hey friends i got this blue screen error of death jst at the start of

windows xp media center loading---stop:0x0000007e

(0xc0000005,0xf887018e,0xf8918748,0xf8918444)..my hp pavilion dv2000

had been affected by many blue errors which were cured bt can sum1 help

me through dis plzzzzz..panda av 2008 detected many spyware on my pc

which i deleted...actually i have 2 windows..media center is now

showing blue screen error..bt xp pro is running..so help me what can i

do to get away from dis blue screen error............thnx in advance

Hi welcome to daniweb,
Various conditions are usually the cause of this error.
This link gives various reasons and you should check out all of them;


The possible causes given are these;

If this issue occurs after the first restart during Windows Setup, or after the Setup program is finished, the computer may not have sufficient hard disk space to run Windows.

If this issue occurs after the first restart during Windows Setup, or after Setup is complete, the computer BIOS may be incompatible with Windows.

Incompatible video adapter drivers.

A damaged device driver or system service.

If the issue is associated with the Win32k.sys file, it may be caused by a third-party remote control program.

i hav read dos instructions..but y main problem is that icant even open my windows..blue screen comes when windows starts..

Have you tried a Safe Boot?
Using the F8 Method

1. Restart your computer.
2. When the machine first starts again it will generally list some equipment that is installed in your machine, amount of memory, hard drives installed etc. At this point you should gently tap the F8 key repeatedly until you are presented with a Windows XP Advanced Options menu.
3. Select the option for Safe Mode using the arrow keys.
4. Then press enter on your keyboard to boot into Safe Mode.

I'm sorry, did you power off the system and turn it back on, did you reboot, or did the blue screen happen spontaneously? One of the things I've found is that lots of these blue screens are bogus, just designed to scare you. If you hit the space bar and the BSOD goes away and you're back in Windows, the problem is not so bad

Aaah the blue screen of death

In my experience I have found that a corruption from either spyware, adware or virus removal can do this, you said that Panda found loads of problems. The software could have removed a windows system file.

To try solve this, boot your PC from the boot cd, at the Welcome to setup screen, select R to use the recovery console, at the prompt type chkdsk /r this will try fix problems on the PC, if after this has run and you still have the error you might need to rerun the install but just select the repair option when it tells you you have got an OS already installed but it is corrupt, unless you do a full re-install including a format it should keep all your data intact.

Hope this helps

safe mode dont work ..same error at start up again...stop:0x0000007e(0xc0000005,0xf887018e,0xf8918748,0xf8918444)...cant start windows

Aaah the blue screen of death

In my experience I have found that a corruption from either spyware, adware or virus removal can do this, you said that Panda found loads of problems. The software could have removed a windows system file.

To try solve this, boot your PC from the boot cd, at the Welcome to setup screen, select R to use the recovery console, at the prompt type chkdsk /r this will try fix problems on the PC, if after this has run and you still have the error you might need to rerun the install but just select the repair option when it tells you you have got an OS already installed but it is corrupt, unless you do a full re-install including a format it should keep all your data intact.

Hope this helps

to remind you my problem has occured before da removal of these spywares & viruses..i also dont have boot cd xp..can you guide me in sum othr way friend

I'm sorry, did you power off the system and turn it back on, did you reboot, or did the blue screen happen spontaneously? One of the things I've found is that lots of these blue screens are bogus, just designed to scare you. If you hit the space bar and the BSOD goes away and you're back in Windows, the problem is not so bad

hey buddy ..your method of pressing space on blue screen error didnt helped..sum other guide plzz....

Hi again gauravsolified

Without the boot disk you are stuck, see if you can beg borrow or steal ;) a copy to reun the repair, from what you just said looks like that is the only way you are going to get this fixed.

Sorry I cant be of more help

Hi again gauravsolified

Without the boot disk you are stuck, see if you can beg borrow or steal ;) a copy to reun the repair, from what you just said looks like that is the only way you are going to get this fixed.

Sorry I cant be of more help

thanx buddy
but iwanna know if could fix problems from reg cleaner,,m running xp pro working & da problem is in xp media center..can reg cleaner help?? n also i have iso of xp media center
..can i boot through usb 1gb kingston???

can reg cleaner help

Leave registry cleaners out of this. If you cannot boot to the operating system then a registry cleaner isn't going to work. Registry cleaners can be dangerous anyway so they are best avoided unless advised to use.

