. this should be one of the first components that you put onto your motherboard after you have assembled your CPU and heatsink.:D

regarding the power light - what is its status. is it permanently on or off? some computers dont have flashing power lights. its usually the hard drive activity light that has a tendancy to flash and flicker but again that depends on the type of case you have. some dont have any status lights.

however if yours has status lights please make sure you have assembled the connections as detailed in your motherboard documentation..:-|

another thing to bear in mind is that not all motherboard manufacturers use the same BIOS software. they use either PHOENIX or AMI. The BIOS beeps you describe could be lack of DDR or lack of a video card. without knowing your exact BIOS manufacturer i cannot say.

please also elaborate on the bit where you claim that the cd/dvd drives have unlocked themselves. how?

how do i no if the mobos got built in grapics?

how do i no if the mobos got built in grapics?

look for the graphics port on the back of the motherboard. depending on the age of the board you might have a DVI (digital video input) port which will be white.

the actual VGA port itself is blue.. it does not matter really which one you use.

both are 15 pin female connectors. in case you didnt know 'female' means 'has holes' not 'pins'

again depending on your board your VGA port will be next to a long pink female connector port. this port is the serial printer port and unless you have a serial printer dont worry about this. :mrgreen:

www.ati.com for ati graphics card information.
www.abit.com.tw for motherboard information - amd
www.intel.co.uk for intel boards

yeah i have a port to plug in my monitor its blue next to a long pink one

yeah i have a port to plug in my monitor its blue next to a long pink one

that'll be your VGA port then. plug in your monitor signal cable securely and then plug in the signal cable to the back of your monitor. turn on the monitor and machine and you should hopefully have graphics of some description. have you added the other parts yet like your memory? hopefully the graphics you will see should be the BIOS setup or POST screens.

if not there maybe a problem with your board

that'll be your VGA port then. plug in your monitor signal cable securely and then plug in the signal cable to the back of your monitor. turn on the monitor and machine and you should hopefully have graphics of some description. have you added the other parts yet like your memory? hopefully the graphics you will see should be the BIOS setup or POST screens.

if not there maybe a problem with your board

Was reading my asrock box, does say the mobo has internal graphics

So Do You Think It Should Show A Bios Now?

So Do You Think It Should Show A Bios Now?

it should well do provided you have set up your cabling between your monitor and PC. i dont know what BIOS you have but usually you press either DEL or F2 to enter setup. look at what the PC tells you and what your manual tells you. this is the best way to learn about your PC and its capabilities. never be scared to investigate. :)

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