when I googled a supermarket website, I was then prompted to a "warning" which was trying to take me to Antivurus.2009. livescan (I'm not putting in exact address as I don't want anyone else to click on it) I can give you te specifics if you need it. Can I block this address? Can a mac get this virus? Is theer anywhere I can go to remove this from happening again?

Is there a way I can just restore my system back a couple of days before this happened without using a disc? If I do need a disc, can you just tell me the details either way. Everything is running fine, but this has me worried. I thought you could net get a virus on a MAc.

Thanks in advance for any advice/directions.

It sounds like you experienced a web browser (Safari, Opera or FireFox) pop-up window crafted to look like a virus alert.

If you clicked on the crafted window and were taken to a scary website, then it is possible you were infected.

No operating system is immune to viruses, rootkits or spyware.

Your first step is to determine whether or not you are infected. Hopefully someone can post a link or two to real anti-virus vendors. (there have been a wave of fake anti-virus companies and programs)

I spent an hour or two with ClamXAV today after your post.

You can find it here: http://www.clamxav.com/index.php?page=dl

It scanned my system. It uses ClamAV and updates the virus definitions.

Seems a typical anti-virus tool. It has some neat settings and a Finder plug-in.

Chances are, if you didn't download/install anything from those sites you should be fine. However, it wouldn't hurt to run a virus checker through your system just to be sure (use ClamXav like Stylish recommended).


Today I went to the Apple Store and brought my Mac. They checked it and I showed them what I googled and how I was redirected. When we went straight to the site it was fine.
They said that sight is made to look like a Windows Security site, but that MAC's are encrypted and it can't access anything, so basically there is no virus or spyware from it in this case. (As John A stated below--thanks!)

Just wanted to give an update so others with Mac's can rest easy too.

It's not really that MAC's are encrypted it is that inorder for it to work you would have had to download it and then put in your password to install it, because anything that is going to install strange files into the file system needs your permission to do so. Also if i remember correctly that antivirus2009 virus only affects windows as it is a (.exe) executable. The only possible way for it to affect your mac is if you went to it in a boot camp install of windows or you were went to the site in a windows VM.

thanks for the the antivirus



when I googled a supermarket website, I was then prompted to a "warning" which was trying to take me to Antivurus.2009. livescan (I'm not putting in exact address as I don't want anyone else to click on it) I can give you te specifics if you need it. Can I block this address? Can a mac get this virus? Is theer anywhere I can go to remove this from happening again?

Is there a way I can just restore my system back a couple of days before this happened without using a disc? If I do need a disc, can you just tell me the details either way. Everything is running fine, but this has me worried. I thought you could net get a virus on a MAc.

Thanks in advance for any advice/directions.


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