You are probably going to have to reformat and load windows again, I'm affraid, but if you don't have a disk or a recovery partition, you will have to take it to a proffessional. Just make sure you provide a valid COA. Sorry...

You will need the full disk for all the recovery options. Unless you made a boot disk at some point you will need the original with licence - If you can get hold of a disk the repair option will be best. As one of the other posters said - forget registry tools they can do more harm then good unless you know what you are doing. Unfortunatly if you cannot boot to safe mode or F8 to boot last known good at the very least you will to repair your windows install

I suppose if you have ghost on the flash drive, you could boot to USB and reload the image, but if you don't have a boot record on the flash drive, or on a floppy, or the Ultra ISO, the image does you no good. One thing you might consider, if it's files you're after, is creating and using a live boot cd. You can get one at www.knopper.net/knoppix-mirrors/index-en.html . burn it to a CD, run it, and copy your files to your flash drive. If you just need to get Windows working and you don't have/can't get a disk, then I still say you should go to a local computer shop or call the manufacturer for a recovery disk.

ok guyz i repaired using my xp media center by boot disk...which was going ok but in b\w installing windows procedure dis error occur
stop:0x0000007e (0xc0000005,0xf89c318e,0xf8a47740,0xf8a4743c)
hpqkbfiltr.sys -addres f89c318e base at f89c0000,
date stamp 46770333

begining dump of physical memory
physical memory dump complete

so wat should i do now

Looks like a full format and re-install now. If you tried to repair and that fails - format and re-install.

k thnx i will choose the last option...new installation of xp ..thnx for suggestion

problem become big now..i installed 2nd os win xp sp2,installed alwil avast av on it ,after update it detected many viruses,spywaes in SVI(system volume information) folder which is the most infected folder n vunrable to viruses...now with "super antispyware & true sword spyware remover"" they removed more
viruses in boot drives..then i thought windows would be ok but when i started my newly insatlled window boot ..blue screen error occur on windows xp loading screen """stop:0x0000007e
(0xc0000005,0xf887018e,0xf8918748,0xf8918444)"".....anyone with solution???
i think alwil av has removed the system files from it..now can anyone tell me what is causing this error n how to repair it without boot cd xp sp2

Did you actually reformat the computer or just install Windows XP "on top of" Windows XP
This error can be caused by any of the following as noted on the Microsoft website;

• If this issue occurs after the first restart during Windows Setup, or after the Setup program is finished, the computer may not have sufficient hard disk space to run Windows.
• If this issue occurs after the first restart during Windows Setup, or after Setup is complete, the computer BIOS may be incompatible with Windows.
• Incompatible video adapter drivers.
• A damaged device driver or system service.
• If the issue is associated with the Win32k.sys file, it may be caused by a third-party remote control program.

To do a reformat and have all these items appear on the computer makes me wonder if either a full reformat/reinstall was done, which should have wiped the drive and taken it back to how it came from the factory or if it was just a repair install which left some nasty items on the computer to leap forward again. OR the programs downloaded were not from the home web sites but shared programs containing infection.

true sword spyware remover

Did you PURCHASE this program? If not then where did you get it? Where did you get the avast av program? Did you download it from the program makers website?
If so why didn't you instead follow the steps given HERE?

I agree, and have to wonder if you did a full format and reinstall with a valiid Windows disk. If so, then there is either a problem with a device attatched to your system, perhaps a NIC or a modem, or something is wrong with your BIOS. If you did not completely format the drive, you may have blown up a system file, or you may still be fighting spyware. Perhaps you tried a non-destructive recovery?

because of problems i 1st mentioned in this thread, i installed a new xp in d drive then i install antiviruse(above) on it then many viruses on c: found,c drive already had a operating system working,but after deleting those junki viruses system gave error on staring xp c:--stop:0x0000007e(0xc0000005,0xf89e618e,oxf8b1e850,0xf8b1e54c) ,now what should i do to repair this c windows ---i hope you got my point

I think it is a driver not compatible problem,
You can try to clean your registry.
here is a program which can help you fix blue screen,

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